News ReleasesSources welcomes Dale Curd2009-06-24 Dale Curd, Counselor, Mens' Issues Expert Sources welcomes a new member, Dale Curd, Counselor, Mens' Issues Expert. Dale Curd is one of Canada's leading authorities on men's emotional health and well-being. Sources welcomes Dr. Dena Churchill2010-07-05 Dr. Dena Churchill Sources welcomes a new member: Dr. Dena Churchill. Dr. Dena Churchill is a speaker, consultant, chiropractor and author of the book, Divinity In Divorce: The Power in Gratitude and Love. Tears of Healing2010-09-07 Dr. Dena Churchill Accessing the mind-body connection is one of the most powerful ways to encourage healing. Sources BookshelfTouchingThe Human Significance of the Skin Montagu, Ashley Book 1972 An analysis of the skin regarded as a sense organ rather than as a simple bodily covering. WellnessOptionsA consumer health magazine, researched and referenced like a scientific journal. Multiple health and medical perspectives explained and made simple for everyday use.
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