Click here for subscription information
(print, online and mailing list/database versions available).
MontrealActon ValeAlbanelAlmaAmquiAnjouAnjou et MercierAsbestosAssomptionAyer's CliffLa BaieBaie-ComeauBaie-des-SablesBaie-d'Urf�Beauceville estBeaulacBeauportBeloeilBetsiamitesBouchervilleBrossardBuckinghamCabanoCacounaCandiacCanton de MagogCap-aux-MeulesCap-de-la-MadeleineCap-de-la-MadeleineCarletonCausapscalChamblyChandlerCh�teauguayChibougamauChicoutimiChisasibiChomedeyCoaticookComt� DuplessisLa ConceptionCookshireC�te St. LucCourceletteCowansvilleDolbeauDolbeau-MistassiniDollard-des-OrmeauxDonnaconaDorvalDrummondvilleFarnhamFermontForestvilleFort-CoulongeGasp�GatineauGranbyGrosse IsleHarrington HarbourHavre-St-PierreHudsonHullIle-des-SoeursIle-PerrotIles-aux-CoudresIles-de-la-MadeleineJolietteJonqui�reKahnawakeKanehsatakeKirklandKnowltonLac EtcheminLac-M�ganticLachenaieLachineLachuteLaSalleLaurier StationLavalSherbrookeLes EscouminsL�visListugujLongue-Pointe-de-MinganLongueuilLouisevilleLourdes-de-Blanc-SablonMagogMalarticLa MalbaieLa Malbaie-Pointe-au-PicManiwakiLa MartheMatagamiMataneMcMastervilleMirabelMoisieMont-JoliMont-LaurierMont St-PierreMont-TremblantMontmagnyMontr�al- A Voz De Portugal
- Accenti
- Action Canada - France
- L'actualit�
- L'Actualite M�dicale
- L'Actualite Pharmaceutique
- addikTV
- Adorable
- Les Affaires
- Les Affaires Hors Serie
- Agence France-Presse (AFP)
- L'Agenda
- L'Agenda
- Aggregates & Roadbuilding Magazine
- Alassi
- alfa
- L'Alimentation
- Allo vedettes
- L'Alternativa
- An-Nahar
- Artere
- Ascent
- Astral Media TVPlus
- Astral Radio
- Avantages
- Baraka Books
- La Barrique
- Le Bel Age
- Benefice.net
- Beyond Fitness
- Bizim Anadolu
- Black Rose Books
- BoomersView
- Bulgarian Forum
- Le Bulletin des Agriculteurs
- Le Bulletin (UQAM)
- Bulletin Voyages
- Business Events Guide/Trade Showbiz
- Le Caduc�e
- Camauto
- Camping Caravaning
- Canada and the Arab World
- Canadian Aftermarket Service Professional
- Canadian Economics Journal
- Canadian Jewish News (Quebec)
- Canadian Journal of Cardiology
- Canadian Journal of Film Studies
- Canadian Journal of Linguistics
- Canadian Sailings
- Canadian Zionist Newsletter
- Canal D
- Canal �vasion
- Canal Indigo
- Le Canal Nouvelles TVA
- Canal Savoir (cftu-tv)
- Canal Vie
- Capital Sant�
- Carnets
- Catholic Times
- La Cause Armenienne/The Armenian Cause
- CBF-FM, 95.1 mHz
- CBFX-FM, 100.7mHz
- CBM-FM, 88.5 mHz
- CBM-FM, 93.5 mHz
- CBME-FM, 88.5 mHz
- CBMT-DT - Montreal, QC
- CFMB-AM, 1280 kHz
- Les Cha�nes T�l� Astral
- Ch�telaine
- The Chinese News
- The Chinese Press
- CHOM-FM, 97.7 mHz
- CIBL-FM, 101.5 mHz
- CIM Directory
- CIM Magazine
- CIM Reporter
- CINF-AM, 690 kHz
- CINQ-FM, 102.3 mHz
- CINW-AM, 940 kHz
- CIRA-FM, 91.3 mHz
- CISM-FM, 89.3 mHz
- CITE-FM, 107.3 mHz
- Le Citoyen de St-Lambert, LeMoyne & Greenfield Park
- Il Cittadino Canadese
- CIVA-TV (Channel 12, Cable 8)
- CJAD-AM, 800 kHz
- CJFM-FM, 95.9 mHz
- CJLO-AM, 650 kHz
- CKAC-AM, 730 kHz
- CKDG-FM, 105.1 mHz
- CKMF-FM, 94.3 mHz
- CKMI-TV (Channel 20, Cable 3)
- CKUT-FM, 90.3 mHz
- Clart�
- Clinical and Surgical Ophthalmology
- Cogeco Inc.
