- Acharya, Madhavi: Net's one place to go when you need to know
Use the Internet to find information - but don't use it as your only source, and don't automatically trust everything you read.
- Bender, Peter Urs: Don't neglect your presentation skills
Do not wait until you are about to present. It's not worth the stress, or to risk looking like a fool. Take time to prepare.
- Bender, Peter Urs: Secrets of a worthwhile presentation
Preparation is the key to a successful presentation.
- Bender, Peter Urs: Seven golden rules for more effective speaking
Tips to be a more powerful, memorable and successful speaker.
- Bender, Peter Urs: 7 Tips for Effective Speeches
How to make your speeches more effective.
- Bennett, Steve: How Embarassing when your messages unravel
The Emperor's New Speak Analyze your messages to make sure their will hold up to critical scrutiny.
- Bennett, Steve: Oh, the Mistakes Spokespeople Make: Ten Sure-Fire Ways to Blow an Interview
Mistakes to avoid when being interviewed by the media.
- Bennett, Steve: When Bad Things Happen to Good Spokespeople: Handling Tough Interviews
How to handle problems that arise in a media interview.
- Berlatsky, Noah: Hashtag Activism Isn't a Cop-Out
Using twitter is not just 'lazy activism'. It projects the voices of the small and it shows governments what the people truely support.
- Bonner, Allan: Keeping Current
With a blog, a piece in the Globe or an appearance on a cable show that only two percent of the population watches, you can get a bounce or multiplier effect. Mainstream networks and cable news shows are reading blogs on the air to viewers, thus giving them legs.
- Bonner, Allan: Meeting the Media Face-to-Face
What to do when a reporter calls or when meeting the media face to face.
- Bonner, Allan: Top Ten Questions to Ask When a Reporter Calls You
When you're respoding to a reporter's call, take time to think and ask yourself these questions.
- Bonner, Allan: Top Ten Strategies for Appearing on a TV Talk Show
Prepare yourself to appear on a TV talk show.
- Bonner, Allan: Top Ten Things to do Before a Radio Talk Show
Be prepared when you go on a talk show.
- Bonner, Dr. Allan: Top Ten Misconceptions About the Media
- Bonner, Dr. Allan: Top Ten Rules of Crisis Management
- Bonner, Dr. Allan: Top Ten Rules of Risk Communication
- Bonner, Dr. Allan: Top Ten Strategies for an Appearance in Front of an Editorial Board
- Brunger, Karen: Public Speaking: Overcoming The Fear
Tips for overcoming anxiety.
- Bucaro, Leanne: Creating your Key Messages - Part One
Key messages are phrases of different lengths that provide a description of your company in very succinct understandable terms.
- Bucaro, Leanne: Creating your Key Messages - Part Two
Nobody knows your business better than you - so you, as the business owner or CEO, are in the best position to develop or lead the project to develop the key messages for your company.
- Bucaro, Leanne: How To Get Personality Into Your Growing Business
Most people associate the word personality with individuals. But businesses can have personalities too, and the image and feeling of a more distinctive business are likely to remain with customers.
- Bucaro, Leanne: Managing your Brand in an Insecure World
Brand value is determined in part by your brand and related company activities such as public relations, customer service experiences, as well as successes and failures in the market.
- Bucaro, Leanne: Pitching the Media
When pitching a story idea to a reporter, remember that they don't really care. Your job is to make them care. A well thought-out, concise pitch will ensure you don't strike out.
- Bucaro, Leanne: So why PR?
Public Relations (PR) includes on-going activities to ensure that a company has a strong public image. PR activities include helping the public to understand the company and its products.
- Bucaro, Leanne: Starting your PR Plan
It doesn't matter if you are "Joe's Bike Shop" or a multi-national conglomerate - almost every business has a story to tell. It is never too early to start a PR Plan.
- Bucaro, Leanne: Using Social Media To Build Your Brand
Social media is the fastest growing medium to market your product and communicate with your audience. And when it comes to branding your product it just might be the simplest and cheapest way to create awareness to potential clients.
- Bucaro, Leanne: Using Trade Shows As A PR Opportunity
Trade shows are a wonderful opportunity to enhance your brand. Every chance you get to be in front of your target audience and/or the media is a great opportunity.
- Carney, William Wray: Advice on Hiring a Media Trainer
Media training is highly recommended for any media spokesperson, whether a novice or a veteran.
- Carney, William Wray: In Times of Crisis
As anyone facing a crowded room of reporters during an emergency will tell you, effective crisis communications is paramount in overcoming the predicament.
- Carney, William Wray: Video News Releases
Video News Releases (VNRs) are just that: broadcast-quality videos intended for release to television stations. They typically contain a "story" in television format, complete with reporter, just as a news release imitates a news story.
- Carney, William Wray: What Makes a Good Story?
What makes a story interesting is often a combination of the interests of the audience, the interests and abilities of the reporter, and a long history of journalistic tradition.
- Carroll, Jim: Use Internet as public relations tool
Establish an online presence to complement your other PR tools.
- Carroll, Jim; Broadhead, Rick: Get a Digital Life
An Internet Reality Check
- Charvet, Shelle Rose: Words That Work
Despite sea change in customer attitudes, companies are still talking down to their clientele. All it takes is a subtle shift in your marketing language to produce noticeable results.
- Coburn, Jean: Media Exposure
Promoting your magazine on a shoestring.
- Coburn, Jean: Review: Your Guide to Public Speaking
A no-nonsense guide to public speaking.
- Coburn, Jean: A Step-by-Step Guide to Being a Successful Consultant
A practical guide to becoming a successful consultant.
- Cowan, Kirsten: Caveat Surfer: Beware When Using Electronic Communication
Points about electronic communication and online security.
- Cowan, Kirsten: HotLink Resource Shelf: Going for Gold!
Review of Going for Gold, a book on marketing strategies for speakers.
- Cowan, Kirsten: The Princess and the Press
How to write a news release that will make you the belle of the ball Your relationship with the press might not be a fairy tale, but it definitely doesn't have to be horror story: How to write a news release that will make you the belle of the ball.
- Cowan, Kirsten: Review: Leadership from within
An outline of skills and leadership techniques.
