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University Research: Experts and Sources
Sources Directory - Subject Index

News Releases

Federal Government Helps Realize State-Of-The-Art Science & Environment Complex
University of Winnipeg
An historic $18,042,000 million infrastructure grant by the Government of Canada to The University of Winnipeg today means the world-class Science Complex and Richardson College for the Environment wi...

Sources Select Resources

Sources Select Universities, Colleges, and Institutes
Academic experts available to take media calls about their area of expertise.
The University & the Security State
Gasser, Michael
Against the Current
Gasser examines the implicit political agendas behind the offers of funding given to American universities by the Department of Homeland Security to research the "cognitive science of terrorisim."

Sources Bookshelf

En plein essor: Édition 2008 du rapport sur la recherche universitaire et la mobilisation du savoir
Un compte rendu détaillé de la R-D au Canada, plus particulièrement des activités du milieu universitaire.
Momentum: the 2008 report on university research and knowledge mobilization
An in-depth account of Canadian R&D with particular emphasis on research activities of the university sector.

Government Ministries & Agencies

Canadian Institutes of Health Research
"To the creation of new knowledge and its translation into improved health for Canadians, more effective health services and products and a strengthened Canadian health care system."

Sources is an online portal and directory for journalists, writers, news editors, researchers. Use Sources to find experts, media contacts, spokespersons, scientists, lobbyists, officials, speakers, university professors, researchers, newsmakers, CEOs, executive directors, media relations contacts, spokespeople, talk show guests, PR representatives, Canadian sources, story ideas, research studies, databases, universities, colleges, associations, businesses, government, research institutions, lobby groups, non-government organizations (NGOs), in Canada and internationally.
© Sources 1977-2021. The information provided is copyright and may not be reproduced in any form or by any means (whether electronic, mechanical or photographic), or stored in an electronic retrieval system, without written permission of the publisher. The content may not be resold, republished, or redistributed. Indexing and search applications by Ulli Diemer and Chris DeFreitas.