Sources Select ResourcesConnexions Library: Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, Water FocusWebsite 2009 Connexions Information Sharing Services Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on water, rivers, streams, wetlands, lakes, rivers, oceans, marine life. Sources BookshelfThe Oxford Companion to Ships and the SeaDear, I.C.B., Kemp, Peter Book 1976 This book covers aspects of life on and under the sea: terms, oceanography, shipwrecks, shanties, sailors, explorers, maritime inventors, steam, tidal power, marine wildlife, piracy, the East India Co... Mariner LifeCanada's only specialized commercial workboat, tugboat and ferry magazine covering all aspects of marine operations, including marine law, yard reports and other pertinent news. Government Ministries & AgenciesIndustry CanadaIndustry Canada's mission is to foster a growing, competitive, and innovative knowledge-based Canadian economy that provides more and better jobs for Canadians; supports stronger, sustainable business... National Research Council of CanadaCanada's premier organization for research and development. St. Lawrence Seaway Management CorporationResponsible for the safe and efficient movement of marine traffic through the Canadian Seaway facilities, which consists of 13 of the 15 locks between Montreal and Lake Erie.
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© Sources 1977-2021. The information provided is copyright and may not be reproduced in any form or by any means (whether electronic, mechanical or photographic), or stored in an electronic retrieval system, without written permission of the publisher. The content may not be resold, republished, or redistributed. Indexing and search applications by Ulli Diemer and Chris DeFreitas.