- Cowan, Kirsten: Review: Secrets of Power Marketing
A lively book, with a streak of practicality that reveals itself in an impatience with hoity-toity notions of marketing that have little impact on the bottom line.
- Cowan, Kirsten: What Does a Reporter Want?
What does a reporter what when they interview you?
- Czarnecki, Al: Business Continuity and Crisis Preparedness
- Czarnecki, Al: Crisis Communications
Being prepared for a crisis is second best only to avoiding one altogether.
- Czarnecki, Al: Going to the Public -- Ten public speaking tips
Advice on effective public speaking.
- Czarnecki, Al: Learning how to live with editors
Pay attention to editorial fit, readership relevance, and good writing.
- Department of Agricultural Education and Communication: Getting Out the News
A short guide on developing a media relations strategy.
- Diemer, Ulli: Communicating Effectively Through Your Association Newsletter
An effective newsletter is one that meets your readers' needs and interests.
- Diemer, Ulli: Don't Forget to Write
Writing letters to the editor is an effective way of getting publicity for your point of view.
- Diemer, Ulli: Don't forget to write
Writing letters to the editor is an effective way of getting publicity for your point of view.
- Diemer, Ulli: Frequently Asked Questions about the Sources Subject Index
A careful choice of subject headings pays off in leading journalists to you when they need your expertise.
- Diemer, Ulli: Get the Internet working for you
Develop an online strategy A Web site works best when it is integrated into a co-ordinated communications strategy.
- Diemer, Ulli: Grassroots media relations
A short introduction to media relations strategies for activist groups A media relations guide for organizers and activists.
- Diemer, Ulli: Helping journalists finds you: Getting the most from the Subject Index
A careful choice of subject headings pays off in leading journalists to you when they need your expertise.
- Diemer, Ulli: Valuable Clues to Finding What You Need to Know
Review of books about online research.
- Diemer, Ulli (ed.): Expose Yourself!
A booklet about effective media relations, providing practical advice about getting media coverage and relating to the media.
- Diemer, Ulli (ed.): Speaking to the Media
A special report from Sources with articles from The Sources HotLink Being seen, heard, and quoted in the media is perhaps the quickest, best, and most lasting way for a speaker to become better known and more sought after. This booklet offers advice on handling media calls and interviews well.
- DiSilvestro, Amanda: How to Find Harmony with Power Bloggers
The presence and power of bloggers is growing exponentially. They already have a larger online presence than traditional media. This guide will teach readers how to capitalize on the new media platform.
- Douglas, Ann: Why I Am Listed in Sources
Over the years, I have turned to Sources time and time again to track down experts to interview for whatever newspaper or magazine article I happened to be researching at the time. So when the time came for me to position myself as an expert it was immediately obvious to me what I had to do: take out a listing in Sources.
- Dunn, Ross: Dropped Search Engine Rankings Caused by Duplication
Duplicate content can and will negatively affect search engine rankings.
- Dunn, Ross: Is Your Website Search Engine Friendly?
Your Personal Checklist When I sit down with new clients and discuss the status of their new or existing site they are often shocked when I am forced to inform them that their site is not search engine friendly.
- Earle, Richard: Thriving in hyerchange: A study in personal stress control
Occasional changes, in work or personal life, are exhilarating and challenging. Past that point, rapid, unpredictable change is simply wearing and stressful.
- Fenske, Lynn: The Eight Best Books for Publicity Seekers
For those of you pursuing and perfecting the fine art of getting publicity, here's a list of books you can't live without.
- Fenske, Lynn: HotLink Resouce Shelf: In the News
Review of a book on media relations in Canada.
- Fenske, Lynn: HotLink Resource Shelf #27 - The Art of the Handwritten Note
Review of a book about handwritten notes.
- Fenske, Lynn: HotLink Resource Shelf #30
Start by accepting the fact that the media moves faster than you do, so be prepared. Always.
- Fenske, Lynn: HotLink Resource Shelf: The Art of Cause Marketing
Review of a book on how to use advertising to change personal behaviour and public policy.
- Fenske, Lynn: In Print: Maximizing Coverage in Community Newspapers
How to get coverage in community newspapers.
- Fenske, Lynn: Is Your Web Site Media Friendly?
How to make your Web site media-friendly.
- Fenske, Lynn: Maximizing Coverage of Charity Activities in Community Newspapers
When it comes to getting coverage in the local newspaper, presentation is paramount. Tto maximize your profile and get your story or event covered, give the newspaper what it wants, when it wants it.
- Fenske, Lynn: New on the Bookshelf
Reviews of recent books on publicity and media relations.
- Fenske, Lynn: Put it in writing
Top five tips for writing press releases.
- Fenske, Lynn: There's no such thing as a slow news day
The news media are always looking for news.
- Fenske, Lynn: Top Ten List of Media Relations
Top ten recommendations for becoming (and remaining) media friendly:
- Fillmore, Cathleen: The Benefits of Professional Speaking
No matter how good you are, you'll still have something to learn or some new set of skills to acquire.
- Fillmore, Cathleen: Blowing Your Own Horn!
Launching your own public relations campaign.
- Fillmore, Cathleen: Flying High: 5 Sure Ways to Get Your Business Soaring
Know your audience, know your message, be clear and consistent in that message, then develop a strategy and execute it.
- Fillmore, Cathleen: Gain Clients (and Earn Money) By Speaking Engagements
One of the best way to get new clients is by speaking to organizations. There's something about the immediacy of being in front of people that has great spin-off benefits. So whether you do it for the fees or for the contacts or both, you really can't lose.
- Fillmore, Cathleen: Professional Speakers: Create Brilliant Marketing Material
Speakers really find it difficult to talk about themselves in glowing terms but that's exactly what you need to do. Put your words on paper in a way that really reflects your brilliance.
- Fillmore, Cathleen: Professional Speakers: To Market, To Market!
Your positioning defines your market. Once you've decided on exactly what you stand for, you are now clear about who wants to hear you speak.
- Fillmore, Cathleen: Professional Speakers: What's on Your Menu of Services?
As a professional speaker, you need to offer more than simply a keynote or two to your clients. But you don't want to offer so many different things in different forms that you confuse your client.
