- Will it matter when the last newspaper dies? (October 3, 2024)
There will come a day in our lives when the last newspaper, on actual paper, is sent out on the trucks. There will come a day sometime after that when whatever the old houses evolved into, finally fall into ruin and silence. Will it matter?
- Is it really 'disinformation' to show Russians as human beings (September 23, 2024)
he Liberals are openly suppressing alternative views and escalating a war with a nuclear armed state. In recent days theyve helped ban an anti-war film, labelled a media outlet foreign interference and sought to bomb deep inside Russia. Last Tuesday Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland boosted a campaign to suppress the screening of Russians at War at the Toronto International Film Festival.
- Attacks on RT reveal the sad truth about the West (September 15, 2024)
With their crusade against their own dissidents, the US and its allies betray the desperation of their collective propaganda machine.
- Why the news media's job is to groom us (July 10, 2024)
Large numbers of Palestinians and Ukrainians were killed in missile strikes days apart. The media's differing treatment of these comparable events is the clue to what the medias really there to do. As readers, we don't, as we imagine, 'consume' news. Rather, the news consumes us. Or put another way, the media uses the news to groom us, its audience. Properly understood, the relationship is one of abuser and abused.
- That's militainment! Big Hollywood succumbs to the Pentagon Borg (July 4, 2024)
- All Vivek Murthy Wants for Christmas is a Label Maker (June 20, 2024)
It is time to require a surgeon generals warning label on social media platforms, Vivek Murthy writes in a New York Times op-ed, stating that social media is associated with significant mental health harms for adolescents.
- CBC has whitewashed Israel's crimes in Gaza. I saw it firsthand (May 16, 2024)
Working for five years as a producer at the public broadcaster, I witnessed the double standards and discrimination in its coverage of Palestine -- and experienced directly how CBC disciplines those who speak out
- Facebook designates Grayzone journalist Kit Klarenberg a 'dangerous individual' (April 17, 2024)
The notoriously intelligence-friendly social media network appears to have imposed a ban on posting a recent report by Kit Klarenberg, and is automatically restricting users who re-publish his work.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - March 3, 2024 (March 3, 2024)
Lies are the lifeblood of the world we live in. The American-dominated international order is rooted in violence and exploitation, but lies are its language, its public face, and its spiritual essence.
- The 'Reality' around Us is Constructed by Liars: 'Journalists are War Criminals' (February 7, 2024)
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - October 14, 2023 (October 14, 2023)
Fading to silence, as well as the more active and deliberate silencing of dissenting views, is the theme of this issue of Other Voices.
- The Need To Replace The Existing U.S.-Government-Controlled Web (September 21, 2023)
The U.S. Government controls the Web; and this means that it also indirectly controls the news-media.
- The EU's best weapon against free speech isn't working (September 7, 2023)
The European Union has just realized that it can't rule the internet with an iron fist by throwing around the 'Kremlin propaganda' label.
- YouTube bans Scott Ritter (August 11, 2023)
YouTube has terminated the account of former US intelligence officer Scott Ritter and deleted all of his videos on the platform.
- From Yellow Journalism to China Bashing, the Media's Enduring Role in Promoting War (May 1, 2023)
- John Pilger's Guide to Propaganda (April 21, 2023)
Journalist, author and filmmaker John Pilger, who has spent decades studying governments nefariousness, tells Katie Halper how to spot propaganda.
- Snowden and Texeira: Ten Years of Disaster (April 16, 2023)
The idea that the legacy media in any way serves the truth or the public interest is now completely buried. The legacy media serves the state, and the state serves the billionaires. It is a shame the Washington Post, New York Times, Guardian and Bellingcat each had no interest whatsoever in the journalistic pursuit of the truth behind this extraordinary episode. We live entirely in security states: there is no doubt about it.
- The Media Accountability Project (2023)
- Censoring Palestine: Swarms of Israeli Bots Are Crippling Pro-Palestinian Twitter Account (May 17, 2022)
The Israeli government's targeting of Palestinian digital content is well-documented. According to 7amleh, The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media, the Israeli Ministry of Justice Cyber Unit sends content-removal requests aimed at Palestinian content to social media companies such as Facebook, Google, and YouTube. The Justice Ministry has boasted these corporations comply with 95% of their requests. And Israeli governmental organizations and NGOs also encourage their citizens to flag Palestinian content for removal.