- Commerce �lectronique
- Communication Ahuntsic
- Compass
- La Comunita
- The Concordia Journal
- Concordia University Magazine
- Concordian
- Le Cooperateur Agricole
- Corriere Italiano
- Coup de Pouce
- Coup de Pouce Cuisine
- Courrier Ahuntsic
- Courrier Hippique
- CV ciel variable
- Cybersciences.com
- Cybersciences-junior.org
- Les Debrouillards
- Decision
- Decormag
- D�couvrir, la revue de la recherche
- Le Delit Fran�ais
- DES Action Newsletter/Le Bulletin DES Action Canada
- Destination: Centre-Ville
- Destinations
- Le d�taillant
- Le Devoir
- Les Dipl�mes
- The Directory of Publications on Canadian Contemporary Art
- Doctor's Review
- The Dominion
- Eastern Chinese Press Inc.
- Echec +
- Echo Vedettes
- Echos Vedette
- El Chasqui
- Electricite Qu�bec
- �lite CMA
- Elle girl
- Elle Qu�bec
- enRoute Magazine
- Entre-Nous
- Espace
- Espace Montr�al
- Espaces
- Les explorateurs
- Festivals et Attractions
- The Filipino Star
- Finance et Investissement
- Formes
- Fugues
- Future Health/Perspectives Sante
- The Gallon Environment Letter
- Geo Plein Air
- Gestion
- Golf 2005
- Golf Le Mensuel
- Grafika
- Great Lakes Navigation
- Great Lakes News
- Greek Canadian Tribune/Ellinokanadiko Vima
- Le Groupe Videotron Lt�e (Head Office)
- Le Guide Cuisine
- Le Guide de Montreal-Nord
- Guide des Vacances au Quebec
- Le Guide Gai du Quebec
- Le Guide Prestige Montr�al
- H Poh
- Health 'N Vitality
- Historia
- Horizon Armenian Weekly
- ICAO Journal
- Ici Montr�al
- Ici RDI
- Impressions P�dagogiques
- Infopresse Communications
- Infor
- L'Informateur
- InfraStructures
- INMR/Insulator News & Market Report
- Inroads
- Insieme
- Insurance Journal
- Int�rieurs
- Inter-M�canique du B�timent
- Italcommerce
- J'aime Lire
- Jobboom Magazine
- Le Journal de l'Assurance
- Le Journal de Montr�al
- Le Journal de St-Michel
- Journal Dentaire du Qu�bec
- Le Journal du Barreau
- Le Journal du Bel Age
- Journal FORUM
- Journal L'UQAM
- Journal l'Edition
- Journal L'Itineraire
- Journal of Canadian Art History
- Le Journal Qu�bec Quilles
- Le Journal de Rosemont
- Keghart
- Kids Creations
- The Link
- Literacy Across the Curriculumedia Focus
- Logistics Magazine
- Loulou (English)
- Loulou (French)
- Luby Chinese Weekly Newspaper
- Luceafarul Romanesc
- Lumina
- Luxuria
- Madame
- Magazine Affaires Plus
- Magazine Jeunesse
- Le Magazine L'Agent de Voyages
- Magya Kronika
- Maison D'aujourd hui
- La Maison de l'Education Inc.