- Fillmore, Cathleen: 6 Keys to Becoming a Six Figure Speaker
Rather than ask what the hot topics are, ask yourself what you want to say and then find the fit you're looking for.
- Fillmore, Cathleen: Smooth Talking! Explore the Paid Speaking Market
Becoming a professional speaker.
- Fillmore, Cathleen: Why Buyers Don't Choose You
Positioning is basically how you differentiate yourself in the marketplace. The most powerful positioning addresses your prospects' (often unspoken) needs. It appeals to the emotions first, then the intellect.
- Fillmore, Nick: Canwest latest 'media giant' to exploit news operations
Media corporations claim to care about quality journalism, but they've deceived Canadians for decades -- censoring news to protect their profits, pandering to the interests of the corporate world, and neglecting to invest adequately in their news operations. For decades powerful media corporations have decided what news Canadians should read, hear, and see. By reading just about any Canadian daily newspaper it's not hard to see how the values of corporate-owned media are quite different from the values and interests of the majority of Canadians.
- Fillmore, Nick: Funding for Non-profit Media or Public Interest Activities
Part 7 of 7 - Canada's Media in Crisis A group that launches, or even refocuses, an independent news media project - or raises money for just about any public-interest activity - will probably have success in fundraising if it does the proper research and targets a unique audience. It will need to demonstrate that it offers an important public service, such as providing in-depth coverage of local political, economic, and social issues not covered adequately by other media.
- Freeman, Cameron: Guerrilla Tactics for Maximizing the Results of Your Media Campaign
Strategy and tactics for successful media campaigns.
- Friedman, Marsha: How to be a Print Reporter's Best Pick
Understanding a journalist's needs means you can change your behaviour to grab thier attention.
- Friedman, Marsha: What is a 3-D Public Relations Campaign?
What was a 3-D marketing model must now become a 4-D model to corporate social media. This is how you crate an effective 4-D marketing campaign
- Friedman, Marsha: Why Getting on a Show is So Important
As people continue to hate advertisements and as the ability to skip thse advertisements become more acessible, companies are shifting thier advertising udget towards talk shows. Here's how to do it.
- Friesen, Carl: Media Relations as a Marketing Tool
The first step to getting media attention is to make sure that reporters know about you.
- Gago, Osvaldo: Notes on digital activism
A list of several ways for activists to use the internet to promote their cause. Topics include search engine optimization, analytics and online advertising.
- Gallagher, Kevin: Fascinating insights on political communications
Book Review of 'Political Columns: Behind the Scenes with Powerful People' Bonner approaches each subject, some as a scientist, as he does when examining the first televised debate between Nixon and Kennedy, but ultimately as an artist who knows that there is much more to communication than the mechanics. He knows how to deliver a clear message and to make it believable.
- Gardyne, Allan: The Formula: How To Make A Video Go Viral
Many people fail to realize that Youtube is also a social media platform. You use videos to get your message out and you read comments to get feedback and consumer interactivity.
- Graham, Barbara Florio: Letters to the Editor
The Letters page is one of the most popular sections of any newspaper, and is therefore an ideal way to keep your name and your core message in front of the public.
- Graham, Barbara Florio: Media Relations - Behaviours Unbecoming
What NOT to do when dealing with the media.
- Graham, Barbara Florio: Schedule a Photo Shoot
Snapshots taken by friends or family are fine for most purposes, but when you need a professional portrait to use on your website, in your promotional materials or for the back cover of your book, you need to hire a professional.
- Graham, Barbara Florio: Secrets from a Top Sales Exec
Marketing your business, product or yourself is like any other type of sales.
- Graham, Barbara Florio: Website Woes: Are you making these mistakes?
Even the most simple website can be difficult to navigate, and I'm regularly frustrated by sites hosted by major media or large corporations that are annoying for one reason or another.
- Graham, Barbara Florio: When to Contact the Media
Advice on when to contact the media.
- Graham, Barbara Florio: Why Publicity Sometimes Fails
You've done everything you can think of to publicize your new product launch, event, or small business. But nothing seems to work. Barbara Florio Graham explains why.
- Greer, Jon: How to Pitch the Media
Journalists hate dealing with media pitches. The more often they receive them, the more annoyed they get. This article teaches three effective means of pitching news topics to media sources.
- Hass, Dick: The Benefits of Reaching the Media
The benefits of being listed in Sources.
- Hilder, Yvonne: Getting the Most from Interviews
Tips from a pro for getting the most from media interviews.
- Hilder, Yvonne: Tips for Getting the most from E-mail
The E-mail I receive from journalists seeking assistance with their research and from organizations listed with Sources is often puzzling. Many messages are unaddressed, unsigned and written in haste. Some queries require detective work before I can send a proper response.
- Hulet, Jonathan: Content and Public Relations Marketing
This article distinguishes content and public relations marketing; showing ways in which they are similar and ways in which they are not. The author also talks about how both aspects of marketing synergize.
- Hulet, Jonathan: Public Relations on the Internet
This article talks about internet reviews on the internet. It provides statistics and stresses the importance of online reviews on consumer decisions. There is specific emphasis on social media.
- Jackson, Janine: Exposure of Another Pro-War Lie Doesn't Make Media More Skeptical of Pro-War Claims
The story of pro-Maduro forces burning trucks bringing aid to Venezuela has now been reported as false, even by corporate media. The bigger story of how and why this lie was propogated gets left behind.
- Jacobs, Ron: The Lies of Industry and the Liars Who Sell Them
A review of The Triumph of Doubt: Dark Money and the Science of Deception, a book by David Michaels.
- K'necht, Alan: Making Forms Perform
A good form is one that is easy to complete from the user perspective, but not the technical perspective. One area frequently missed during testing is how user-friendly and accessible the form is.
- Kelly, Dennis: Media Spike # 54 Channel your customer
Even with the introduction of the internet, the staying power and reach of television is unparalleled. This is why marketers still drool at the thought of television marketing.
- LaVigne, Mark: Don't be a Time Bandit
Don't waste journalists' time.
- LaVigne, Mark: The Follow-Up Telephone Call
Making follow-up phone calls to the media.
- LaVigne, Mark: How Media Relations Helps the Marketing Plan
Using media relations to support your marketing strategy.
