News ReleasesCanadian organic farmers having trouble keeping up with demand2008-08-18 Canadian Organic Growers Inc. Demand for locally grown organic food is on the rise across the country. People are finding out what real food tastes like. After you've sampled an organic tomato or carrot or tasted an organically ra... Canadian Organic Growers applauds new organic regulation2006-09-05 Canadian Organic Growers (COG), Canada's largest national organic organization, applauds the Government of Canada's new organic products regulation. Government of Canada invests in organic sector2010-03-08 Organic Trade Association in Canada The Organic Trade Association (OTA) in Canada is pleased to announce it has received over $118,000 in support from the Government of Canada to develop a long-term international marketing strategy to e... Organic industry gets ready for new federal rules governing 'organic'2009-02-11 Canadian Organic Growers Inc. Canadian Organic Growers, the Organic Trade Association in Canada and the International Organic Inspectors Association have teamed up with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Sources Select ResourcesConnexions Library: Food FocusWebsite 2009 Connexions Information Sharing Services Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on food. Why India's first 100% organic state mattersOberst, Lindsay Article 2016 The Food Revolution Network In a mountainous region in eastern India, Sikkim is now a 100% organic state, with no chemical pesticides or fertilizers and no GMOs. This matters because it shows that organic food in an entire regio... Sources BookshelfThe Harrowsmith ReaderAn Anthology from Canada's National Award Winning Magazine of Country Life and Alternatives to Bigness Lawrence, James (ed.) Book 1978 Articles on land, country careers, shelter, gardening, husbandry, food, trees, and rural life.
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