- Donziger: a Tale for Our Times (May 4, 2022)
This case shows how we are all, in a sense, the prisoners of corporations which dictate the terms on which we live, work and share knowledge.
- A Reader Sounds Off on PayPal's Ban on Consortium News (May 3, 2022)
As with Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, journalism that tells some truths that might undermine the case for war can't be tolerated.
- The NATO to TikTok Pipeline: Why is Tiktok employing so many national security agents? (April 29, 2022)
- An Intellectual No-Fly Zone: Online Censorship of Ukraine Dissent Is Becoming the New Norm (April 25, 2022)
Google has sent a warning shot across the world, ominously informing media outlets, bloggers, and content creators that it will no longer tolerate certain opinions when it comes to Russias invasion of Ukraine.
- Big Tech's 'Cancel Culture' Love Affair (April 21, 2022)
Cancel culture is inbuilt in the techno-feudalist project: conform to the hegemonic narrative, or else. Journalism that does not conform must be taken down. This month, several of us - Scott Ritter, myself, ASB Military News, among others - were canceled from Twitter. The - unstated - reason: we were debunking the officially approved narrative of the Russia/NATO/Ukraine war.
- As opportunities to see old movies fade, so does basic cinematic literacy (April 19, 2022)
When it comes to the movies many people feel comfortable ignoring anything made before they were born. Black-and-white movies? Forget it. Silent films? Are you kidding? And Im not even talking about teenagers, or casual fans. I've taught film students - many of whom want to make their own movies - who seem to think cinema started with 'Pulp Fiction.'
- Twitter Wars: My Personal Experience in Twitter's Ongoing Assault on Free Speech (April 13, 2022)
- Social media giants repress Palestinian content (March 29, 2022)
Silicon Valley is solidly entrenching itself as a devoted enemy of political dissent. As the West implements draconian sanctions against Russia over the invasion of Ukraine, including the banning of the Russian news outlets RT and Sputnik from YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok as well as search engine results, social media censorship of political messaging about the Palestinian liberation struggle continues.
- On Being Disappeared (March 28, 2022)
YouTube has removed the entire six-year archive of the author's show 'On Contact.' This censorship, he says, is about supporting what I.F Stone reminded us is what governments always do - lie.
- Social media giants allow hate speech against Russia but silence Israel's critics (March 18, 2022)
Silicon Valley's decision to allow anti-Russia threats reveals it as little more than a propaganda arm of the West.
- Conflict In Ukraine Used To Silence Voices Of Dissent In The United States (March 14, 2022)
Clearing the FOG speaks with political comedian Lee Camp about the sudden de-platforming that happened to him when RT America abruptly shut down after the Russian military intervention in Ukraine last month. Camp lost his program Redacted Tonight that aired weekly for the past eight years, and he was kicked off of other platforms such as Spotify. Camp talks about the big picture of growing censorship, the state of the media and freedom of the press, and the assault on the public's access to information that counters the narrative in the corporate media.
- Australian Government Sanctions People For Sharing Unauthorized Thoughts (March 8, 2022)
Stomping on speech which doesn't align with the authorized opinions of the government and the globe-spanning empire of which it is a member state.
- Western cancel culture has gone nuclear in targeting an entire country (March 7, 2022)
By now, we're all used to righteous people pitching fits and ganging up, mean-girl style, on those they feel have committed transgressions against the status quo. But amid the conflict in Ukraine, some are actually trying to deplatform the world's largest country by attacking anyone and anything even remotely associated with it.
- War, Conflict & Enemies of Truth (March 5, 2022)
The frenzy engendered by the Ukraine conflict reinforces a herd mentality that cries out for critical thinking.
- Defending Freedom And Democracy Sure Requires An Awful Lot Of Censorship (March 2, 2022)
Perhaps we have foolishly consented to a reality where the most powerful people in the world get to control the information people consume in order to shut down dissent against a murderous and oppressive globe-spanning oligarchic empire.