- LaVigne, Mark: How to Build a Media List
Often your desired target audiences are diverse so this should be clearly defined before beginning to build your media list.
- LaVigne, Mark: How to Make Your B-roll Work
Getting a videographer or camera assigned to your story is a challenge to say the least. If you're lucky, you may get one or two cameras out to your news event. That leaves another three or four stations, not including the networks that will not cover your story because they are not there with a camera. PR practitioners can maximize their TV impact by investing in B-roll and hiring a news videography service.
- LaVigne, Mark: How to Make Your PR Photos Work
There is a real art and science to the news photo.
- LaVigne, Mark: The Intangible Benefits of Media Training
One of the greatest frustrations of media relations specialists, and news media, is the slow response to interview or information requests. Many times I've noticed that executives don't understand the rapid timelines that the news media operate under - they don't understand how quickly something ceases to be "news" or how quickly the media may lose interest in a proactive media relations venture.
- LaVigne, Mark: It's the Law
The laws of media relations.
- LaVigne, Mark: Media Events - Maximizing Your Attendance & News Pick-up
Maximizing your attendance and news pick-up at media events.
- LaVigne, Mark: New Legal Landscape Affecting PR
New laws affecting public relations.
- LaVigne, Mark: PR Industry launches new standard for measurement and ROI
A new standard for measuring editorial coverage and return on investment.
- LaVigne, Mark: A Proverbial Needle in an Electronic Haystack
A combination of the new copyright law, the trend towards subscription-based news media websites has made the media monitoring task feel like a search for a needle in an electronic haystack at times.
- LaVigne, Mark: The State of the News Media
Journalists are older, smarter, generally more educated, and usually more cynical than their predecessors. Cynicism often breeds distrust making the current generation of news reporters more suspicious and more formidable than ever.
- LaVigne, Mark: Tips for Making the Call
Tips for making follow-up calls to the media.
- LaVigne, Mark: What is Public Relations?
PR should be the guardian of an organization's brand, and that concept of brand is not just reserved for a private sector, product-oriented company. The concept of brand, what an organization is, what is it about, what it wants to say, is the organization's being, and PR is often its protector.
- LaVigne, Mark Hunter: Create a Media Friendly Media Section on your Web site
Web site media sections are an opportunity for an organization to provide the news media with an easy-to-use, multimedia platform to disseminate information about that organization and its news.
- LaVigne, Mark; Hetherington, Leslie: Public Relations Strategy a Valuable Fundraising Tool
A case study of using public relations to enhance a charity's fundraising activities.
- Law, Kimberly: Discover the New Way to... Dress for Success
It has been suggested that 41% of Canadians now dress casually for work. With numbers that high you would think casual dressing for the workplace would be easy. Not so. Many people are even more confused than before about workplace attire.
- Law, Kimberly: 5 Tiny Turn-offs that Sabotage Your Professional Image
Happy about it or not, you will always be judged by others within the first few seconds of meeting them. And because you are presenting a whole package, everything has an impact - and anything distracting or out of place can sabotage your professional image.
- Law, Kimberly: How to Be Smart with Your Smart Phone
For many, the telephone is still the primary source of communicating with others for business, even if it is portable. With no visual cues to look for, your words and the tone of your voice are extremely important.
- Law, Kimberly: How to Mingle like a Pro
These days, it#s not what you know. It#s who you know or who knows you, that really counts.
- Law, Kimberly: Stage your Holiday Gathering for Success
Set the stage for a successful gathering by indicating what's expected and what to expect in the invitation.
- Law, Kimberly: Suit Yourself in Quality this Fall
When buying a suit, the label and the price tag aren't always the best way to judge value. By evaluating the construction details before you buy, you will make a wise investment that will add to your professional image.
- Law, Kimberly: What Not to Do at the Dining Table
Although the term dining generally refers to the act of eating, we have come to utilize dining as a means to socialise and conduct business. Unfortunately when we're unsure how to skillfully navigate a meal, the dining experience can become an awkward experience.
- Levine, Carol: The Power of public relations
An overview of the role of public relations practitioners.
- Levine, Michael: Michael Levine's Ten commandments for Dealing with the Media
Rules for dealing with the media.
- Longenecker, John: How to Market Yourself to Talk Radio
- MacDougall, Kate: How to Lobby Like a Pro
To reach government with your message you need to lobby like the professionals do.
- Marken, G.A.: Amateurism Hurts PR Field
As the main connection between customers and companies, the degredation of modern public relations communications is appalling. These are the most common PR mistakes and how to fix them.
- Marketwired: SEO and Press Releases
How to Drive Search Visibility While Following Google Best Practices The times are changing. With the advancement of mobile technology, marketers not only have worry about how many people visit their website but also with what device. An effective internet marketing campaign relies on consumers feeling comfortable with your website. As more and more people begin to browse the internet on their smartphones, it's become imperative that websites become mobile-friendly.
- Mason, David: The Secret is Purposeful Action
Don't let fear and hesitation, both common causes of procrastination, hold you back from taking purposeful action and getting started on your better life.
- McAllister, Joe: Revealing My Sources
- Nonprofit Marketing Guide.com: Advice and Tips for Nonprofits Creating a Marketing Team
This is an instructional guide for non-profits to create marketing teams and developing them into the intermediate stages.
- Nonprofit Marketing Guide.com: Advice and Tips for Nonprofits on Social Media
This is an instructional guide for non-profits to improve their online presence via social media. This guide is helpful for small businesses and non-profits in the beginning and intermediate development stages of social media accounts.
- Novis, Melanie: Mastering the Teleprompter
Mastering the teleprompter can be learned by using ten easy steps.
- Oliveira, Marlene: Ten ways your nonprofit can start - or might already be - delivering content marketing
This is a list of several ways in which non-profits can promote their message. This article also contains some information on the effectiveness of each method. There are some tips on creating a marketing plan as well.
- Paul, Joan: Selling Skills for Contemporary Professionals
Traditional sales training and for that matter, all learning and development is reinventing itself.
- Pirie, Reg: Enhance your image in novel ways
Soft marketing supports and image enhancement strategies require as much consideration as any other portion of your marketing plan.
