News Release
Medical Reform Group of Ontario
News Release
December 13, 1983
Four years ago physicians concerned about the erosion of Canada's
medicare system founded the Medical Reform Group of Ontario. The
Medical Reform Group has a membership of approximately 150, most
of whom are practising physicians.
We applaud Monique Begin's introduction of the Canada Health Act,
because it reasserts the original principles of medicare, in particular
universality of coverage and reasonable access to services without
financial impediments. We are pleased that the Act provides for
financial penalties for provinces which allow hospital user fees
and physician extra billing.
However, we are worried that some provinces will decide to accept
the proposed penalties rather than eliminate these destructive practices.
If the provinces follow this course, Canadians will continue to
experience barriers to necessary care, while the public money available
to provide for health services will decrease. We therefore call
upon the provincial governments and physicians to abide by the wishes
of the overwhelming majority of Canadians and follow the spirit
as well as the letter of this new Act.
As practising physicians we have encountered patients in Ontario
who are without insurance coverage because they cannot afford OHIP
premiums or are unable to wend their way through the premium assistance
maze. We have found it difficult to find opted-in specialists for
patients in some specialties and geographic areas, including metropolitan
Toronto. We believe health care cannot be treated as a commodity
to be bought and sold on the open market. It is time for all Canadians
to reconfirm that health care is a right, not a privilege.
For further information:
Dr. Michael Rachlis
Dr. Fred Freedman
Dr. Cynthia Carver
Subject Headings: Abortion
Rights Community
Health Community
Health Centres Drug
Substitution Epidemiology
Medicine Health
Administration Health
Care Budgets Health
Care Cost Containment Health
Care Costs Health
Care Delivery Health
Care Finance & Fund-Raising Health
Care in Canada Health
Care in Ontario Health
Care in the U.K. Health
Care in the U.S. Health
Care Myths Health
Care Reform Health
Care Resources Health
Care Services Health
Care Workers Health
Clinics Health
Determinants Health
Economics Health
Expenditures Health
Issues Health
Policy Health
Policy/Seniors – Health
Service Organizations Health/Social
Justice Issues Health
Statistics Health/Strategic
Planning History
Medicine Medical
Associations Medical
Costs/Foreign Medical
Education Medical
Ethics Medical
Human Resources Medical
Personnel Medical
Research Funding Medicare
Use Medication
Use/Seniors NAFTA/Health
Health & Safety Patients'
Rights Pharmaceuticals
Compensation Physician
Human Resources Pro-Choice
Issues Public
Health Publications/Health
Policy Women's
Toronto, Ontario, , Canada Tel:
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