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International Hydrographic Organization

4, quai Antoine 1er
B.P. 445
MC 98011, Monaco,

The International Hydrographic Organization is an intergovernmental consultative and technical organization that was established in 1921 to support the safety in navigation and the protection of the marine environment.
The object of the Organization is to bring about:
* The coordination of the activities of national hydrographic offices;
* The greatest possible uniformity in nautical charts and documents;
* The adoption of reliable and efficient methods of carrying out and exploiting hydrographic surveys;
* The development of the sciences in the field of hydrography and the techniques employed in descriptive oceanography.
The official representative of each member government within the IHO is normally the national Hydrographer, or Director of Hydrography, and these persons, together with their technical staff, meet at 5-yearly intervals in Monaco for an International Hydrographic Conference. The Conference reviews the progress achieved by the Organization and adopts the programs to be pursued during the ensuing 5-year period. A Directing Committee of three senior hydrographers is elected to administer the work of the bureau during that time.
This Directing Committee, together with a small international staff of technical experts in hydrography and nautical cartography, coordinates the technical programmes and provides advice and assistance to member states. All member states have an equal voice in arriving at agreed solutions to problems of standardization and in programming the work of the bureau, whilst any member may initiate new proposals for IHO consideration and adoption. Between Conferences such matters are normally accomplished by correspondence.

July 16, 2018
Contact information not found in website, left information from previous entry (18/April/2012) as is.

Phone: 377 93 10 81 00

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