- Rickwood, Lisa: 7 Rituals to Improve Life and Business
Rituals give life meaning and help us celebrate milestones in our lives. They offer security, stability and routine and a sense of calmness to an otherwise chaotic existence.
- Ritchie, Kevin: The View from the Press Room
How charities can sell their stories to the media.
- Roberts, Greg: Getting the most out of Sources Select Online
The Sources Web site offers a wide range of resources for journalists, researchers, and other with serious reference needs.
- Robicheau, Colette: Attending a Meeting - How you can Play a Role in its Success
From job interviews to strategy sessions, it's important to make a good impression in any meeting. Making a good impression starts with careful planning and preparation.
- Robicheau, Colette: Business Card Basics
Your business card is a miniature representation of your business: your style, your focus, your unique selling proposition.
- Robicheau, Colette: How to Handle Phone Interviews
For some people, doing a phone interview - whether for a job or with the press - can be more unnerving than face-to-face. Being unable to read someone's expressions, or look them in the eye, can throw a person off track.
- Robicheau, Colette: The Low Cost of Marketing
Marketing is not about selling, it's about getting your message out there.
- Robicheau, Colette: Making the Most of Your Media Interview
Being prepared for an interview will make you less nervous and more confident, and with confidence comes increased credibility.
- Robicheau, Colette: Proven Methods for Planning more Efficient, Productive Meetings
Meetings can be highly effective for addressing issues or achieving your organization's goals. They also have the potential to consume time and energy better spent elsewhere without careful planning and management.
- Robicheau, Colette: The Rules of Disengagement
Ending Conversations Gracefully and Tactfully Some conversations don't just end naturally they need to be closed or disengaged.
- Robicheau, Colette: VIP: Very Inventive Procrastinator
- Rothstein, Al: After the interview
What to do after being interviewed by a reporter.
- Rothstein, Al: Backing it Up
If you say something in a media interview, make sure you can back it up.
- Rothstein, Al: How many spokespersons?
Speaking with one voice means your spokespersons should deliver the same message. It does not mean use only one spokesperson. If the news media representative knows your experts are available and reliable, you are more likely to be called and more importantly, to be believed.
- Rothstein, Al: How the Media Can Be Positive For Your Business
If both you and the reporter benefit, the chances are you will do business with that reporter again, good business.
- Rothstein, Al: Involve Your Audience During TV Interviews
People who are watching the news are usually doing something else as well, like washing clothes, eating dinner or helping the kids with homework. It's up to you to get their attention.
- Rothstein, Al: Message Development: Rules of Engagement
This blog is an instructional guide for dealing with media. It gives tips on how to speak in front of the reporter, organizing your message, what to say and what not to say.
- Rothstein, Al: Off the Record
The reporter always has the upper hand when you make an 'off-the-record' statement.
- Rothstein, Al: A Reporter's mindset
Remember that reporters have a job to do. If you help the reporter, you are really helping yourself.
- Rothstein, Al: Watching the News
Watching the news to learn what the media are interested in.
- Ryan, Tricia: The 4 hour Workweek
- Ryan, Tricia: How to brand yourself
Besides the self-marketing benefits of a biography, an advantage to writing this document is the actual writing of it. The process of thinking through, prioritizing, characterizing and expressing your career profile forces you to review everything you know about yourself -- and make it explicit.
- Ryan, Tricia: Selling the Invisible: Book Review
Ideas for research, presentations, publicity, advertising and client retention
- Ryan, Tricia: 7 Essentials for a Great Website
If you want your website to generate action, think about how each component of your website will get your customer through the sales lifecycle # to capture their interest, create desire and generate action.
- Ryan, Tricia: 10 Perfectly Promotable Ideas
As a small business marketer you are often looking for ideas to promote your business.
- Ryan, Tricia: What Guerrillas Know About USPs
A USP is a unique selling proposition: your proprietary competitive edge stated in clear, concise terms.
- S, Harvie: Mobile Friendly Web Design Does It Really Matter?
The times are changing. With the advancement of mobile technology, marketers not only have worry about how many people visit their website but also with what device. An effective internet marketing campaign relies on consumers feeling comfortable with your website. As more and more people begin to browse the internet on their smartphones, it's become imperative that websites become mobile-friendly.
- Saxby, David: Building on the Emotional Experience of the Brand
Linking Individual Brands With the Brand of a Convention or Event As professional speakers, we each seek to create our own brand. However, in today's marketplace, aligning everything we do with the brand of the convention or event will assist us in fulfilling the expectations of those who hire us.
- Saxby, David: New Media... Endless Possibilities
Using new media to get your message out.
- Schwartz, Nancy: NEW Nonprofit Marketing Plan TemplateRight-Things, Right-Now Marketing
This is a detailed outline and guide for developing an effective marketing plan in the non-profit sector. Outline includes information on aspects of finance, marketing tactics, and finding the right target audience.
- Shiller, Ed: A Crisis by Any Other Name
The role of communications in a crisis.
- Shiller, Ed: Managing the Media: A Lesson in Making Publicity Come First
Case study of media relations strategy.
- Shiller, Ed: The psycholinguistic phenomenon
There is no doubt that the literal meaning of the words you use in written or oral communications will have an effect on the people you are trying to reach. But equally, if not more, important are the meanings conveyed by our nonverbal communication.
- Shiller, Ed: When & How to Hold a News Conference
So before you decide to call a news conference, make sure that the circumstances meet ALL of the criteria.
- Siskind, Barry: Your Customer Profile 2
Part 2 - How to Create a Customer Profile Do you know your customer? I don't mean whether their name is Antonio or Jessica, but rather, do you understand who they are as people and what motivates them?
- Siskind, Barry: Adjusting to a shrinking booth size
When budget for exhibitions is slashed, booth size is often a factor that is reduced. Here are some ways one could deal with such a change.
- Siskind, Barry: Approaching Prospects on the Show Floor
A good approach doesn't have to be complicated, rather it should consist of words that the booth person can say comfortably and honestly.
- Siskind, Barry: Are mobile show guides the way of the future?
