News ReleasesIJV supports United Church members' right to make their own decision on boycott, free from threats2012-07-04 Independent Jewish Voices Jewish group stakes out position supporting United Church committee's call for action against illegal Israeli settlements in the form of boycott campaign, rejects pressure on Church from senators, pro... Jewish group to Layton: Investigate Israel/Palestine with Neutral Hosts2010-06-24 Independent Jewish Voices The NDP should reject the invitation of the Canada-Israel Committee to host or facilitate a trip by Jack Layton and caucus members to Israel, says Independent Jewish Voices # Canada. They should be g... Sources Select ResourcesAustralia Rejects Israeli-Ordered Media CensorshipA Little Justice for Al Manar TV Lamb, Franklin Article 2010 CounterPunch Australia rejects politically motivated censorship attempts. Conflict of Interest and the Israel Lobby: a Junket for State SenatorsHager, L. Michael Article 2016 CounterPunch Last December, the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston (JCRC), a pro-Israel lobbying organization, provided an expense-paid, ten-day trip to Israel for ten Massachusetts senators (inc... The end of hasbara? NYT readers question US support for apartheidNorth, James Article 2015 Mondoweiss The New York Times published a remarkable discussion yesterday. Alongside an article about Israel cancelling a plan to segregate buses going to the West Bank so as to keep Palestinians off settlers' b... How many British MPs are working for Israel?Cook, Jonathan Article 2017 Dissident Voice Investigating the revelations that UK embassy staff in Israel are cooperating with Israeli political parties to influence UK policy making. Introduction to the Israel LobbyWeir, Alison Article 2014 ifamericansknew.org The Israel lobby is one of the most powerful and pervasive special interest groups in the United States. It consists of a multitude of powerful institutions and individuals that work to influence Cong... Israel Has Been 'Singled Out' in the US for a Very Long TimeTo whom much is given, much is expected Harrington, Thomas S. Article 2013 CounterPunch The American Studies Association, the umbrella organization of academics devoted to the study of US literature, history and culture, recently voted to join the movement to boycott Israeli academic ins... The Lobby: Young Friends of Israel Film/Video 2017 Al Jazeera In the first of a four-part series, Al Jazeera goes undercover inside the Israel Lobby in Britain. We expose a campaign to infiltrate and influence youth groups, including the National Union of Studen... Professors for Israel try to Shut Down LancetCook, Jonathan Article 2015 Dissident Voice Some 400 medical professors are blackmailing Reed Elsevier, publishers of The Lancet, by threatening to boycott its publications unless the company sacks editor Richard Horton - or as they duplicitous... The roots of Israel's most racist lawNoy, Orly Article 2016 +972 Israel’s most draconian laws may have been passed by the current right-wing government, but the stage was set long ago by the Israeli Left. With a majority of 65 votes, the Knesset approved last week ... Today's Trumbo: Try telling academic critics of Israel McCarthyism is behind usPalumbo-Liu, David Article 2015 Salon.com "Trumbo," starring Bryan Cranston as Academy Award-winning Hollywood screenwriter Dalton Trumbo, tells the sordid and tragic story of the anti-communist witch hunt commonly referred to as the "Red Sca... The War against The LancetKampmark, Binoy Article 2015 Dissident Voice "An Open letter to the people of Gaza" triggered a furious reaction within Lancet, with complainants suggesting that the publication has sided with the forces of "anti-Jewish bigotry". When Free Speech Becomes Dead Silence - The Israel Lobby And A Cowed AcademiaEditor Article 2015 Media Lens The sudden cancellation of an academic conference on Israel, as well as the lack of outcry from 'mainstream' media, demonstrates once again the skewed limits to 'free speech' in 'advanced' Western dem... When Free Speech Becomes Dead Silence – The Israel Lobby And A Cowed AcademiaMedia Lens Article 2015 Media Lens The Israeli government works hard to shut down academic conferences on Palestine.
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