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To submit a news release, use this form. International Acclaim For Books By Hamilton, Ontario PublisherMay 11, 2011Hamilton, May 11, 2010The latest release from Bridgeross, Prose To Go: Tales From A Private List, has been hailed by South African reviewer Lois C. Henderson writing in the New York Journal of Books as a life-enhancing experience and as a book that deserves to find a place in every public library collection Edited by three writers in different parts of Canada, the book is a collection of articles by 18 writers from the North West Territories to Prince Edward Island. Many of the stories were previously published and are award-winning. The topics range from herding alpacas in the NWT to reminiscences of buying a jock strap for Peter Falk to the Rolling Stones Big Band Tour. The publisher, Bridgeross Communications of Dundas (Hamilton) Ontario, is owned by writer Marvin Ross who switched from writing to publishing three years ago. Bridgeross currently has ten books in print (along with a documentary film) and all have been well received internationally. Similar to Prose To Go is the collection My Life and Other Lies: Tales From A Writer's List by Steve Pitt who also a contributes to Prose. The New York website, Blog Critics, had this to say: Pitt displays an ability to weave wit, humor and nostalgia into artful story-telling similar to the works of Garrison Keillor, the celebrated author of Lake Wobegone Days, and Jean Shepherd whose collected anecdotes eventually became the holiday classic A Christmas Story. Another recent title is The Adolescent Owner's Manual by Hamilton psychiatrist and mystery writer David Laing Dawson. The US publication Library Journal said "Dawson's understated sense of humor translates well to text. While there are a plethora of books available on parenting teens, his to-the-pointness recommends this for busy readers." The Hamilton Spectator said, his book is lit with a real empathy for the adolescents he treats and teenagers in general. A number of Dawson's mysteries are also published by Bridgeross and Dawson has been translated into seven languages. Publisher's Weekly in the US once compared him to the other mystery writing physician, Robin Cook, and an Amazon review described his set in Hamilton mystery, Slide in All Direction, as a little Elmore Leonard a little Seinfeld Episode The Bridgeross books on schizophrenia have all been highly rated. After Her Brain Broke: Helping My Daughter Recover Her Sanity by Susan Inman of Vancouver is recommended by the National Alliance on Mental Illness in the US and by EUFAMI in Europe. These are the largest organizations for families of the mentally ill in the world. The book is also recommended by Dr E Fuller Torrey, described as the most famous psychiatrist in the US by 60 Minutes. My Schizophrenic Life: The Road to Recovery From Mental Illness by Sandra Yuen MacKay of Vancouver was described as "remarkably compelling.....will hold readers captive.....provides a surprisingly gripping narrative" by Library Journal. New York psychiatrist and author of Weekends at Bellevue: Nine Years on the Night Shift at the Psych ER said Sandra MacKay's story is an important one for all of us in the mental health field --doctors, patients, and their families. It is imperative that we take in the lessons she is imparting to us all Schizophrenia: Medicine's Mystery Society's Shame by Marvin Ross is recommended by the World Fellowship For Schizophrenia and Allied Disorders. Dr Torrey described this work as very comprehensive while the Belgian psychiatrist, Jean Desclin MD PhD, called it a "critical and lucid review". For more information contact: Marvin Ross Phone: 289-260-0229 Email: mross@bridgeross.com Website: www.bridgeross.com