Investment Executive
For those who work in the financial and investment industries.
25 Sheppard Ave. W., Ste. 100
Toronto, ON
M2N 6S7
Phone: 416-733-7600
FAX: 416-218-3544
E-Mail: editorial@investmentexecutive.comWebsite: http://www.investmentexecutive.comPublisher: Sylvain Bedard
Owner: Transcontinental Media
Circulation: 48845
Subscription: $60.00
Extra Data: Published 16 times/year.
FAX: 416-218-3624
Tracy Lemay, Managing Editor
Phone: x.4238
E-Mail: tlemay@investmentexecutive.comTessa Wilmott, Assoc.Publisher and Editor-In-Chief
Phone: x.3588
E-Mail: twilmott@investmentexecutive.comSubject Headings: