Canine Review
CR is dedicated to reporting on the competitive purebred dog. Covering conformation, obedience and a variety of other sports that purebreds do. We also support junior handlers by reporting their activities, and printing the annual yearbook to celebrate their accomplishments. Our website reports the winners of each dog show held across Canada on a weekly basis. Keep track of Canada's top show and obedience dogs.
1511 Highfield Crescent SE, Suite 22
Calgary, AB
T2G 5M4
Phone: 403-236-0557 866-236-0557
FAX: 403-236-3271
Website: http://www.canine-review.comPublisher: Merla Thompson
Owner: Xciting Ideas 2000 Ltd.
Circulation: 1500
Subscription: $51.00
Frequency: 10/year
Karen Black, Editor
Phone: 877-811-3699
E-Mail: editor@canine-review.comSubject Headings: