Signalling Your Social Media Intentions
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Signalling Your Social Media Intentions

January 12, 2012

Toronto, January 11th, 2012 - The language of vehicles is something we all assume is universal. It is designed to share the driver's intent with other vehicles on the road: signaling, honking, and flashing are all parts of this language. We assume that our own understanding of these signals is what other drivers understand. This is an assumption and not always accurate - especially with the 'honk'. This communication assumption is found in other arenas as well, namely social media.

"The question to ask is 'are you aware of the signals in the world of social media?" says Randall Craig, Social Media and Web Strategist, "Or are you oblivious to them? Each social media community has developed it?s own signals, sometimes quite distinct." Language such as Linking, Retweeting, Repin, Thanks for the RT, Following, Following back, Unfollowing, Digg, Tagging and others - they all mean something to the ?locals?.

Craig adds, "The only way to discover the signals is to spend time ?traveling? in each social media venue, learning to feel comfortable ? and becoming more sensitive to ? the signals around you." Yes, learning from others is important ? and there is no substitute for experiencing the signals first-hand.

Are you and your organization sending the right signals when you?re using Social Media? Perhaps blowing your own horn a bit too loudly? Or perhaps you may not be aware of the nuances of each site? It may be of benefit to spend enough time in your most important social media community to become aware of ? and comfortable with ? the local signals.


Since 1994, Randall Craig has been advising on web and social media strategy. He is the author of six books including the Online PR and Social Media series. For more information about Randall Craig visit

For more information contact:

Randall Craig
416.256.7773 x101 /

Carolyn Bergshoeff
416.256.7773 x 103 /

For more information contact:
Randall Craig
Pinetree Advisors Inc.
Phone: 416-256-7773 x101

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Randall Craig, Social Media and Networking Expert


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