News Releases
Armed gunmen raid salvadoran human rights organization, burn archives2013-11-15
Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador
Armed gunmen raid Salvadoran human rights organization Pro-Busqueda just months after abrupt closure of Archdiocese's human rights office, Tutela Legal. Human rights defenders see actions as effort to...
Sources Select Resources
Archives under siege: Ottawa gathering calls for national actionWhat We Have Lost, What We Stand to Lose: The Future of Archives and Archivists in Canada
Lithgow, Michael
Alternative Archive
Report about a public meeting about the state of archives in Canada today.
Armed gunmen raid salvadoran human rights organization, burn archivesSources News Release
Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador
Armed gunmen raid Salvadoran human rights organization Pro-Busqueda just months after abrupt closure of Archdiocese's human rights office, Tutela Legal. Human rights defenders see actions as effort to...
'Badass Librarians' Foil al Qaeda, Save Ancient ManuscriptsWorrall, Simon
National Geographic
Scholars used donkey carts, boats, and teenage couriers to smuggle a priceless collection out of Timbuktu.
Burning History in San SalvadorDestruction of Historical and Human Rights Archives
Maslin, Sarah
On Thursday, Nov. 14, three armed men broke into the offices of Pro-Búsqueda. The attack on Pro-Búsqueda was not a random crime. We should be worried about what is happening in El Salvador.
Canada's Science Library Closures Mirror Bush's PlaybookSimilar moves by US Republican president met sharp backlash from 10,000 scientists.
Nikiforuk, Andrew
The Tyee
The Harper government is now eliminating seven Department of Fishery libraries containing one of the world's most comprehensive collections of information on fisheries, aquatic sciences and nautical s...
Connexions Library: History Focus PageWebsite
Connexions Information Sharing Services
Selected articles, books, documents and other resources on historical topics.
Cuts and Closures at Canada's federal librariesArticle
Federal libraries are an important part of Canada’s cultural heritage. These specialist libraries house some of Canada’s most important collections. Dozens of federal departmental libraries across the...
DFO Library Closures Anger Scientific CommunityThorkelson, Erika
DeSmog Canada
When word first broke that the Department of Fisheries and Oceans was closing seven of their libraries, government officials promised that there would be no loss of vital historical material. Today ma...
The Digital Dark Ages: Movies and Books Get Deleted as Selfies Pile UpRall, Ted
Historians and archivists call our times the "digital dark ages." The name evokes the medieval period that followed the collapse of the Roman Empire, which led to a radical decline in the recorded his...
Dismantling of Fishery Library 'Like a Book Burning,' Say ScientistsHarper government shuts down 'world class' collection on freshwater science and protection
Nikiforuk, Andrew
The Tyee
The Harper government has dismantled one of the world's top aquatic and fishery libraries as part of its agenda to reduce government as well as limit the role of environmental science in policy decisi...
Double Fold (Wikipedia article about the book by Nicholson Baker)Sources Select Resources Encyclopedia
Double Fold: Libraries and the Assault on Paper is a non-fiction book by Nicholson Baker that was published in April, 2001.
Eric Marshall laments closure of namesake Fisheries libraryRusland, Peter
Cowichan News Leader
The government seems to be saying 'We want to exploit our natural resources, whether it's natural gas or oil sands, and basically to heck with environmental impacts.'
Files linking Britain to Israel's nuclear weapons go missing from National ArchivesArticle
Official documents on Britain's relationship with Israel, including papers on "military and nuclear collaboration" in the 1970s, have disappeared from the National Archives in the last four years.
For the Love of Books: A Sarajevo Story - in pictures Photo/Image/Poster
The Guardian
During the Bosnian war, a group of men and women risked their lives to rescue thousands of irreplaceable Islamic manuscripts -- and preserve a nation's history. Amid bullets and bombs, this handful of...
The History Thieves - ReviewHow Britain covered up its imperial crimes
Jack, Ian
A review of Ian Cobain's book The History Thieves, an engrossing study which identifies secrecy as a 'very British disease', exploring how, as the empire came to an end, government officials burned th...
A Hundred Years Gone: The Sack of LouvainKattenburg, David
Green Planet Monitor
Marie-Therese Delcom sits at an outdoor cafe in the Belgian town of Leuven, rustling through faded family photos from the First World War. In one of them, her paternal grandfather is digging his own g...
A web portal featuring topics related to research and the Internet. The home page features a selection of recent and important articles. A search feature, subject index, and other research tools make ...
Lavon AffairWikipedia article
The Lavon Affair refers to a failed Israeli covert operation, code named Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the Summer of 1954. As part of the false flag operation, a group of Egyptian Jews wer...