- Maisonneuve
- Marche-Randonn�e
- Mariage Qu�bec
- McGill Daily
- McGill International Review
- McGill Journal of Medicine
- McGill Law Journal
- McGill News Alumni Magazine
- McGill-Queen's University Press
- McGill Reporter
- McGill Tribune
- MedActuel FMC
- Le M�decin du Qu�bec
- MENZ Magazine
- M�t�oM�dia
- M�tro (Montr�al Edition)
- Metropolitain
- Minorit� Invisible/Invisible Minority
- M.O.B. Mag
- Modulo Publisher Inc./Modulo Editeur Inc.
- Le Monde de l'�ctricit�
- Le Monde Ouvrier
- Le Monde (St-Michel/Villeray)
- Montreal Bulletin
- Montreal Business Magazine
- Montreal Campus
- Montr�al Community Contact
- Le Montr�al �conomique
- Montr�al Families
- Montr�al Gazette
- Montr�al Inc.
- Montr�al Mirror
- Montreal Review of Books
- Montr�al Scope
- Montreal Serai
- Moto Journal
- Motocycliste
- Motoneige Quebec
- Movie Entertainment
- The Music Scene
- MusiMax
- Musique Plus/Musi Max
- M�V, le magazine du nomade
- Naked Eye
- The Nation
- Network News
- Le 9 a 5
- Neuro/Transmission
- The North American Filipino Star
- Les Nouvelles Chinoises
- Nouvelles CSQ
- Les Nouvelles de l'Est
- Nueva Prensa Libre
- Nuevo Mundo Television
- Nutrition science en �volution
- Oncology Exchange
- L'Optometriste
- The Oratory
- L'Organisateur
- Our Canada
- Our Voice
- Palestine Alternative Perspective
- Parachute
- Parcours, L'Informateur des Arts
- Parents Ados
- Parkhurst Exchange
- Paroles et Musique
- Perspective Infirmi�re
- La Petite Patrie
- Le Pharmactuel
- Place des Arts Magazine
- Les Plaisanciers
- Plaisirs de Vivre/Living in Style
- Plan
- Le Plateau
- Pointe-Aux-Trembles Le Patme
- Policy Options/Options politiques
- Pomme d'api Qu�bec
- Possibles
- Presence Magazine
- La Presse
- Primeurs
- Prise 2
- Profit$
- Progres de Villeray
- Progres Saint-Leonard
- Prot�gez-Vous Magazine
- Pure Canada
- Quatre-Temps
- Qu�bec Construction
- Qu�bec Entreprise
- Qu�bec Habitation
- Quebec Inc.
- Quebec Science
- Qu�bec Soccer
- Qu�bec Vacation Guide
- Qu�becoiseaux
- Quer Saber
- Qui Fait Quoi
- Reader's Digest Magazine
- Recto Verso
- The Red Herring
- Relations
- Le R�seau des sports (RDS)
- El-Ressala
- La R�ussite
- Revue Commerce
- Revue Commerce West Island
- La Revue du Notariat
- Revue EIC
- La Revue Municipale et des travaux publics
- La Revue Occasions d'Affaires
- RG
- Ricardo
- Il Rincontro
- Routes et Transports
- Sada Almashreq
- Safarir
- Sant� Qu�bec
- La Scena Musicale
- Scrivener Creative Review
- S�curit� Financi�re
- Seed Magazine
- S�lection du Reader's Digest
- Selective hype
- La Semaine
- Senior Times
- Sensass!
