Abilities Magazine
Articles and resources providing information, inspiration and opportunities for people with disabilities, their families, friends, and professionals.
255 Duncan Mill Road Suite 803
Toronto, ON
M3B 3H9
Phone: 416-421-7944
FAX: 476-421-8418
E-Mail: abilities@bcsgroup.com
Website: www.abilities.ca
Publisher: Canadian Abilities Foundation
Circulation: 60000
Subscription: $12.00
Frequency: 4/year
Extra Data: Canadian Abilities Foundation
At the Canadian Abilities Foundation, we envision an inclusive, universally accessible society, where all people belong and are valued.
The Canadian Abilities Foundation convenes a forum for the exchange of information to promote an inclusive society and provide inspiration and opportunity for people with disabilities
The Canadian Abilities Foundation (CAF) is a registered Canadian charity. CAF was founded in 1986 and has since been a national leader and partner with other organizations and governments on various projects related to disability and communications. CAF project funding comes from governments, charitable foundations, and corporate partnerships. Other operating revenues come from advertising, subscriptions and product sales. CAF is a model social enterprise, and serves as a living example to organizations and coalitions directing their energies towards self-sufficiency and pursuit of the public good.
We publish Abilities, Canada#s Lifestyle Magazine for people with disabilities, with a readership of about 60,000. We have also published numerous books and directories related to disability.
CAF#s on-line presence, www.abilities.ca , links people with disabilities to a world of resources. For many people with disabilities, online access is the key to finding the information they need. It is a fully accessible online centre for developing communities of interest, complete with over twenty years# worth of resources and connections.
Our online portal, Access Guide Canada, provides a detailed look at accessibility across Canada. Access Guide Canada is offered as a public resource, under the stewardship of CAF. Over 1,200 volunteers have assisted in developing more than 17,000 listings of accessible places and facilities spread over 2000 communities in Canada. The list continues to grow through awareness campaigns and partnerships. It holds information on a range of destinations, including businesses, services, lodgings, attractions, restaurants, places of worship and recreation. The ultimate goal of Access Guide Canada is a Canada where accessibility is universal and Access Guide Canada is no longer needed.
CAF curates the Directory of Disability Organizations in Canada, with free listings for all disability organizations.
CAF is a member of a national coalition in conjunction with Easter Seals and several other corporate partners, including Cineplex Entertainment, to offer the Access 2 EntertainmentTM card, which provides free admission (or a significant discount) for support persons accompanying a person with a disability at movie theatres across Canada.
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