- Foreign Agents Designation Causes Media Cold War (February 28, 2022)
Media based in countries the United States regards as enemies, such as Russia and China, even if they are privately owned, are required to register as "foreign agents." So are media which run reports critical of U.S. foreign policy, like Al Jazeera. Other state owned-media, like the BBC, CBC, Deutsche Welle, let alone Voice of America, are not required to register.
- Censorship By Algorithm Does Far More Damage Than Conventional Censorship (January 24, 2022)
By mid-2017 independent media outlets were already reporting across ideological lines that algorithm changes from important sources of viewership like Google had suddenly begun hiding their content from people who were searching for the subjects they reported on.
- The Israel Narrative Is Crumbling Because Of Phone Cameras And The Internet (May 11, 2021)
Social media is teeming with viral video footage of police assaulting peaceful worshippers in the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, of Israelis cheering and chanting Yimach shemam (may their names be erased) at the sight of a fire near the mosque, of Israeli soldiers arresting Palestinian protesters using the signature knee-on-neck maneuver made famous by the murder of George Floyd, many of which have millions of views.
- We can defeat the corporate medias war to snuff out independent journalism (May 10, 2021)
as journalists seek to liberate themselves from the strictures of the old corporate media, that same corporate media is working very hard to characterise the new technology as a threat to media freedoms. This self-serving argument should be treated with a great deal of scepticism. I want to use my own experiences to argue that quite the reverse is true. And that the real danger is allowing the corporate media to reassert its monopoly over narrating the world to us.
- Like the Diana story, Meghans fight with the Royals will ensure nothing really changes (March 9, 2021)
Oprah Winfrey's interview with Meghan and Harry is a perfect case study of how an important political debate about the corrupting role of the monarchy on British life gets shunted aside yet again, not just by the endless Royal soap opera but by supposedly progressive identity politics.
- Twitter Rolls Out New Wikipedia-Like Program To Narrative Manage Tweets (January 26, 2021)
On the concerns raised in relation to Twitter's Birdwatch feature.
- Trump's Twitter Ban May Be Justified, but That Doesn't Mean Tech Giants' Power Isn't Scary (January 15, 2021)
On the implications of mixed media response to social media companies taking measures against Trump, after the storming of the US Capitol.
- Social media's erasure of Palestinians is a grim warning for our future (October 26, 2020)
Nowhere are ties between tech and state officials more evident than in their dealings with Israel. This has led to starkly different treatment of digital rights for Israelis and Palestinians.
- Twitter spreads paid US government propaganda while falsely claiming it bans state media ads (August 10, 2020)
On allegations that Twitter has demonstrated bias in favor of US government and its interests, with regards to policies on state-backed media outlets.
- Wikipedia formally censors the Grayzone as regime-change advocates monopolize editing (June 10, 2020)
On the blacklisting campaign of certain independent new sites launched by a small group of Wikipedia editors.
- The Real Conspiracy: Notes From The Edge of the Narrative Matrix (April 10, 2020)
Some conspiracy-type people say the world is messed up because we're ruled by illuminati or reptilians, but I'm way more out there than that: I say our entire society is made of imaginary thought stories with little relation to objective reality, and some clever manipulators have figured out how to exploit this.
- People's Skepticism About Covid-19 Is The Fault Of The Lying Mass Media (March 31, 2020)
- Facebook censors explainer clip recalling when western media liked Soleimani and demonetizes popular account for sharing it (January 15, 2020)
The social media behemoth didn't just remove independent journalist Dan Cohen's 'In the Now' segment, "How 'good guy' Soleimani became US media's 'bad guy'," from the show's page on Tuesday it demonetized In the Now entirely, citing the typical unspecified violations of "community standards." The move comes amid an alarming escalation in the platform's crackdown on political speech that runs contrary to US foreign policy, a wave of censorship that has not been limited to Facebook.
- Facebook advertisers can write their own headlines for shared news stories (September 16, 2019)
Advertisers on Facebook are able to completely rewrite the displayed headline for news stories, CBC News has learned, opening the door for potential disinformation to spread on the platform while using news media branding as cover.
