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Manipulation: Experts and Sources
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Consensus decision-making
Connexipedia Article
Article about the group decision making process known as consensus decision-making.
How the Media Manipulated the Democratic Primary
Rall, Ted
Counter Punch
Though it might not always seem like it, the news media is composed of human beings. Humans aren't, can’t be, and possibly shouldn't be, objective. Still, there's a reasonable expectation among consum...
The Illusion of Consumer Sovereignty
Commoner, Barry
Climate & Capitalism
I tend to see the issue as social, economic, and political. I simply refuse to blame us consumers.
One Vote for Democracy
Consensus vs. democracy
Diemer, Ulli
Ulli Diemer
Makes the case that the democratic model is better than the consensus model for activist group decision-making.
Sockpuppet (Internet)
Wikipedia article
A sockpuppet is an online identity used for purposes of deception. The term — a reference to the manipulation of a simple hand puppet made from a sock — originally referred to a false identity assumed...

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