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Refocused American Chamber of Commerce Taking its Social Cues from New Digital Agency

July 3, 2012

The American Chamber of Commerce in Canada (AmCham Canada) - Ontario Chapter - has selected SocialCues to partner with and undertake a comprehensive social engagement strategy to grow the organization. AmCham Ontario is pleased to announce The SocialCues, a digital media and social engagement firm as its digital agency partner. With the Toronto-based agency on board, AmCham Ontario is now primed to establish their vision of being a vibrant part of a connected network, complete with an active membership community across Canada, the United States, and around the world. SocialCues' deep business-to-business expertise leading multi-channel digital strategies were key factors in the decision.

"AmCham was seeking a strategic partner to help create a comprehensive digital and social engagement strategy across various digital platforms, channels and devices," said Rob Landsmann, Communications Director, AmCham Ontario. "SocialCues brings a breadth and depth of expertise in social media and they presented tremendously innovative ideas backed by analytics," he added.

AmCham is a classic American brand with clear values and a global corporate following that sets the pace for the commerce related association industry. For over a decade, AmCham Canada has met the needs of cross-border business executives in Canada and in the US. AmCham Ontario is devoted to meeting the needs of senior executives and business professionals with the most innovative events and robust business building opportunities available.

"AmCham Ontario's decision to work with SocialCues will empower the chapter's leadership team with the ability to truly engage with current and prospective members," says Patrick Lewin, CEO, SocialCues. "AmCham Ontario will become a known quantity when organizations are considering who best to assist them with their cross-border growth aspirations."

"As an all volunteer organization, we are delighted with the SocialCues partnership," said Daintry Springer, Chapter Chair, AmCham Ontario. "Our members will benefit from over 14 years of digital experience the firm brings to help the organization leverage digital technology bringing the brand to life online, and increasing member engagement."

For more information contact:
Daintry Springer
Chapter Chair
AmCham Canada Ontario Region
Phone: 416-880-8711

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