- Facebook Wants You to Know if Youre Getting Your News From the Wrong Government (March 1, 2019)
Media outlets owned by a company with ties to the Russian government are forced to disclose their affiliation on Facebook. Media outlets owned or funded by the US government are not held to the same standard.
- Women-Led Radio Station Amplifies Voices of Indigenous Communities in Argentina (November 20, 2018)
In the late 1990s several Indigenous women founded a radio station which continues to broadcast. It resists cultural subjugation and provides a voice to Indigenous people.
- It's not a 'defense' of Alex Jones to argue that we're on a slippery slope of internet censorship (August 8, 2018)
The celebration on the Left at the quick-fire purge of Alex Jones and InfoWars from social media has been disturbing -- not because Jones' views deserve to be defended, but because his banning is a warning shot against dissent.
- PayPal censors journalists who criticize Israel (July 25, 2018)
Under apparent influence from Benjamin Weinthal, PayPal chose to close down the account of the French online publication Agence Media Palestine. Such a move constitutes censorship as it denies journalists the means to raise money for their work and freedom to express ideas.
- The Ideal of a Free Media Died Long Ago (June 4, 2018)
Should the media include positive editorial content secretly paid for by major corporations, as London's Evening Standard newspaper has begun doing, according to new revelations? Most of us instantly recoil from any blurring between editorial and advertising in the media. How would we know if what was reported was factual, truthful and newsworthy or there simply as public relations spin? How could we trust anything we read?
- The Ideal of a Free Media Died Long Ago (June 4, 2018)
Most of us instantly recoil from any blurring between editorial and advertising in the media. How would we know if what was reported was factual, truthful and newsworthy or there simply as public relations spin? How could we trust anything we read? But here's a seditious idea. Would that be such a bad thing? Maybe it would better if we were far more wary of the corporate media and began to think of it chiefly as a sales platform selling us an ideology harmful to our individual welfare and that of our societies.
- What if Ida B. Wells Depended on Facebook? (May 8, 2018)
The work of Ida B. Wells, the crusading journalist who forced Americans to pay attention to lynchings and human rights abuses, is a reminder why we need a tax-dollars-funded, and journalism focused, commitment to public media.
- Denver Post Editor Who Criticized Paper's Ownership Resigns (May 3, 2018)
Chuck Plunkett said he knew that he was risking his job as the editorial page editor of The Denver Post when he wrote an impassioned editorial last month blasting the newspaper's hedge-fund owners as "vulture capitalists" who had hobbled Colorado's largest newspaper with deep layoffs and cost-cutting. On Thursday, Mr. Plunkett resigned after he said an executive who oversees the newspaper refused to run another sharp-edged editorial Mr. Plunkett had written for this Sunday's newspaper.
- Argentine Newspapers Recuperated by Workers' Cooperatives (April 10, 2018)
An economic recession in Argentina that culminated in intense protests and the resignation of then-president Fernando de la Rua, also fostered the phenomenon of companies being recuperated by its workers as a cooperatives. In the last two years the majority of companies recuperated have been media outlets, which opens up new possibilities for journalism in the country.
- Laura Ingraham's advertisers aren't really staging a boycott. It's a capital strike (April 4, 2018)
There are no regulations or laws preventing or even restricting capital strikes in the form of corporate activism, therefore social and political aspirations of capital always have an effective instrument on hand; yet the same cannot be said for labour.
- Facebook and the Rise of Anti-Social Media (April 2, 2018)
For those who haven't thought about it, the internet is insidious because of the very capacity that Cambridge Analytica claims to be able to exploit: customization. Users have limited ability to confirm the authenticity of anything they see, read or hear on it. Print editions can be compared and contrasted-- technology limits print media to large-scale deceptions. With the capacity to create entire realms of deception -- identities, content, web pages and entire online publications, trust is made a function of gullibility.
- America's Troll Farm Media (March 9, 2018)
A look at the American mainstream media, which is in a constant search of sensation, scandal, gossip, and above all -- profit.
