
Canada Safety Council
1020 Thomas Spratt Pl. Ottawa, ON K1G 5L5 The Canada Safety Council is a national, non-government, charitable organization dedicated to safety. The Council serves as a credible, reliable resource for safety information, education and awareness in all aspects of Canadian life - In traffic, at home, at work and at leisure. Contributions from corporate and individual members enables the Council to maintain programming and respond to inquires from the public, professionals, the media and others. Sponsors eight national safety campaigns annually. Publishes a member newsletter. Phone: (613) 739-1535FAX: (613) 739-1566E-mail: csc@safety-council.orgJack Smith, President Raynald Marchand, General Manager, Programs
News Releases
- Jan 19, 2015 - Appel aux candidatures pour la Bourse d'études commémorative Sarah Beth Therien
- Jan 19, 2015 - Competition period opens for this year's Sarah Beth Therien Memorial Scholarship
- Dec 2, 2014 - « J'ai des inquiétudes à propos des armes à feu. Qui puis-je appeler? »
- Dec 2, 2014 - "I have a concern about firearms. Who can I call?"
- Nov 20, 2014 - L'alcool n'est pas le seul en cause : la Semaine nationale de la sécurité routière
- Nov 20, 2014 - It's not just alcohol that impairs: National Safe Driving Week
- Nov 20, 2014 - Ne mettez pas votre sécurité en veilleuse: Semaine nationale de la sécurité-incendie chez soi
- Nov 19, 2014 - Put safety on the front-burner: National Home Fire Safety Week
- Oct 7, 2014 - Responsabilité lors des sorties scolaires une voie à double sens
- Oct 7, 2014 - Mois national de la sécurité communautaire et de la prévention de la criminalité: Entretenez de bonnes relations de voisinage
- Oct 7, 2014 - National Community Safety and Crime Prevention Month: On Being Neighbourly
- Sep 17, 2014 - Field Trip Responsibility a Two-Way Street
- Aug 5, 2014 - Scholarship recipient announced
- May 8, 2014 - Semaine nationale de la sécurité sur la route : Mettez toutes les chances de votre côté
- May 8, 2014 - National Road Safety Week: Put the Odds on Your Side
- Oct 3, 2013 - La Semaine nationale de la sécurité scolaire : foyers heureux, écoles saines, enfants en bonne santé
- Oct 3, 2013 - National School Safety Week: Healthy Homes, Healthy Kids, Healthy Schools
- Sep 4, 2013 - Le Conseil canadien de la sécurité et Bridgestone lancent un site-ressource sur la sécurité au volant à l'intention des adolescents et des parent
- Sep 4, 2013 - CSC and Bridgestone launch safe driving resource for teens, parents
- Aug 19, 2013 - School buses back on roads
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