Sources Experts & SpokespersonsSources Select ResourcesBattle of the Somme: the horrific epitome of the first world war German, Lindsey Article 2014 Counterfire Thousands of men who went over the top that morning thought they would meet little resistance. 57,000 were dead or wounded by the end of the day. One by One, South Sudan Tries to Name Its War VictimsTurse, Nick Article 2016 The Intercept In South Sudan, where a vicious civil war has been raging, no government office or nongovernmental organization has kept a tally of the names of those killed by government forces, rebels, and other ar... War Photography at the Tate ModernReceding into Memory Kampmark, Binoy Article 2014 CounterPunch If photography is a record of suspended death, a suggestion that the subject is both frozen in time and rendered lifeless in the broader sense of things, then the nature of war is, in many ways, a per...
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