Technology has made it possible to bring trade show exhibiting one step closer to being environmentally friendly by switching from paper to electronics. It is now possible to put the entire show guide on one user friendly app. This can also provide companies with "Big Data"
- Siskind, Barry: A Back-up Objective for the B to C Exhibitor
The opportunities that may be slipping through your fingers are with those attendees who are not ready to buy your product or commit to the appointment and need more time before placing an order.
- Siskind, Barry: A Code of Conduct for New Technology at Exhibitions
Though extremely helpful in almost every respect, technology can also result in the formation of some bad behavioural habits, including ignoring your visitors at trade show booths. Siskind provides a list of Do's and Don'ts with respect to technology etiquette at trade shows.
- Siskind, Barry: The core qualities of an exhibit manager
Exhibit managers have to deal with many discouraging events in their line of work. For this reason, successful managers tend to have series of specific character traits that help them cope with their work.
- Siskind, Barry: Create a Meaningful and Memorable Trade Show Pitch - The Goldilocks Effect
An article outlining measures that can be taken that can help optimize your trade show pitch. The author emphasizes the importance of including "just the right amount" of information.
- Siskind, Barry: Cutting through the clutter
Exhibitions can be overwhelming to visitors, as the amount of information is often overwhelming to them. Exhibitors need to consider this, and take measures to ensure that they can provide clear easily digestible information to the visitors. Siskind provides ways that one can achieve this.
- Siskind, Barry: Decrease the no-show rate of pre-booked appointments
Here are some tried and true tactics that exhibitors have employed in the past that has helped reinforce the value in the meeting and greatly reduced the rate of no-shows.
- Siskind, Barry: Demonstrating Intangibles
In an environment where competition for visitors' attention is at its highest and yet their attention span is at its lowest, using demonstrations is a great technique to help you get traffic to your booth.
- Siskind, Barry: Disseminating information to trade show visitors
Distributing information to visitors of a trade show is often wasteful and unproductive. Here are some tips that can be used to improve returns.
- Siskind, Barry: Do all booth staffers need continuing education?
If your booth staff does what they always did, they will get what you always got. If they want better results for your exhibition investment they are going to have to do something differently. Your investment in their continuing education can reap huge rewards.
- Siskind, Barry: Ease your way through international borders
If you need to move product across international lines for your trade show, an ATA carnet can provide a means of doing so with less hassle. This article provides more information on this.
- Siskind, Barry: Evaluating your exhibit performance
"How do we know if our exhibit program is doing what it is suppose to do?
- Siskind, Barry: Exhibitors can get more bang for their buck
Trade shows are effective marketing vehicles when used well.
- Siskind, Barry: Find new display ideas with your Expo Eyes
Sometimes, looking at other exhibitions could give you a fresh perspective, and some insight on things you can do to improve your own, even if they are not in a similar area.
- Siskind, Barry: A fresh approach to recruiting booth staff
Booth staff are an important aspect of exhibit quality. Provided are some challenges one may face with staff, and tips on how to improve quality of this aspect of exhibits.
- Siskind, Barry: Gamify my Booth
With the rise of Genxers and millenials in trade shows today, sequestering visitors may require a radical change. Why not incorporate elements of games in your booth.
- Siskind, Barry: The harsh realities of lead follow-up
Obtaining lead information is suffering in quality. Following-up on those leads is also suffering, with two-thirds of follow-ups involing non-face-to-face methods. If your returns are suffering, it may be due to how you handle your lead follow-ups
- Siskind, Barry: How to ruin a good display
- Siskind, Barry: The Impact of Colour in your Exhibition
The use of colour can make or break your trade show exhibit. This article outlines some factors one should consider before choosing what colours to use in an exhibit.
- Siskind, Barry: Improve Your Publicity Awareness
Tips on networking for success.
- Siskind, Barry: Incorporate Surprise into Your Exhibition Plans
Including the element of surprise in your trade show exhibit can be an effective marketing strategy. Here are some ideas you can use to accomplish this.
- Siskind, Barry: Is your booth staff ready for an attitude adjustment?
While your gut instinct may be to focus on the sale, especially since there is tremendous pressure to perform, Siskind challenges you to focus on the relationship with the visitors instead. This may result in an increase in sale performance.
- Siskind, Barry: Lessons for the First-Time Exhibitor
Exhibiting works. All the data produced by industry associations backs this statement up. But what the research fails to mention is that profit does not come automatically. It is the result of lots of hard work and planning. If you are considering attending your first trade show here are a few pointers that will keep you on track.
- Siskind, Barry: Measuring the non-monetary value of your exhibition program
- Siskind, Barry: Moving Beyond Notes on the Back of Business Cards
Business has moved beyond taking lead information on the back of a business card. To be truly successful at your next show give some serious consideration to the technology you will use to record contact information.
- Siskind, Barry: Network like a Pro
One of the highest ranking reasons that attendees identify for visiting an exhibition or event is their ability to connect with high value people. This rationale is at the heart of any trade event which has buyers and sellers from a broad geographic reach under one roof for a finite amount of time. Networking always has been and will continue to be what trade shows are all about.
- Siskind, Barry: The Only Metric that Really Matters
A discution on what metrics are truly important with respect to trade show exhibitions.
- Siskind, Barry: A Paperless Exhibit
Within five years trade shows will be completely paperless is a prediction I heard at a recent conference.
- Siskind, Barry: Public relations at a trade show: A little effort goes a long way
The media is constantly on the look-out for interesting stories, and not just the ones everyone else is covering. So, being big is not the panacea to PR; being prepared with a well thought-out plan is.
- Siskind, Barry: QR Codes Can Create Greater Trade Show Impact
Advances in technology are resulting in changes in ways we might traditionally do things. QR codes can now be used in trade shows to improve the way we disseminate information to booth visitors.
- Siskind, Barry: Questions reveal the underlying needs of your trade show visitors
In order to establish a successful exhibition, it is important to prioritize the needs of visitor. An effective way to do this is by creating a list of questions that help booth staff get into the mind of their visitors. Siskind describes his ACTION approach.
- Siskind, Barry: Raise the bar on customer satisfaction
Let your customers expect the unexpected. Offering good service and friendly booth people at a trade show becomes the baseline for superior customer satisfaction.
