News ReleasesBob Rae to Visit ClimateFast2012-10-02 Canadian Voice of Women for Peace In the final hours of their 12 day Fast, Climate Fasters welcome more MP's, bringing the total to 18 so far to sign the pledge board. Bob Rae and Nathan Cullen expected later today. Climate Fast News from The Hill2012-09-30 Hungry For Climate Leadership On DAY 10 of the Fast, climate activists, maintain their presence on Parliament Hill to call on the Government to take immediate action to confront the Climate crisis and ask for public to pledge thei... Climate Fast: Rae Signs, Will Mulcair Sign? Environment Minister Kent is a No Show2012-10-04 Canadian Voice of Women for Peace Climate Fasters end their 12 day fast, tired but elated as pledges of support continue to flow in. Solidarity vigils held in Toronto, Halifax and Salt Springs. Day 12 of the Fast - Still Hungry for Climate Change2012-10-02 Canadian Voice of Women for Peace Fasters Enter Day 12 of Climate Fast hungry, tired, but jubilant as pledges begin to roll in. Solidarity is growing all across Canada, with vigils in Halifax, Toronto, and Salt Spring Island, BC. Fasters Head to Court2012-10-01 Canadian Voice of Women for Peace Day 11 of Fast - Three "Hungry for Climate Leadership" Fasters in Court - Climate Change Trial Begins in Ottawa Courtroom - Harper Government Accused of Dividing Canadians With Oil-Dominated Energy a... Hungry for Climate Leadership - Day 9 of Fast for Climate Justice on the Hill2012-09-29 Canadian Voice of Women for Peace It's Day 9 and the Fasters are hungry, but determined to convey the urgency of the crisis to our elected officials and asks them to end fossil fuel subsidies, put a price on carbon and develop a Natio... Toronto Joins in Solidarity with Ottawa Climate Fast2012-10-01 Canadian Voice of Women for Peace Join with us on Oct. 2nd, in solidarity with the Ottawa Fasters to mark the final day of the Climatefast, Int'l Day of Non-Violence & Gandhi's birthday in a peaceful demonstration for action on Climat... Toronto woman fasting in solidarity with the people of the Philipines2013-11-14 Canadian Voice of Women for Peace Lyn Adamson, co- chair of Canadian Voice of Women for Peace is fasting this week for climate justice in solidarity with the people of the Philipines. Adamson says “I will be fasting in solidarity wi...
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