Sources Select ResourcesEncyclopédieConnexipedia Article Article A general encyclopedia published in France between 1751 and 1772 The EnlightenmentConnexipedia Article Article A term used to describe a time in Western philosophy and cultural life, centered upon the eighteenth century. A Marxist History of the World part 45: The EnlightenmentFaulkner, Neil Article 2011 Counterfire What gave the Enlightenment its subversive, politically corrosive character was its critique of institutions and practices which appeared comparatively irrational in the light of modern thinking, argu... Race, pluralism and the meaning of differenceMalik, Kenan Article 1998 New Formations Far from establishing a critique of racial thinking, the politics of difference appropriates many of its themes and reproduces the very assumptions upon which racism has historically been based. Most ... Rethinking The Idea Of 'Christian Europe' Malik, Kenan Article 2011 Looking to the traditional, moral and identity platform of Christianity in Europe.
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