Sources Select ResourcesBehind the NumbersA blog from the CCPA Website Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Commentary on issues that affect Canadians, including the economy, poverty, inequality, climate change, budgets, taxes, public services, and employment. Born into BrothelsCalcutta's Red Light Kids Briski, Zana; Kauffman, Ross Film 2004 The chronicling of two documentary filmmakers and their time in Sonagchi, Calcutta and the relationships they developed with children of prostitutes who work the city's notorious red light district. Local schools perpetuate social inequality says survey Diemer, Ulli Article 1976 Seven News The more money your parents earn, the better you are likely to do in school. This is the conclusion of a massive study of the Toronto school population just released by the Board of Education. Sources BookshelfEverybody Loves a Good DroughtStories from India's Poorest Districts Sainath, P. Book 1996 P. Sainath devoted 2½ years to visiting and recording the realities - delving into the fundamentals, the why of the realities - in India's 10 poorest districts. Social Determinants of HealthCanadian Perspectives Raphael, Dennis (ed.) Book 2004 The social determinants of health are summarized and analyzed by over 30 medical and social academics.
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