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Organizational Culture: Experts and Sources
Sources Directory - Subject Index

News Releases

Organizations Are Made Up of People
Richard Martin
In last month’s newsletter I wrote about the need for specificity in formulating strategy and in planning for its implementation. I pointed out that a key to success is the need to put someone in char...
Les organizations sont constituees de personnes
Richard Martin
Dans l’infolettre du mois dernier, j’abordais la nécessité d’être spécifique lorsqu’il s’agit de formuler une stratégie et de planifier sa mise en œuvre. Je faisais remarquer qu’une des clés du succès...
Wrongful Dismissal, Denial and Deflection - The Impact on Employees and the Organizational Culture
CanMediate International
The PSLRB ruling in the D. Tipple/PWGSC case gives us a look at the reality in PWGSC, the Federal Public Service and any organization where the culture is risk-averse and focused on blame-storming, de...

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