- Fake News and the Gatekeepers of Truth (February 11, 2018)
A look at misinformation or 'fake news' and how it has changed from the past; while only governments and prominent figures could once manipulate public opinion, today it is anyone with online access.
- Propaganda! Pardon me, is mine really bigger than yours? (February 8, 2018)
They say Propaganda! In the West, both the mainstream media and even some of the so-called progressive outlets are shouting: "Those Russians and Chinese and the others like them, they are at it again! Their vicious propaganda is infiltrating our democratic, freedom-loving countries, spreading confusion and chaos!"
Yes, ban or at least curb RT, contain TeleSur, and if at all possible, throw Press TV to the dogs. And put the writers of NEO, Sputnik, Global Times and other foreign outlets on that proverbial Western mass media 'no fly list'.
- Facebook announces latest step in censorship campaign, prioritizing "local news" (February 6, 2018)
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that the social media giant will prioritize news from 'local sources' in the News Feed displayed to users. This is the third move this year in a roll-out of updates by Facebook aimed at censoring online information.
- Apple and the Guardian: Partners in a Death Spiral (January 20, 2018)
This report on Apple CEO Tim Cook's visit to a UK school to promote the company's new coding curriculum for schoolchildren could hardly be a better illustration of the way the Guardian newspaper serves as a key propagandist for aggressive global corporate capitalism, helping to create for it a façade of humanitarianism.
- Alternative Media: Ulli Diemer - Selected snippets & quotes from Radical Digressions (2018)
- Half of UK sees The Sun tabloid as 'negative influence' (December 18, 2017)
Half of Britons see one of the UK's largest tabloids, The Sun, as a negative influence on society, according to a new poll.
- Broadband monopolies to censor Internet content (December 5, 2017)
The recently released plan by the American Federal Communications Commission to abolish net neutrality has evoked mass opposition across the US and around the world.
- Withdrawal of RT America's accreditation on Capitol Hill 'dire development' (November 30, 2017)
The US congressional press office has revoked RT America's accreditation on Capitol Hill, citing its 'foreign agent' status.
- US & Europe's farcical hypocrisy over Russian foreign media law (November 28, 2017)
The US and the European Union rushed to condemn Russia's new media laws restricting foreign entities. At the same time, they assume the unilateral right to hound Russian news outlets as "foreign agents."
- Google will 'de-rank' RT articles to make them harder to find - Eric Schmidt (November 20, 2017)
The Executive Chairman of Google's parent company Alphabet states that the company will engineer specific algorithms for news services RT and Sputnik to make their content less prominent on the search engine's news delivery services.
- Thank You, Ed Herman (November 15, 2017)
Obituary of Edward S. Herman, condsiderd "the godfather of antiwar media critique."
- Whos Afraid of Corporate COINTELPRO? (November 3, 2017)
On November 30, 2016, presumably right at the stroke of midnight, Google Inc. unpersoned CounterPunch. They didn't send out a press release or anything. They just quietly removed it from the Google News aggregator. Not very many people noticed.
- Tabloids do not represent the working class (November 2, 2017)
It should come as little surprise that media owned and run by unscrupulous billionaires like Rupert Murdoch and Richard Desmond should be more concerned with protecting the party of big business than it is with the wellbeing or interests of working class people. We need to call out the tabloid media for what it is run by and for the elites.
- Google, Amazon, Netflix mount lobby crusade on Trudeau Liberals (October 31, 2017)
The numerous meetings between top Liberal Government officials and U.S. tech giants not only smack of favouritism, but also raise ethical questions and concerns over deregulation.
- Cowardly New World: Alternative Media Under Attack by Algorithms (October 26, 2017)
An insidious assault is underway against alternative media on the internet. Leftist and progressive websites have been suffering significant declines in traffic. Some have had online income sources cut. Many others have been publicly defamed. The only voices speaking the truth, says Kollibri terre Sonnenblume, are those on the fringes and we must amplify them however we can. Some suggestions: * Read/view alternative media stories and share them in whatever venues you can. * Stop consuming mainstream media and stop posting links to it. * Actively support alternative media by donating money, time or other resources. * Stop using Google as your search engine; I recommend DuckDuckGo. You will be surprised at how much you've been missing. * Become the media: take your own photos or video and write up stories yourself for whatever outlet will take your work, even if that's only your own blog.