List of destroyed librariesWikipedia article
Libraries have been deliberately or accidentally destroyed or badly damaged. Sometimes a library is purposely destroyed as a form of cultural cleansing.
Loss of Librarians Devastating to Science and Knowledge in CanadaThorkelson, Erika
DeSmog Canada
The closure of federal libraries and loss of specialized librarians impacts negatively on the state of science and knowledge in Canada.
Lost Memory: Libraries and Archives destroyed in the Twentieth Centuryvan der Hoeven, Hans; van Albada, Joan
This document lists major disasters that have destroyed or caused irreparable damage during the 20th century to libraries and archives, whether written of audio-visual.
Mali: Timbuktu's literary gems face Islamists and decay in fight for survivalHirsch, Afua
Daring by a dedicated few saved many manuscripts in Mali from Islamists.
Memory holeWikipedia article
A memory hole is any mechanism for the alteration or disappearance of inconvenient or embarrassing documents, photographs, transcripts, or other records, such as from a website or other archive, parti...
Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - January 29, 2015Land seizures and land take-overs
Diemer, Ulli (editor); Khan, Tahmid (production)
Serial Publication (Periodical)
This issue of Other Voices focuses on the issue of land seizures and land take-overs. Also included: Greece's solidarity movement, and the challenges and opportunities it faces after the election of a...
Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - April 9, 2016Corporate Crime
Diemer, Ulli (ed.)
Serial Publication (Periodical)
Corporations have increasingly become legally unaccountable for their behaviour. Yet all too often corporations break the law and engage in criminals acts which would be severely punished if they were...
Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - November 7, 2016Depression and Joy
Diemer, Ulli (ed.)
Serial Publication (Periodical)
It's a difficult thing to measure, but there are strong reasons for believing that the number of people struggling with depression has increased significantly in recent decades. Despite the evidence t...
Protest Against Closing Down the Lukács ArchivHermann, Zsuzsa
We, the undersigned, wish to express our deepest worries about the resolution of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences to close down the Lukács Archives in Budapest. Görgy Lukács was one the significant p...
Save the feature before it explodesSeveral films directed by Alfred Hitchcock in the 1920s are being fully restored
Miller, Henry K.
The Guardian
Nine films Hitchcock directed during the 1920s will be restored by archivists at the British Film Institute before the volatile nitrate reels combust. The film archivists' work and the hirstory of the...
Scientists Protest Canada's War on ScienceRugh, Peter
Waging Non-Violence
The Harper government is closing libraries, trashing documents and firing thousands of scientists — while handing out billions in subsidies to oil companies.
Secret Memo Casts Doubt on Feds' Claims for Science Library ClosuresGoal stated is 'culling' research, not preserving and sharing through digitization
Nikiforuk, Andrew
The Tyee
A federal document marked "secret" obtained by Postmedia News indicates the closure or destruction of more than half a dozen world famous science libraries has little if anything to do with digitizing...
South Sudan archivists fear loss of historical textsMorgan, Hiba
Al Jazeera News
South Sudan doesn't have a museum, so thousands of archival documents are sitting in a small building in the capital, Juba, waiting for a national archives to be built. The project will also need the ...
The treasures of TimbuktuThe race is on to preserve papers dating back to a west African golden age
Rice, Xan
The Guardian Weekly
West African scholars are quickly discovering the wealth of manuscripts burried in and near Timbuktu dating from the 11th century. Governments and universities are building archives in which to house ...
What's Driving Chaotic Dismantling of Canada's Science Libraries?Scientists reject Harper government claims vital material is being saved digitally
Nikiforuk, Andrew
The Tyee
Scientists say the closure of some of the world's finest fishery, ocean and environmental libraries by the Harper government has been so chaotic that irreplaceable collections of intellectual capital ...
Whose Archive? Whose History? Destruction of Archives at Ruskin College, OxfordArticle
History Workshop Online
A repository of lived experience of the trade union and labour movement of the twentieth century is being deliberately trashed.
Sources Bookshelf
Double FoldLibraries and the Assault on Paper
Baker, Nicholson
Double Fold examines the preservation of books in United States libraries over the past 50 years. It details the libraries' "war" on books -- the alarming lack of preservation and the destruction of ...
The History ThievesSecrets, Lies, and the Shaping of a Modern Nation
Cobain, Ian
Ian Cobain uncovers the role of secrecy in the British state - and the lies, omissions and misrepresentations we've been fed to maintain the facade of a fair and just Britain.
Kill The MessengersStephen Harper's Assault on Your Right to Know
Bourrie, Mark
Ottawa has become a place where the nation's business is done in secret, and access to information - the lifeblood of democracy in Canada - is under attack.