
Loyalist College of Applied Arts and Technology
P.O. Box 4200, Wallbridge-Loyalist Rd. Belleville, ON K8N 5B9 Loyalist offers two- and three-year diplomas, one-year certificates and a four-year degree in the schools of Business and Management Studies, Health and Human Studies, Biosciences, Architecture and Building Sciences, Justice Studies, Media Studies, and Skills Training. Unique programs include Photojournalism, Animation, 3D Video Production, Business Sales and Marketing, Broadcast Engineering Technology, Biosciences, and a collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing with Brock University. Loyalist has 3,000 full-time students. Faculty retain strong industry contacts. Website: www.loyalistcollege.comPhone: (613) 969-1913Maureen Piercy, President Ext. 2200Bill Walsh, Vice-President, Enrolment Management and Student Services Ext. 2355Dianne Spencer, Executive Director, College Advancement and External Relations Ext. 2235Laura Naumann, Director of Student Enrolment Services Ext. 2366Catherine Campbell, Manager, Marketing Services Ext. 2485
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