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Debt Bondage: Experts and Sources
Sources Directory - Subject Index

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Burdened with Debt Reloaded: The Politics ofr Devaluation
Insurgent Notes
A series of defensive and sectional struggles at workplaces in the private sector reveal that the Greek industrial capital has already taken advantage of the new institutional framework of the “state ...
Parasites in the Body Economic: the Disasters of Neoliberalism
Hudson, Michael
Michael Hudson discusses his new book, "Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Global Economy."
Puerto Rico's default is fine, as long as Wall Street is repaid
Roos, Jerome
On August 1, 2015, Puerto Rico defaulted on part of its enormous $72 billion debt, paying back only $628,000 on a relatively small $58 million loan that was due at the start of the month. The default,...
21 States Will Take Away Your Driver's License If You Can't Pay Your College Loans, But Activists Are Fighting Back
A grassroots project in Montana is a blueprint for activism across the country
Arria, Michael
Thanks to the work of local organizers pressuring lawmakers, Montana residents will no longer have their drivers licenses suspended if they fall behind on their student loan payments. This April, a Mo...
UK urged to prevent vulture funds preying on world's poorest countries
Campaigners demand Jersey legal loophole be closed as financiers seek $100m from the DRC
Palast, Greg; O'Kane, Maggie; Madlena, Chavala
The Guardian
Britain is being urged to help close down a legal loophole that lets financiers known as "vulture funds" use courts in Jersey to claim hundreds of millions of pounds from the world's poorest countries...
Vulture funds await Jersey decision on poor countries' debts
26 companies hope to double $1bn haul
Palast, Greg; O'Kane, Maggie; Madlena, Chavala
The Guardian
Pressure grows to end trade that has made $1bn for speculators but has been blamed for delaying recovery of war-torn countries.

Sources Bookshelf

The History of Democracy
A Marxist Interpretation
Roper, Brian S.
Roper traces the history of democracy from ancient Athens to the emergence of liberal representative and socialist participatory democracy. He argues that democracy cannot be understood separately fro...

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