CovertAction Magazine
Twenty-eighteen was the 40th anniversary of the founding of Covert Action Publications, Inc. and the publication CovertAction Information Bulletin (CAIB), later to be named CovertAction Quarterly (CAQ). Former writers and publishers of CAIB and CAQ have relaunched as CovertAction Magazine (CAM).
The relaunch team is headed up by the co-founder, publisher and writer, Louis Wolf, as well as our tried and true investigative journalists, professors, organizers, funders, proofreaders and legal representation. The expanded team includes Chris Agee, William Blum, Jack Colhoun, Michel Chossudovsky, Mark Cook, Jennifer Harbury, Bill Montross, Immanuel Ness, James Petras, Karen Ranucci, Stephanie Reich, Hobart Spalding, Victor Wallis and Melvin L. Wulf, all of whom worked with, and/or wrote for, the magazine in the past.
55 Gerard Street, Suite 1323
Huntington, NY 11743,
Phone: (347) 967-5038
Owner: Covert Action Publications, Inc.
Subscription: $25.00
Frequency: 4/year
Extra Data: A physical collection of copies of CovertAction Magazine is housed in the Connexions Archive in Toronto.
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