Sources Select ResourcesDivine ecstasy of Nature: Selected Writings by John MuirWilliams, Terry Tempest Article 2017 Ecologist A new collection of John Muir's (1838-1914) writings promises to inspire another generation to fall in love with wild nature, to care for it, to know that wilderness is not optional but central to our... Divine wilderness: John Muir's spiritual and political journeyFlinders, Tim Article 2016 The Ecologist For John Muir, founder of America's national parks, immersion in nature was a blessing providing direct communion with divinity,and the cause of a spiritual awakening that inspired his life's work: to... Life without Limits: The Delusions of Technological FundamentalismJensen, Robert Article 2018 Dissident Voice In a routinely delusional world, what is the most dangerous delusion? This delusion is not limited to one country, one group, or one political party, but rather is the unstated assumption of everyday ...
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