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Consumerism: Experts and Sources
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For bibliomaniacs, there is no cure
Literary hoarders were once seen as antiscocial but historians thank them now
Berry, Lorraine
The Guardian Weekly
An essayist looks into the curious pastime of book collecting, as well as her own lifelong passion to grow her collection.
The Illusion of Consumer Sovereignty
Commoner, Barry
Climate & Capitalism
I tend to see the issue as social, economic, and political. I simply refuse to blame us consumers.
Life without Limits: The Delusions of Technological Fundamentalism
Jensen, Robert
Dissident Voice
In a routinely delusional world, what is the most dangerous delusion? This delusion is not limited to one country, one group, or one political party, but rather is the unstated assumption of everyday ...
Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - June 18, 2016
Serial Publication (Periodical)
This issue of Other Voices features a wide range of issues. The topic of the week is homophobia, the hate that led to 49 deaths in Orlando last week, but which is present in greater or lesser form in ...

Sources Bookshelf

Captains of Consciousness: Advertising and the Social Roots of the Consumer Culture
Ewen, Stuart
Captains of Consciousness offers a historical look at the origins of the advertising industry and consumer society at the turn of the twentieth century.

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