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Sources News Release More than 100 media sign the Reporters Without Borders petition for international journalists to be allowed into the Gaza StripJanuary 14, 2009With 100 news media signatures now on the petition it launched on 9 January, Reporters Without Borders reiterates its appeal for support by the international media and again urges the Israeli authorities to lift the ban on foreign media access to the Gaza Strip that has been in force since November. Allowing journalists into the Gaza Strip would be the best way to ensure independent coverage of the events unfolding there.The only news coverage of the situation in Gaza comes from the 295 Palestinians who are working for a range of news organisations in extremely difficult and dangerous circumstances. Reporters Without Borders express its solidarity with all these media employees and deplores the deaths of four journalists since 27 December, three of them in the course of their work. The four journalists are Basel Faraj, Ihab el-Wahidi, Omar Silawi and Alaa Mortaji. Reporters Without Borders offers its sincere condolences to their families. Since the Israeli supreme court ruling on 31 December that foreign journalists should be allowed into the Gaza Strip in groups of 12, the Israel Defence Forces have permitted a very small number to enter. Reuters and the BBC were allowed to cover the activities of some Israeli soldiers for a few hours. The other journalists have been condemned to wait in Sderot or the hills that overlook Gaza. "Dignity," a vessel chartered by the Free Gaza organisation carrying medical personnel and journalists, was driven back twice by the Israeli navy when it tried to approach the shore of the Gaza Strip. The campaign must continue against the blockade imposed on the international media by Israel. For the list of media that have signed the petition, go to this address on the Reporters Without Borders website: http://www.rsf.org/article.php3?id_article=29928 News media that are interested in signing the appeal are asked to contact us at: gaza@rsf.org For more information contact: Reporters without Borders Website: www.rsf.org The following medias have already signed the appeal: Afghanistan Killid Group Algeria Echorouk El Khabar El Watan Argentina Desde Neuquén Austria Austrian Journalists Club from Vienna ZDF Azerbaijan Turan News Agency Bangladesh Media Watch Belgium De Morgen De Standaard La Libre Belgique Le Soir RTBF TV et radio VRT Brazil Associação Brasileira de Journalismo Investigativo (Abraji) Canada CBC IFEX In These Times Le Devoir Now Magazine Public News Service Rabble.ca Sources.com Wire Tap Magazine France ARTE LCI (rédaction) L’Express Le Figaro Le Nouvel Observateur L’Humanité Mediapart.fr RFI RMC RTL Rue 89.com Germany AFPA press ARD Breakingnews4all.de Der Spiegel Die lokale Onlinezeitung zum Mitmachen Die Tageszeitung Die Welt Entwicklungspolitik Online Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Frankfurter Rundschau Freie Medien GEO Menschen Machen Medien N24 N-tv Nachrichtenmagazin Focus Panoriental TV Stern Süddeutsche Zeitung Under.Attack Information ZDF Greece Elefterotipia Ethnos Kathimerini Le Petit journal Nea Vima Guatemala Guatemala Times Guinea Bissau ANG Bombolom FM Diário de Bissau Gazeta de Notícias Kansaré NÔ Pintcha Rádio Galáxia de Pindjiguiti Rádio Jovem Rádio Nossa Rádio Sol Mansi RDN TGB Última Hora Hong Kong Hong Kong Journalists Association Italy Carta Radio 24 Radio Radicale La Repubblica Secolo XIX L’Unita Mauritania Le Calame Mexico Dia Siete El Diario de ciudad Juárez El Manana de Nuevo Laredo>br> El Universal Zócalo Morocco Atlantic Radio Tel quel - Nichane Netherlands Firat News Agency Nigeria Economic News Media Group Norway Bergens Tidende Scanpix Norway Stavanger Aftenblad Peru Asociación de Periodistas de Lima Norte El Comercio The Philippines Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility Qatar Al Jazeera Romania Adevarul Newspaper Cotidianul Daily Jurnalul National Realitatea TV Spain ABC Cadena SER Cubamatinal.com COM Ràdio CNN+ Cuatro Diariocritico.com El Mundo El País El Periódico de Catalunya Independant docs TV Inter Press Service - Comunica La Aventura Humana La Sexta Nuevatribuna.es Periodistas-ES.org RNE (information services) TVE (information services) Vida Positiva TV & Radio Sweden Nerikes Allehanda Stockholm City Sundsvalls Tidning Svenska Dagbladet Sweden Aftonbladet Världshorisont Vestmanlands Läns Tidning Switzerland Le Courrier Le Quotidien Jurassien Le Temps Tunisia Kalima Radio Turkey Demokrat Radyo United Arab Emirates Al Arabyia United Kingdom Article 19 BBC Arabic Libre News Agency Sky News The Guardian Welsh Nation (Wales) Y Ddraig Goch (Wales) Y Papur Gwyrdd (Wales) United States of America ABC News Cartoonists Rights Network International CBS News CNN Minnesota Independent New York Times NPR PeriodismoCiudadano.com Uzbekistan
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