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Language Death: Experts and Sources
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Endangered languages: There's nothing benign about benign neglect
Romaine, Suzanne
in many cases, language death occurred not because of an increase in the available choices, but because of a decrease in choice brought about by the exercise of undemocratic power. Such power is almos...
Enduring Voices
National Geographic
Documenting the planet's endangered languages and featuring Talking Dictionaries giving listeners a chance to hear samples of little-known languages.
'It's like bombing the Louvre'
Abley, Mark
Marie Smith Jones was the world's last Eyak speaker - by the time she died last week, she could use her mother tongue only in her dreams. But the loss of a language is not just a personal tragedy, it ...
Language death
Connexipedia Article
A process that affects speech communities.
A Network of Indigenous Language Digital Activists in Mexico
Avila, Eduardo
Global Voices
The Internet has emerged as a space where many in Mexico can communicate online using indigenous languages, as well as to create new digital content instead of being just consumers of content.

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