A wide array of fine arts programming, balancing longer-form structured shows and shorter pieces. It concentrates on the arts, including; music, ballet, literature, drama, visual arts, modern dance, opera and architecture, from Canada and around the world.
299 Queen St. W.
Toronto, ON
M5V 2Z5
Phone: 416-591-7400 416-340-7207
E-Mail: bravomail@bravo.caWebsite: http://www.bravo.caOwner: Bell Media
Circulation: 5267325
Isme Bennie, Director of Programming
Patrick Bonaldi, Creative Director
Judy Gladstone, Bravo!FACT Executive Director
Paul Gratton, VP, Entertainment Specialty Channels
John Gunn, Director of Production
Jennifer Lo, Communications Manager
Moses Znaimer, Executive Producer
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