- 'Pay to play': Facebook rolls out nightmare scenario for publishers on its network (October 24, 2017)
Facebook is testing out a change to their network in six markets. As a result, posts from some publishers and businesses will be removed from the site's News Feed section. The change has caused a dramatic drop in referral traffic to news outlets.
- Israeli Soldiers Shut Down Media Outlets In The West Bank (October 18, 2017)
Israeli soldiers and secret security officers invaded media outlets in dawn raids in several parts of the occupied West Bank. The media outlets provide services to Palestinian TV stations such as Al-Aqsa and Al-Quds.
- The Censorious Vortex of the "Flash News" Barons (September 22, 2017)
For decades, the factors that decided what noteworthy stories would not find their way into print or on the air came down to the media's ignorance, laziness or from advertising restraints. For too long, the explosive material for good journalism in these and other areas had remained hidden in plain sight.
- Sources News Releases (September 11, 2017)
News releases from organizations and companies on a wide range of topics. Includes an extensive topic index, an archive of releases going back to the 1970s, and links to experts and organizations knowledgeable about the issues covered in the releases. Available via RSS feed as well as on the Sources.com website.
- CBC Radio badly off track with too much personal storytelling (August 22, 2017)
CBC Radio's wandering off into a journalistic sub-culture must be curtailed. At most, radio's schedule should include a couple of the storytelling programs.
- Do you know a community that might like a new newspaper? (August 8, 2017)
At least 171 media organizations in 138 communities closed between 2008 and this January [2017]. However, Canadian communities still should be able to have reliable newspapers. They need to explore creating community-controlled not-for-profit papers.
- Here's why papers don't deserve support; money should go to committed Internet sites (July 4, 2017)
Governement funding should not go toward propping up mainstream print media, but rather towards access to information in communities where it is currently lacking.
- The Breaking Of The Corporate Media Monopoly (June 15, 2017)
Alternative articles are being shared more widely online than the views of mainstream newspaper commentators. Discussed in relation to 2017 UK election.
- 'Liberal' Libel Law: Still a Disgrace to Democracy (March 21, 2017)
In the age of social media, our allegedly liberal libel laws might pose more of a threat to unfettered free speech than ever.
- Manufactured Consent (January 25, 2017)
Corporations don't just shape our politics or economics, they also seek to change public opinion to serve their interests. Which corporations play the biggest role in shaping knowledge and news? What do they fund? Who do they represent? What role have they played in the rise of authoritarian populists? This infographic for State of Power 2017 exposes those 'manufacturing consent'.
- 'Fake News' in America (December 18, 2016)
Details the hypocrisy of the media and Democratic party's recent outcry over 'fake news', as the loose definition encompasses well-established media practices, and may be used to attack any alternative media source.
- RT in UK: A brief history of establishment hysteria (October 22, 2016)
NatWest Bank, a subsidiary of Britain's majority state-controlled Royal Bank of Scotland, gives notice that it is closing RT's accounts without explanation. In this article detailed information has been presented concerning the issue.
- Sources HotLink - February 22, 2016 (February 22, 2016)
We start off our year with a review of the last. According to the report, 2015 was a dangerous year for journalists overseas. In North America, we re-explore the debate between privacy and security and the curious case of Donald Trump. In South America, the issues with impunity remain ever prevalent. For our media relations professionals, we feature a fun guide to press releases and the words of thought leaders in digital media. Bookworms get The Man Who Recorded the World and film buffs get Control Room.
- MEDIA IN CRISIS - 1: Why feds should step in to help democracy's watchdogs (February 2, 2016)
A flourishing, capable news media is the oxygen of democracy. In Canada, our traditional oxygen-providers, the mainstream corporate-owned newspapers, are dying. We need to come up with something better to serve our communities.
- MEDIA IN CRISIS - 2: Citizens, government need to plan now to have quality media in future (February 2, 2016)
Canada's mainstream media are in a state of incipient meltdown. They no longer deliver the volume or quality of news that Canadians need to be informed about important happenings in their communities, let alone to participate in a healthy democratic process.
