Medical Reform Group Letter to
Dennis Timbrell
The Honourable Dennis Timbrell, Minister of Health,
Queen's Park, Toronto
Dear Mr. Timbrell:
There have, in recent months, been several physician and physician
associated organizations which have been campaigning to mobilize
doctors to secure higher incomes within the present fee for service
medical scheme. Specifically, it has been suggested that physicians
be allowed to bill patients directly for the difference between
O.H.I.P. fees and what they would like to charge the patient. The
Medical Reform Group represents a group of doctors who believe that
significant changes are necessary to improve the quality of health
care services in Canada. The following represents the position of
the Medical Reform Group with regard to physician reimbursement
and present efforts to increase fee for service payments to doctors.
Both federal and provincial governments have in the past embraced
the principle of universal health care. The provincial insurance
plans can be seen as the beginning of an attempt to put this principle
into practice. Provincial health insurance, although in Ontario
still financed by a regressive tax, is without doubt less inhumane
than the system which preceded it. Allowing physicians to charge
what they like on top of O.H.I.P. would be a step backwards and
would increase the disparity in the varying quality of care which
people of different incomes already receive.
There remain a myriad of ways in which those who can afford it secure
better care. These include semi-private and private hospital coverage,
private nursing care, access to physicians who charge outside of
O.H.I.P., and access to drugs and dental care which many cannot
afford. Private and public patients have certainly been very differently
treated in the past, and this has been one of the ugliest aspects
of the health care delivery system. There is no doubt that were
the proposed changes instituted, a disparity would once again be
introduced between the care of those who could pay the doctor's
extra fee and those who couldn't. The group that would suffer most
would be the working poor whom many physicians would not hesitate
to charge, but who can ill afford the added expense.
Permitting doctors to charge what they like would erode the already
undermined principle of universal health care. Health care would
then truly be a privilege and not a right. We would find such a
change completely unacceptable, and we believe it would be equally
disturbing to most people in Ontario.
We would now like to address the issue of increased incomes for
physicians. Doctors as a group make far more than the median income
for the population and thus represent a privileged group within
the society. The present economic situation is one of high unemployment
in the face of continuing inflation. Large groups within the labouring
population have had to accept decreases in the effective buying
power of what they are earning. Considering the position of relative
material advantage in which doctors already find themselves, we
feel it is selfish and socially irresponsible for physicians' groups
to be agitating for higher incomes.
Despite all of the above, we would like to make it clear that there
are aspects of the physician's lot which we too find unsatisfactory.
Many doctors, motivated partially by cupidity but also by other
factors, feel compelled to work excessively long hours. The medical
profession has no paid holidays, no group dental coverage, no long
term pension plan, no guaranteed sick pay. The absence of these
constitutes a cause for worry and a financial burden which many
others do not have to face. We would like to present an alternative
solution to these problems certain aspects of which the Ontario
government has already considered as possibilities in terms of future
health care delivery planning.
We believe that all physicians should be on a salary which would
provide a reasonable income, but certainly not the extravagant amount
of money which many doctors now receive. For this salary they would
be expected to work hours which are roughly equivalent to the rest
of the working population. Fringe benefits such as those mentioned
above would be provided for by a health care system which would
be under public control and would be financed from the general tax
pool. Under such a system physicians would receive fringe benefits,
be provided with security, and be guaranteed a reasonable work week,
all of which are at present lacking.
We would like to suggest that such a system could be best organized
around community clinics democratically run by staff and community
members. Community clinics have already been shown to meet with
a high degree of patient acceptance and we believe they would be
ultimately advantageous for the physician as well. There is little
doubt that organization of health care along community clinic lines
saves money. Clinics would be an ideal way of implementing a much
needed decentralization of health care decision making and delivery.
Excessive physician incomes, while inappropriate, constitute a minor
contribution to total health care costs. Up to now, government strategy
for cutting health care costs has consisted of a commendable resistance
to increasing physician incomes, and a nearsighted reduction in
essential hospital services with no provision for outpatient alternatives.
We suggest that there are other aspects of the health care system
which could more fruitfully be subjected to scrutiny. These include
drug costs, pharmaceutical industry advertising and profits, dental
care delivery, and the medical technology industry.
In conclusion, we would like to emphasize that the present campaign
for higher incomes does not have the support of all Ontario physicians.
We of the Medical Reform Group feel that to undercut the concept
of provincial or national health insurance covering all medical
costs would be extremely undesirable. Further, we believe that putting
physicians on salary would improve the quality of care for the public
and would ultimately be more satisfactory for physicians as well.
We think that such a change in financing of medical practitioners
could be best undertaken within the setting of the community clinic
as the basic unit of organization of health care delivery. Finally,
with regard to cutting health care costs, there are certain areas
of exploitation and waste which, previously overlooked, should be
Medical Reform Group
Health critic,
New Democratic Party Health critic,
Liberal Party Editor,
Globe and Mail Editor,
Toronto Star Editor,
Toronto Sun
Ontario Federation of Labour
Subject Headings: Abortion
Rights Community
Health Community
Health Centres Drug
Substitution Epidemiology
Medicine Health
Administration Health
Care Budgets Health
Care Cost Containment Health
Care Costs Health
Care Delivery Health
Care Finance & Fund-Raising Health
Care in Canada Health
Care in Ontario Health
Care in the U.K. Health
Care in the U.S. Health
Care Myths Health
Care Reform Health
Care Resources Health
Care Services Health
Care Workers Health
Clinics Health
Determinants Health
Economics Health
Expenditures Health
Issues Health
Policy Health
Policy/Seniors Health
Service Organizations Health/Social
Justice Issues Health
Statistics Health/Strategic
Planning History
Medicine Medical
Associations Medical
Costs/Foreign Medical
Education Medical
Ethics Medical
Human Resources Medical
Personnel Medical
Research Funding Medicare
Use Medication
Use/Seniors NAFTA/Health
Health & Safety Patients'
Rights Pharmaceuticals
Compensation Physician
Human Resources Pro-Choice
Issues Public
Health Publications/Health
Policy Women's
Toronto, Ontario, , Canada Tel:
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