News ReleasesBaisse du taux d'inoccupation des logements locatifs au Canada en 20082008-12-11 SociA#tA# canadienne dâ##hypothA#ques et de logement (SCHL) Selon les rA#sultats de lâ##EnquAªte sur les logements locatifs, diffusA#s aujourdâ##hui par la SociA#tA# canadienne dâ##hypothA#ques et de logement (SCHL), le taux dâ##inoccupation moyen des appartem... National rental vacancy rate decreases in 20082008-12-11 Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) The average rental apartment vacancy rate in Canada's 34 major centres decreased to 2.2 per cent in October 2008 from 2.6 per cent in October 2007 according to the Rental Market Survey released today ... Sources welcomes the Federation of Metro Tenants' Associations2008-12-10 Federation Metro Toronto Tenants' Associations We are the largest and oldest Tenant organization in Canada. Our mission is to improve the lives of residential tenants through organizing outreach, education and advocacy.
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