- Siskind, Barry: Recording quality lead information
Advances in technology means that fewer people use manual lead sheets to record lead information. If you are going to use technology, ensure you have prepared for the problems highlighted in this article. Some times manual lead sheets are more effective.
- Siskind, Barry: Reducing exhibit costs
The economy is in shambles, and trade show exhibition returns have taken a hit, often resulting in budget cuts to exhibits. Provided are a list of strategies that can be used to reduce exhibit costs.
- Siskind, Barry: Reducing your exhibit's ecological footprint
Creating an exhibit can often be environmentally unfriendly. Here are some things you can do to ensure that your footprint remains reasonable.
- Siskind, Barry: The Right Frame of Mind
The quandary at a trade show is finding a happy balance between being aggressive enough to produce the desired results and being the kind of person visitors want to do business with. The answer is all a matter of attitude. The right attitude at a booth is not as a hard-core sales person but rather as a host.
- Siskind, Barry: The Right Place to Exhibit - A Strategic Approach
Finding the right show is difficult. Don't jump at the first opportunity that knocks on your door. You have lots of choices. Take your time and do your homework. The right show is a blend of audience, cost and logistics. Good event selection is a solid base upon which the rest of your exhibit program is built.
- Siskind, Barry: ROI or ROO
Exhibiting is part of the marketing process and doesn't always lend itself easily to comparing dollars received against dollars spent. Marketing looks at other issues such as branding, generating leads, customer engagement and so on and whether these tasks have been completed successfully determines the success of the marketing exercise.
- Siskind, Barry: Safety first at a trade show
Achieving great results at a trade show also includes the health and safety of all. Making sure everyone is doing their part is an important part of doing it right. Here are some tips on how to prepare for potentially hazardous situations.
- Siskind, Barry: The six people you are likely to meet at a trade show
Exhibit marketing is all about meeting customers, clients and the public in a face to face environment. Your physical display as well as your booth staff#s skills need to be well honed to capture the attention of people in your target market group. Knowing who these people are is the first step. The next job is to develop a strategy for handling each booth visitor.
- Siskind, Barry: Staying Relevant in a Changing World
The trick is to focus your exhibit plans around the question, "What is most relevant to my customers?" If you are not sure then you need to do the research. We are entering a new era where many of the rules and techniques that worked so well in the past are no longer producing results.
- Siskind, Barry: A Strategic Approach to Trade Show Staffing
When it comes to staffing your booth there is a place for anyone within your organization to benefit. Opening the doors to these people can be a serendipitous beginning to otherwise concealed possibilities.
- Siskind, Barry: Thieves in broad daylight
Theft is a common occurence at exhibitions. Here is some advice on how you can prevent theft of your property and intellectual property.
- Siskind, Barry: Throw your Performance Metrics out the Window
When front-line employees understand and embrace their companys purpose performance is enhanced. The article provides more informations and some examples.
- Siskind, Barry: Tips to ensure a safe business trip
Travel, which is usually an essential part of attending an exhibition, can add an element of danger for the unprepared. Here are a few suggestions to make your next business trip safer.
- Siskind, Barry: The Truth about Competitive Intelligence
Competitive intelligence is defined as: "An organized, structured, information gathering process that enhances strategic decision-making." A well-defined CI strategy will give you a leg-up on future directions.
- Siskind, Barry: Turn Your Booth into a Captivating Story
Turning your exhibit pitch into a captivating story is an effective way to market your product. Here are some tips on how to do this effectively.
- Siskind, Barry: Two helpful bits of data for your exhibition program
As you are gathering the R.O.I information, it will be helpful to also look at two additional bits of factors: Your success ratio and your sales and buying cycles. Both are intertwined and will help you immensely.
- Siskind, Barry: The Untapped Potential of your Trade Show Network
When it comes to networking opportunities, trade shows provide one of the best venues. Here is the one place where everyone in your industry congregates for a few short days and is focused on one thing # business.
- Siskind, Barry: The value of face to face
Advances in technology also mean a greater number of ways to communicate in non-face-to-face ways, and an unwillingness to fund trade show programs. Face-to-face are invaluable, and measures can be taken to improve likelihood of continuous funding of exhibition presence.
- Siskind, Barry: What do you say when you don't know the answer
One of my personal pet peeves happens I ask a sales person a question and they don't know the answer but give one of two responses: 1. They shrug their shoulders and go on and talk about something else, or 2. Invent an answer and then present it with absolute conviction.
- Siskind, Barry: What's in your Plan B?
When Murphy's Law decides to ply its magic to your trade show strategy you need a contingency. Its called your Plan B. he following is a list of nine of the most common items to include in your Plan B.
- Siskind, Barry: Where did the trade show profit go?
Capturing lead information at trade shows is a problem, with 69% of exhibitors not knowing how leads were being tracked. It is important to come up with questions that booth staff can use to focus their communication with visitors, and acquire better lead information.
- Siskind, Barry: Why show leads are mishandled
The number of leads that are obtained at a trade show that are mishandled is astounding. Whether you are exhibiting to increase business or have a communication need such as brand reinforcement, the contacts you make at trade shows are of value and that value decreases each day they go unanswered.
- Siskind, Barry: Your Customer Profile 1
Part 1 - The Value of Creating a Customer Profile
- Siskind, Barry: Your Expo Toolkit
Any number of things can go wrong with your trade show exhibit. It is important to plan ahead so that you can deal with problems as they arise. Siskind provides a starter checklist you can use and build off to ensure that you are well equipped before your exhibition.
- Slaunwhite, Steve: Getting Ink for Your New Product
Get media coverage of your product.
- Slaunwhite, Steve: 7 Ways to Get More Mileage from a Case Study
Case studies are a valuable addition to your public relations' arsenal. They not only explain the success of your product or service in action, they also tend to have high editorial acceptance and readership rates.
- Slaunwhite, Steve: 6 Tips for Writing a Successful VNR
A video news release(VNR) is essentially a press release on video. The key difference is how it is planned and written.
- Slaunwhite, Steve: 3 Keys to Keeping Your Marketing and PR Writing on Strategy
How do you ensure that your marketing and PR piece isn't just pretty prose?
- Slaunwhite, Steve: Using History to Write Powerful Leads
Using history in writing marketing and PR communications.
