Sources Experts & SpokespersonsNews ReleasesCanadian Voice of Women calls on federal government to cut defence budget on Global Day of Action on Military Spending2013-04-15 Canadian Voice of Women for Peace Monday, April 15th is the Global Day of Action on Military Spending and the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace is calling on the federal government to redirect military spending to environmental and so... International Women's Day Centenary sees largest ever activity2011-03-07 March 8 sees the highest level of global women's activity ever witnessed as groups celebrate the International Women's Day centenary. Sources welcomes Anne Day -- Company of Women2009-04-24 Anne Day -- Company of Women Anne Day is the Founder of Company of Women, an organization that supports, connects and promotes women in business through monthly events, online and print directory, an extensive website, annual con... Sources welcomes Canadian Voice of Women for Peace2012-09-28 Canadian Voice of Women for Peace Sources welcomes a new member: Canadian Voice of Women for Peace, a non-partisan Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) comprised of a network of diverse women with consultative status at the United Nati... Sources Select ResourcesFrequently Asked Questions about SourcesArticle 2009 Sources SOURCES is a media service that connects journalists, editors, authors and researchers with the sources they need for their work. SOURCES spotlights organizations, institutions, government agencies, c... Getting your story into the mediaArticle 2009 Sources Stories are the heart and soul of the media. Journalism is about telling stories, and good stories require sources # human contacts, the people who provide informed comment and expertise, the people w... Helping you reach the mediaHow Sources can help you get more and better media coverage Article 2009 Sources Media coverage is the most valuable kind of publicity there is because it is based on the news value or information value of what you do or say, and is therefore far more credible than paid publicity ... Is that an archive in your basement... or are you just hoarding?Sources News Release Article 2012 Connexions Are you an 'accidental archivist'? Have you been saving the publications and documents produced by the social justice projects you've been involved in? Then Connexions would like to hear from you. Knicker protest targets Hindu militantsRamesh, Randeep Article 2009 The Guardian The socially conservative Hindu Sri Ram Sena (Lord Ram's Army) a group of vigilantes has attacked women in pubs and unwed couples, in an effort to protect what they call "Indian Culture". Indian women... Sources gives you powerful tools to help you stand out from the crowdArticle 2009 Sources An overview of how you can use SOURCES to amplify your message.
SOURCES is a media service that connects journalists, editors, writers, producers and researchers with the sources they need for their ... Company MagazineAimed at women in business, the small, digest-size magazine is jam-packed with useful information for women, with articles on sales, marketing, communication, relationships, work, money and more. It i...
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