- Sentier VTT Quad
- Sequences
- S�ries +
- Shtetl
- Sinoquebec Chinese Newspaper
- Spectre Magazine
- Speed
- Spirale
- Sport & Moteurs
- SRC - Radio Services Fran�ais (Radio-Canada)
- Strut
- Styles de Vie
- T�l�Quebec
- T�l�vision Ethnique du Qu�bec
- Thema
- Tourisme Plus
- Trente
- Tribune Juive
- TV Pinoy
- TV Times (Montr�al)
- TV5
- 24 Heures
- Ulysses Travel Guides/Guides De Voyage Ulysse
- The Upstream Journal
- Urba
- V
- Vecteur Environnement
- Vehicule Press
- La Vela
- Velo Mag
- Via Destinations Canada
- Vice
- Vid�otron (Montr�al)
- Vie des Arts
- Vie en Plein Air
- Vins et Vignobles
- Virage
- Vitalit� Qu�bec Mag
- Voices Across Boundaries
- Voil�: votre magazine t�l�
- Voir Montr�al
- La Voix Populaire
- La Voix S�pharade
- Volt
- Vos Finances
- La Voz
- Westmount Examiner
- Windsor Parent Magazine
- Wine Tidings
NapiervilleNatashquanNew CarlisleNew RichmondNicoletNorth HatleyNotre-Dame-des-MontsNun's IslandOtterburn ParkOutremontLa PechePerc�PierrefondsPlessisvilleLa Pocati�rePoint-aux-TremblesPointe-ClairePointe FortunePort-CartierQu�becRadissonRepentignyRichelainRimouskiRivi�re-BleueRivi�re-du-LoupRivi�re-PortneufRobervalRosem�reRougemontRouyn-NorandaVal-d'OrLavalSacre-CoeurSt-Adelme de MataneSt-Adolphe DudswellSt-AmableSt-Andre-AvellinSaint-AnselmeSt-BenjaminSaint-BrunoSt-Bruno-de-KamouraskaSt-Bruno-MontarvilleSt-CharlesSt-Cyrille-LessardSt-DonatSt-Elie d'OrfordSt-�tienne-de-LauzonSt-Eug�ne-de-Ladri�reSt-EustacheSt-FrancoisSt-Gabriel-de-BrandonSt-GeorgesSt-Georges-de-BeauceSt-HilaireSt-HilarionSt-HippolyteSt-HubertSt-HyacintheSaint-IsidoreSt-Jacques de LeedsSt-JeanSt-Jean des PilesSt-Jean Port JoliSt-Jean-sur-RichelieuSt-JeromeSt-LambertSaint-LaurentSt-L�onardSte-Marie-de-BeauceSt-Narcisse-de-RimouskiSt-PamphileSaint PascalSt-Paul de MontmagnySt-RaphaelSt-RaymondSt-Robert-BellarminSt-Sauveur-des-MontsSt-SimeonSt-Simon-les-MinesSt-TiteSt-ZacharieSaint-AugustinSte-Ad�leSte-Agathe-des-MontsSte-Anne-de-BellevueSte-Anne-des-MontsSte-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-CartierSte-FoySte-HyacintheSte-JulieSte-MarieSte-Monique de HonfleurSte-ThereseSte-Th�r�se-de-BlainvilleSt-R�miSalaberry-de-ValleyfieldLa SarreSenneterreSennevilleSept-IlesShannonShawiniganShawvilleSherbrookeSillerySimcoeSorelSorel-TracyStansteadT�miscamingTerrebonneThetford MinesMontrealTrois-PistolesTrois-Rivi�resLa TuqueVal-BelairVal-BrillantVal-d'OrVal-DavidValleyfieldVanierVaudreuilVaudreuill-DorionVerdunVictoriavilleVille d'AnjouVille DegelisVille-MarieVille St-LaurentWakefieldWarwickWaskaganishWaterlooWatervilleWeedonWestmountWindsor
Updates and Corrections: Please email updates including contact information.
Media Names & Numbers is a comprehensive Canadian media directory
— in the form of a searchable database
as well as a print directory/media list — including
television and radio networks, stations, digital and specialty broadcasters,
programs, cable TV; daily, weekly, and community newspapers; ethnic
publications and broadcasters; student and campus media; consumer and
trade magazines, academic/scholarly journals, newsletters, directories,
electronic publications, wire services, press galleries, media associations
from across Canada. Media Names & Numbers is indexed
geographically and by subject, owner/publisher, language. © Sources 2023. The information provided in Media Names & Numbers
is for the sole use of subscribers and may not be reproduced in any
form or by any means (whether electronic, mechanical or photographic),
or stored in an electronic retrieval system, without written permission
of the publisher. The contents may not be resold, republished, or redistributed. Indexing and search applications by Ulli Diemer and Chris DeFreitas.