- Slaunwhite, Steve: Writing a Successful Case Study
Readers love a good story. That's why these chronicles of success will often stand out on the editor's desk while press releases, media kits and other media communications fight a tough battle just to get noticed.
- Sommers, Susan: Creating a customized Marketing Toolkit
A marketing toolkit contains the essential ingredients you need to successfully reach and persuade your key markets.
- Sommers, Susan: Making your marketing brochure a keeper
A good brochure will effectively communicate the most important facts about your organization. The best brochures combine elements of marketing (they sell your organization) and public relations (they educate the reader).
- Sommers, Susan: Marketing/PR - the new face of marketing
Marketing/PR offers a variety of cost-effective tools that can easily be implemented into a long-term strategy and plan. These include information sessions, testimonial brochures, print and e-mail newsletters, Internet sites, on-line media rooms, media-friendly events, speaking engagements, networking events, trade and consumer shows, sponsorship opportunities, and media campaigns.
- Steinbrecher, Sabine: Successful Event Marketing Strategies
Tips for marketing your events.
- Stevenson, Robert Louis; Diemer, Ulli: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and SOURCES
Stories turn out better with SOURCES.
- Tatchell, Peter: Direct Action for Democracy
Direct action protests are about people taking power for themselves, instead of leaving politics to professional politicians.
- Tatchell, Peter: Outrageous Campaigners Show Size Isn't Everything
OutRage! therefore consciously tries to make its protests informative and amusing. It projects it's political message with wit, style, humour and theatricality. Indeed, a typical OutRage! action could be described as "radical theatre of the streets".
- Torok, George: Five Steps to Build a Personal Brand Like Harry Houdini
What's important to know is that Houdini did not strive to build a brand. He worked to generate paying customers. All the publicity stunts he did were for the purpose of getting paying customers. Branding was a byproduct.
- Torok, George: 3 Polarizing Branding Secrets from Death Cigarettes
Branding is about creating powerful emotions - both love and hate. Figure out who you want to love you. Have you noticed that the strongest brands have lots of enemies?
- Torok, George: What do your best customers smell like?
7 critical things you should know about your customers If you want more 'best customers' then know how to find them. Describe your best customers and post it on your office wall. It's like a wanted poster for good customers. If you know what you are looking for you are more likely to find it.
- Tudor, Dean: Dean's Digital World: Leaning forward, looking back
- Tudor, Dean: Dean's Digital World: The reporter's friend
- Tudor, Dean: Mundo Digital de Dean 59
- Van Hook, Steven: Crafting Effective Media Releases
This is an introduction to using public relations as a marketing tool. It gives the reader the up and down sides of using this marketing platform and then instructs the readers on how to spin media into their favour.
- Varga, Mari Pat: How to Win Over and Wow a Crowd
This instructional guide on public speaking. It gives tips how to captivate your audience and deliver and deliver an effective message.
- Vine, Rita: Ten Tips for Working Faster on the Internet: Part Two
Tips for handling your E-mail.
- Vine, Rita: Ten tips for working faster on the Web: Part 1
Do you feel like you're working slower and less efficiently now than you were before you had a computer and Internet access?
- Wade, P.J.: Are You Prepared for 21st-Century Interviews?
Chances are that, if media consider you interview-worthy, you possess a decade or two of experience and knowledge that they believe is valuable. Therefore, the question is not "Do you know enough to answer questions?," but "Can you make your point with clear, fresh 21st-Century relevance?"
- Wade, P.J.: Can You Make Your Point Relevant?
When speaking to the media, the point is, "Can you frame your response cleverly, concisely and memorably in language and context that is extremely relevant to the audience that particular media outlet or journalist is intent on impressing?
- Wade, P.J.: Sharpen Up: From Experience To Expertise
Years of experience do not automatically make you an expert. Nor do "know-it-all" confidence, an encyclopedic memory or Jeopardy-speed retrieval always add up to expert status.
- Wallens, Marjorie: Talk isn't always cheap
Far from being cheap, talk may turn out to be one of the most valuable assets your company owns Research in workplace culture shows that face-to-face and peer-to-peer communications are critical in changing behaviour at work.
- Walsh, Judi: If Your Business is Struggling, Check Your Talent Management Strategy
Today's companies must hit the reset button on their talent management strategy because chances are their policies are already outdated.
- Weygman, Lorraine: Challenging Times: What's Your Best Bet?
Innovation is critical for long term success. Look at your business model. Could it use reinventing or critical surgery?
- Weygman, Lorraine: Surviving and Thriving in a Crisis
Surviving and thriving in a crisis means joining hands for support and sharing information clearly, effectively and with respect for the human condition. Remember, you're never alone in a crisis - it just feels that way.
- Weygman, Lorraine: Teambuilding
The team must be capable of achieving results that individuals cannot do in isolation or that is beyond their individual capability. It must have common goals or a purpose which each member recognizes and understands.
- Zoch, Jamie: Promote Your Auction Domain Name Listings
One in the crowd! This is what your domain name is when you submit it to a live domain auction or any domain auction really. One in the crowd. Unless your domain is one of the headliners due to it being an amazing domain name, the rest kind of are just "in the list".
- Zuchter, Joshua: How to Transform Your Business Into Gold
The key to transforming your business into gold is to take massive action with absolute clarity and absolute certainty. As you do, you will witness the transformation of your business before your very eyes!
- Zuchter, Joshua: The 6 Cardinal Rules for Finding the Sweet Spot in E-mail Marketing
There is no doubt about it e-mail marketing can be the most effective form of promotion for small through to big business.
- Zwicker, Barrie: Dressing for TV
What to wear when you're going to be interviewed on TV.
- Zwicker, Barrie: The Sources Select Online Story
In SOURCES SELECT Online (SSO) we attempt to provide true diversity: access to people in organizations large and small, for-profit and not-for-profit, from low-tech to high-tech, long-established to just-launched.
- Zwicker, Barrie: Successful news releases: 7 must-know tips
Make it short, make it make, make sure it's important.
- Zwicker, Barrie: You, Sources, and Getting the Most Out of the Internet
Including Six Internet Fictions to Consider Internet facts and myths.
