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Blowing Your Own Horn!

By Cathleen Fillmore

The best possible way to promote your business is to launch your own public relations campaign. And that’s not as difficult as it may seem.

An excellent way to get your name out there is to write for publication and to speak to a variety of carefully targeted groups.

This not only increases your name recognition, it gives you added credibility and multiplies your networking connections.

Decide which publications you want to target and start from the top by studying a sample copy of the periodical you’d most like to write for. Determine how long the articles are, what the general slant is, who advertises in the magazine, and what the reader profile is. If you phone the editorial office, you can often get an editorial schedule for the coming year and that will help you fit your proposed article into the magazine’s line-up.

Once you have a good solid proposal, send a query to the editor.

Articles are not simply self promotion, they have to provide a solid benefit for the reader. You can, however, often get a small photo of yourself scanned in at the beginning or end of the article and contact information at the end or at least an E-mail address.

If your business depends on local traffic, offer to write a weekly or monthly column for the local newspaper. It doesn’t have to be about your business as long as it’s relevant to your target market and has your contact information at the end.

Publishing and distributing your own newsletter is an excellent way to reach potential clients and/or customers and keep your name in front of them.

Keep all your published articles and slowly build up a portfolio to be included in your promotional package.

As for speaking, a good place to start if you’re inexperienced, is a service club such as Rotary. Let everyone know that you’re available for speaking engagements. Offer to speak at your organization’s regular meeting or next convention. Check the business section of the newspaper for upcoming events and meetings where your expertise would be welcomed. Trade magazines often have a section at the back where upcoming events are announced with contact information. Call and offer your services as a speaker. These events need lots of lead time so if you’re too late for this year, inquire about the next year’s event.

Cathleen Fillmore is publisher of Speakers Gold marketing newsletter and has published over 70 articles. If you’d like an in-depth version of this report, call 416-466-6540 or E-mail Check out her listing in Sources.

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