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International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance

SE-103 34
Stockholm, Sweden,

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) is an intergovernmental organization that supports sustainable democracy worldwide. Its objective is to strengthen democratic institutions and processes.
International IDEA acts as a catalyst for democracy building by providing knowledge resources, expertise and a platform for debate on democracy issues. It works together with policymakers, donor governments, UN organizations and agencies, regional organizations and others engaged in democracy building.
International IDEA's areas of expertise include: constitution-building processes, electoral processes, political parties, democracy and gender, and democracy assessments. The Institute offers:
* Knowledge resources, in the form of expert networks, databases, handbooks and websites;
* Policy proposals to provoke debate and action on democracy;
* Assistance with democratic reform in response to specific national requests.

Phone: 46 8 698 3700

Areas of Expertise:

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