National School Safety Week: Helping youth define 'normal' online 2012-10-16
Canada Safety Council
Helping young people, parents and educators understand the true scope of cyber bullying, along with positive online behaviours, can change youths' views on what is normal behaviour online. This can be...
Sources welcomes OrangeWebsite2011-03-16
Sources welcomes a new member: OrangeWebsite. OrangeWebsite is an Icelandic web hosting service provider. Most of our clients are foreign journalists, bloggers, leakers and publishers.
Research Shows Internet Shutdowns and State Violence Go Hand in Hand in SyriaWest, Sarah Myers
Electronic Frontier Foundation
When an oppressive regime blocks Internet access during social unrest, violence usually follows. This is a pattern that has become famous with the Arab Spring but is the violence that follows a respon...
Access DeniedThe Practice and Policy of Global Internet Filtering
Deibert, Ron; Palfrey, John; Rohozinski, Rafal; Zittrain, Jonathan (eds.)
Many countries around the world block or filter Internet content, denying access to information -- often about politics, but also relating to sexuality, culture, or religion -- that they deem too sens...