News ReleasesRyan Reynolds and a host of other Canadian celebrities have joined forces to protect nature2009-11-30 Nature Conservancy of Canada Ryan Reynolds, Jason Priestley, William Shatner and Rachel Blanchard, star in A Force for Nature - a 30 minute television journey through some of our most magnificent but threatened landscapes. Sources Select ResourcesEcological healthSources Select Resources Encyclopedia Article Ecological health or ecological integrity or ecological damage is used to refer to symptoms of an ecosystem's pending loss of carrying capacity, its ability to perform nature's services, or a pending ... Major study shows species loss destroys essential ecosystemsArticle 2017 Climate & Capitalism Long term research by German ecologists proves that loss of biodiversity has "direct, unpleasant consequences for mankind." Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - January 21, 2018What are we eating? Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2018 Connexions What are we eating? A simple question which opens up a labyrinth of devilishly complex issues about production and distribution, access to land, control of water, prices, health and safety, migrant la...
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