Sources Select ResourcesAdverse Health Effects of NoiseHagler, Louis Article 1995 The effects of noise are widespread and impose long-term consequences on health. Community NoiseBerglund, Birgitta; Lindvall, Thomas Article 1995 Critically reviews the adverse effects of community noise, including interference with communication, noise-induced hearing loss, annoyance responses, and effects on sleep, the cardiovascular and psyc... Connexions Library: Health FocusWebsite Connexions Information Sharing Services Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on health. Drowning in Noise: Noise Costs of jet skis in AmericaA Report for the Noise Pollution Clearinghouse Komanaff, Charles, Shaw, Howard Article 2000 Noise Pollution Clearinghouse An analysis of the value of the lost enjoyment that jet ski noise introduces into beach environments. Effects of Aircraft Noise and Sonic Booms on Domestic Animals and Wildlife: A Literature SynthesisArticle 1988 This report was produced as the result of a cooperative research project between the National Ecology Research Center, Ft. Collins, Colorado and the Air Force Engineering and Services Center, Tyndall ... Environmental NoiseArticle 2000 Brüel & Kjær Sound & Vibration Measurement A/S This booklet deals with environmental noise -- for example, noise from industrial sites, road and rail traffic, airports and fairgrounds. EnvironmentSources.comWebsite 2017 Sources Web portal with information about environmental issues and resources, with articles, documents, books, websites, and experts and spokespersons. The home page features a selection of recent and importa... The Global Battle Against Noise PollutionHuebner, Al Article 2008 Toward Freedom Studies done in several European countries have demonstrated that noise can be a major killer. Awake or even asleep your brain and body react to sounds that increase the levels of stress hormones. Health effects from noiseSources Select Resources Encyclopedia Article Noise health effects are the health consequences of elevated sound levels. Noise Pollution: A Modern PlagueGoines, Lisa; Hagler, Louis Article 2007 Environmental noise pollution, a form of air pollution, is a threat to health and well-being. It is more severe and widespread than ever before, and it will continue to increase in magnitude and seve... A Request For More Effective Regulation of jet skisArticle 1999 Jet skis produce noise pollution, water pollution, adversely impact wildlife and aquatic plants, and pose serious safety risks. Researchers find link between aircraft noise and heart diseaseArticle 2013 BMJ Group Exposure to high levels of aircraft noise is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, two studies find. Researchers found increased risks of stroke, coronary heart disease, and car... Government Ministries & AgenciesCanadian Centre for Occupational Health and SafetyCCOHS promotes a safe and healthy working environment by providing information and advice about occupational health and safety.
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