Political, social and cultural commentary.
320 - 23 Ave. S.W., Ste. 208
Calgary, AB
T2S 0J2
Phone: 403-243-5334 877-212-5334
FAX: 403-243-8599
E-Mail: avadmin@albertaviews.ab.caWebsite: http://www.albertaviews.ab.caPublisher: Beth Ed
Owner: AlbertaViews Ltd.
Circulation: 35857
Subscription: $25.68
Frequency: 8/year
Extra Data: Alberta Views is the must-read magazine for the people who are shaping the new Alberta. Innovators in politics, education, industry, public service and the arts share and discover fresh perspectives in our in-depth analysis of everything relevant to the public interest of Albertans. Recognized for its editorial excellence, Alberta Views is one of the most respected publications in Canada, and has won Magazine of the Year and both the National and Western Magazine Awards. Right now no other province is as complex, vibrant and creative as Alberta, and no magazine covers it like Alberta Views. May 1, 2014
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