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To submit a news release, use this form. National Non-Smoking Week - January 15 - 21, 2012January 13, 2012National Non-Smoking Week (NNSW) 2012 - Breaking up is hard to doThis year the Canadian Council for Tobacco Control sought to highlight the complex relationship Canadians who smoke have with their cigarettes. Most of us have experienced a relationship that we knew was not good for us, but found it difficult to walk away. This is particularly true for the millions of Canadians who smoke - their 'pal' is slowing killing them. Further, their addiction to and use of tobacco may also be doing the same thing to their loved ones. Tobacco remains the leading preventable cause of disease and death in Canada, killing 37,000 Canadians annually. Direct health care costs from tobacco exceed $4.4 billion per year, and total economic costs are greater than $17 billion per year.1 For every premature death caused by tobacco, there are at least 20 people living with a tobacco-related illness.2 Research continues to show that comprehensive tobacco control programmes change smoking behaviour at the population level and alter social environmental factors that influence smoking. Such local, provincial and national tobacco control programmes are in peril without the renewal of a well-funded Federal Tobacco Control Strategy. The health crisis caused by tobacco products demands the continuation of a strong nation-wide response to prevent and reduce tobacco use and exposure. This is one relationship that demands regulation A comprehensive tobacco control strategy should strive to achieve a smoke-free society in Canada by: * Preventing people who do not smoke from beginning to smoke and becoming addicted to tobacco; * Helping people quit smoking; * Promoting the right of individuals to breathe air unpolluted by tobacco smoke; * Unmasking the tobacco industry and its predatory marketing practices, and denormalizing tobacco products and their use; * Ensuring the tobacco industry is regulated in a manner consistent with the chemical industry and other hazardous products; and * Educating Canadians about the dangers of smoking. A relationship with cigarettes is costly Five million Canadians smoke. Through tobacco taxation, they contribute billions of dollars annually to federal and provincial coffers. However we spend but a small fraction of that to help them quit this relationship. Further, as a society, we continue to stigmatize people who smoke and to blame them for their addiction conveniently neglecting the fact that tobacco is highly addictive and that most adults in Canada who currently smoke started before the age of 17 - many even before the age of 15. We must do more to help create and invest in environments that support 'quitters', that protects non-smokers from exposure to secondhand smoke and that ensures our youth never enter into this devastating and costly relationship. Tobacco is a relationship that never has a happy ending. NNSW - 35 Years Young NNSW has been observed for 35 years and is one of the longest running and most important events in the CCTC?s ongoing public education efforts regarding the consequences of tobacco use. Its goals are: * to educate Canadians about the dangers of smoking; * to prevent people who do not smoke from beginning to smoke and becoming addicted to tobacco; * to help people quit smoking; * to promote the right of individuals to breathe air unpolluted by tobacco smoke; * to denormalize the tobacco industry, tobacco industry marketing practices, tobacco products, and tobacco use; and * to assist in the attainment of a smoke-free society in Canada. For more information about NNSW please visit nnsw.ca or to learn more about the CCTC and its services please visit cctc.ca Pour obtenir la version francaise du present communique, veuillez visiter snsf.ca - 30 - Robert Walsh Executive Director 613 567-3050 1 Canadian Centre for Substance Abuse (2006), The Costs of Substance Abuse in Canada 2002. 2 J Mackay and M Erikson, The Tobacco Atlas, 2002. Semaine nationale sans fum�e (SNSF) 2012 Dur, dur de rompre mais il faut mettre fin - cette relation malsaine � Cette annee, le CCCT veut mettre l'accent sur la complexite de la relation qui existe entre les Canadiens qui fument et leurs cigarettes. La plupart d'entre nous avons v�cu une relation que nous savions malsaine pour nous, mais qui etait n�anmoins difficile a quitter. Cette situation est particulierement vraie pour les millions de Canadiens qui fument leur complice les tue petit feu. De plus, il est bien possible que leur usage du tabac et leur dependance aient le meme effet sur leurs proches. Le tabagisme demeure la principale cause �vitable de maladie et de d�c�s au Canada : il tue annuellement 37 000 Canadiens. Les co�ts directs de soins de sant� d�coulant du tabagisme d�passent les 4,4 milliards de dollars par ann�e, les co�ts �conomiques totaux sont sup�rieurs � 17 milliards de dollars par ann�e.1 Pour chaque d�c�s pr�matur� caus� par le tabac, au moins 20 personnes vivent avec une maladie li�e au tabac.2 La recherche continue � indiquer que les programmes de lutte contre le tabagisme complets changent le comportement en mati�re d?usage du tabac au niveau de la population et modifient les facteurs du milieu social qui exercent une influence sur le tabagisme. � l?�chelle locale, provinciale et nationale, ces programmes de lutte contre le tabagisme sont menac�s par le non-renouvellement d?une strat�gie f�d�rale de lutte contre le tabagisme ad�quatement financ�e. La crise au niveau de la sant� caus�e par les produits du tabac exige la continuation d?une puissante intervention nationale pour pr�venir et r�duire le tabagisme et l?exposition au tabac. Visitez snsf.ca pour le reste de ce communique For more information contact: Jocelyne Koepke Operations Manager Canadian Council for Tobacco Control Phone: 613 567-3050 Email: jkoepke@cctc.ca Website: nnsw.ca Phone: 6134215006 Email: jmkoepke1@gmail.com Phone: 6134215006 Email: jmkoepke1@gmail.com Click here to view our Sources Listing: Canadian Council for Tobacco ControlTopics: