
The Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women / La Fédération canadienne des femmes de carrières commerciales et professionnelles
Women Working for Working Women...Un travail de femmes pour aider les femmes au travail BPW Canada is a non-sectarian, non-profit and non-partisan women's organization. Our mandate is to improve economic, social, political and employment conditions for women in Canada. We are part of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women, which has a General Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Website: www.bpwcanada.comNational President:Cara CoteBusiness: (519) 858-5125Home: (519) 473-3505 1st Vice-President:Colleen AllanBusiness: (204) 338-0862E-mail: jcallan@mts.net Young BPW Vice-PresidentChristina TougasBusiness: (705) 698-2910E-mail: cmttougas@gmail.com Secretary:Tammy RichmondBusiness: (306) 934-7060, ext. 238E-mail: tlrich37@gmail.com Immediate Past President:Doris HallBusiness: (519) 473-3505Home: (519) 858-5125E-mail: dorish@rogers.com PROVINCIAL PRESIDENTS: B.C. & Yukon:Shannon McEwingE-mail: shanmcewingbpw@gmail.com Alberta:Dawn Nason (Liaison)E-mail: dawnnason@shaw.ca Saskatchewan:Jeanne MartinsonE-mail: watertiger@sasktel.net Manitoba:Carol PeltonE-mail: travelchick05@hotmail.ca Ontario:Linda DavisE-mail: bpwldavis@gmail.com Quebec:Julie LeclercE-mail: julieleclerc48@videotron.ca New Brunswick:Julie MacBainE-mail: julie.macbain@rbc.com
News Releases
- Jun 29, 2012 - City of London, Ontario First Municipality in Canada to sign the Women's Empowerment Principles
- May 23, 2012 - Empowering Women is Good Business - a Canadian First
- Feb 21, 2012 - Canadian Business Women Challenge Mayors acoss Canada to Proclaim March 18th, 2012 Equal Pay Day
- Nov 26, 2011 - Human Traffickers and Exploitive Extraterritorial Practices - Focus of Bill C-310
- Nov 26, 2011 - Prohibition of Polygamy Up-held
- Nov 4, 2011 - Sources welcomes The Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women
- Oct 27, 2011 - BPW Canada Presents Commendation on Human Trafficking
- Oct 27, 2011 - BPW Canada Urges the Government of Canada to Maintain the Long-gun Registry
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