- Grassroots media relations (January 1, 2016)
A media relations guide for organizers and activists.
- Big media versus the people (October 1, 2015)
A look how "Big Media" shapes public attitudes, the economy, culture, leisure and education, and how governments have developed close relationships with the press in a way which has not been in the public interest.
- Sources HotLink - August 12, 2015 (August 12, 2015)
This issue features articles that are centred around the theme of the big overpowering the small; through physical violence, deception, law and slander. Those who are powerful have always exerted their strength to control the thoughts and behaviours of the weak. In the past, it was straightforward -- through force. In modern times, however, this control is much less obvious. For our marketers and public relations specialists, we offer guides in internet marketing: one article on the current state of internet communications and another article on search engine optimization. Also included in this issue is a film about corporate abuse of power and a book on news stories that stand the test of time.
- Sources HotLink - July 22, 2015 (July 22, 2015)
This issue features articles on censorship and violence. Closer to home, we look at media and public interpretations of the Charleston massacre. Overseas, we explore brutal police tactics and violent suppression of free expression. For our marketers, feature an expert interview on the current state of print media. Following the tone of the interview, we also feature a guide on incorporation social media into your marketing strategy. Also featured in this article, is a book on environmental exploitation and a movie on worker exploitation.
- The Sad Story of Canadian Geographic (July 21, 2015)
Staff at Canadian Geographic magazine report that it publishes articles financed and vetted by companies without disclosing it as sponsored content.
- Sources HotLink - June 9, 2015 (June 9, 2015)
This issue features many stories related to the themes of journalistic standards and censorship. With increasing pressure from corporations and governments, reporters are finding it more and more difficult to report on issues that affect powerful interests. The problem lies not only with top-down pressure and control, but also with journalists themselves. Journalists often frame their stories to support particular narratives or points of view. Also in this issue: books, movies and other resources related to the theme of censorship, journalistic integrity, and acess to information.
- UK Media Regulator Again Threatens RT for "Bias": This Time, Airing "Anti-Western Views" (March 2, 2015)
The U.K. Government loves to lecture the world about infringements of liberty generally and press freedom specifically. It does so as it threatens to revoke the broadcasting license of a media outlet for broadcasting "anti-western" views and other perspectives at odds with the U.K. Government, all while shielding (and venerating) the equally virulent biases from pro-state television in the U.K.
- Feral Journalism - Rewilding Dissent (January 29, 2015)
Media censorship from corporations and politicians are distoring our view of reality but most of us aren't so far gone that we can't recognize the need for non-corporate media.
- What needs to happen to save and rebuild the CBC (December 2, 2014)
Can the CBC be saved and restored? Probably. But it will take some time and some good luck, as well as some heavy duty political lobbying. It is important that CBC supporters, including those who have fallen by the wayside during the destructive Harper years, unite behind some common goals and pressure the two opposition leaders to commit themselves to restoring the Corporation to its proper role in the country.
- The Comic Book Simplicity Of Propaganda (October 4, 2014)
The referendum campaign on Scottish independence heightened many people's awareness of the pro-elite bias of the 'mainstream' news media. The grassroots power of social media in exposing and countering this bias was heartening to see. But the issue of independence for Scotland is just one of many where the traditional media consistently favour establishment power.
Sources is an online portal and directory for journalists, writers, news editors, researchers. Use Sources to find experts, media contacts, spokespersons, scientists, lobbyists, officials, speakers, university professors, researchers, newsmakers, CEOs, executive directors, media relations contacts, spokespeople, talk show guests, PR representatives, Canadian sources, story ideas, research studies, databases, universities, colleges, associations, businesses, government, research institutions, lobby groups, non-government organizations (NGOs), in Canada and internationally.
© Sources 1977-2023. The information provided is copyright and may not be reproduced in any form or by any means (whether electronic, mechanical or photographic), or stored in an electronic retrieval system, without written permission of the publisher. The content may not be resold, republished, or redistributed. Indexing and search applications by Ulli Diemer and Chris DeFreitas.