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Media Releases from members of Sources.

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  • Everything is under control. Until it isn’t.
    October 5, 2024: The October issue of Other Voices, the Connexions newsletter, looks at the risk on nuclear war. The world now finds itself in probably the most dangerous situation since the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  • Imperial Spectacle, Imperial Decline
    July 14, 2024: The Olympics bring together some of the best, and some of the worst, features of our time. It has become a nexus of corruption driven by corporate money according to the motto of corporate capitalism: “More, More, More.” Bribery, drugging, and dirty politics are the inevitable result.
  • Celebrating Canadian Multiculturalism Day
    June 27, 2024: Multiculturalism is a cornerstone of our values and a very fundamental part of our Canadian identity. Let us together celebrate Canadian Multiculturalism Day and be proud of our rich diversity and at the same time embrace our identity and heritage.
  • Yes to life – in spite of everything: Children and Israel’s war on Gaza 2006 - 2024
    May 25, 2024: The May issue of the Connexions newsletter Other Voices is about the children of Gaza, who have borne the brunt of the wars and attacks that Israel has inflicted on Gaza, starting in 2006, and continuing through to the current genocidal onslaught. The newsletter highlights children’s instinct to keep on living, in the face of evil, and despite everything they are forced to bear.
  • Drowning in a Sea of Lies: Connexions Other Voices newsletter
    March 3, 2024: The March issue of Other Voices looks at system of lies that sustains the American-dominated international order, the order which supports the genocide in Gaza.
  • Connexions Other Voices newsletter – Toward the light
    December 2, 2023: In the northern hemisphere, the approach of the Winter Solstice brings the darkest days of the year. This year, we are experiencing not only the long nights associated with the earth’s annual dance with the sun, but a deeper and more tragic darkness arising from the inhuman actions of some of our fellow humans. We live in a world where the most powerful states not only refuse to condemn genocide, but actively condone it. Most of us no longer celebrate the ancient Solstice festivals, but many of us – countless thousands – have been asserting our own desire and determination to create light in the darkness by going out into the streets and making our voices heard.
  • Connexions Other Voices newsletter – Gaza: Dehumanization and humanity
    November 4, 2023: To provide some needed context, this issue of Other Voices looks at the history of Israel’s blockade and Israeli violence against Gaza, presenting articles that appeared on the Connexions website over the past 16 years. We hope they will help to counter the historical amnesia fostered by the mainstream media.
  • Death, Destruction & Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza Supported & Legitimized by U.S., E.U. & Canada
    October 25, 2023: Instead of demanding an immediate ceasefire and the providing of massive humanitarian relief in response to horrific destruction and death happening every day in Gaza, and then demanding and supporting a politically negotiated solution addressing the current and historic underlying causes, the U.S., Canada, and E.U. are openly supporting, and therefore are complicit with ethnic cleansing and carpet-bombing war crimes being committed by Israel that are immeasurably worsening the entire situation.
  • Israel: Government to shut down critical media alleged to �undermine national security�
    October 20, 2023: The Israeli government has approved a new regulation that will allow it to shut down news channels which “damage national security”. The proposed regulations aim to prohibit news organisations from “undermining national security, public order or serving as a basis for enemy propaganda”.
  • Fading to Silence?
    October 14, 2023: Connexions Other Voices newsletter examines how the major social media and search platforms are using algorithms to systematically suppress alternative voices.
  • The Gaza Ghetto Uprising
    October 9, 2023: From the Warsaw Ghetto uprising to the Gaza Ghetto uprising, the basic situation is the same: If half-starving people with no clean water or the ability to travel outside of their ghetto launch any kind of uprising, the obvious context is the fact that they were under siege, living in a walled ghetto, prevented from importing the things they need to survive and prevented from traveling. This is the obvious reason for any people living in such conditions to rise up against their occupying power.
  • CPJ says Indian police raids on NewsClick office, journalists’ homes are an attack on press freedom
    October 3, 2023: The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Indian authorities to immediately release NewsClick founder and editor Prabir Purkayastha and stop trying to intimidate journalists through tactics such as Tuesday’s police raids on the Delhi office of Indian news website NewsClick and the homes of at least 12 staff and journalists with ties to the outlet.
  • Southfront blocked by U.S.-controlled global Internet supervisor
    September 1, 2023: On the night of 18 August [2023], the "international domain name registry" blocked without any warning or explanation. Despite the fact that this organisation has been formally independent since 1998, it is actually controlled by the US Department of Commerce. This is the American way of democracy, freedom of speech and the rule of law.
  • Testimonies of Roma and Sinti Online
    August 29, 2023: An online database documenting the experiences of Roma and Sinti in the Nazi Holocaust is being developed and expanded.
  • YouTube bans Scott Ritter
    August 11, 2023: YouTube has terminated the account of former US spy Scott Ritter and deleted all of his videos on the platform.
  • Celebrating Canadian Multiculturalism Day
    June 27, 2023: Multiculturalism is a cornerstone of our values and a very fundamental part of our Canadian identity. Let us together celebrate Canadian Multiculturalism Day and be proud of our rich diversity and at the same time embrace our identity and heritage.
  • Special Exhibit of The Quilt of Belonging: A Collaborative Textile Art Project of the Human Family
    May 29, 2023: The monumental artwork, the Quilt of Belonging, is Canada’s most comprehensive, collaborative textile art project.
  • “How did you organize before the Internet?”
    May 3, 2023: Connexions is working on a project devoted to answering that question, and we’d like your help. We’re looking for your recollections, stories, photos, and descriptions of your work, and we’re also looking for samples of printed and other materials that you or your group produced. We are hoping to produce, first, a feature for the Connexions website – – that allows visitors to the website to explore and learn about the many different ways people on the left met the challenge of ‘getting the word out.’
  • Statement on the Ongoing Unrest in Israel
    March 28, 2023: Israel is at a historic precipice, and it is unclear what will happen from here. But whether or not Netanyahu goes forward with his judicial reform, Israel won’t be a true democracy for all people living under its rule between the river and the sea. The only way to bring about that democracy is to end apartheid, and fight for full equality and freedom for all.
  • Four Winters
    March, 2023: A story of Jewish partisan resistance and bravery in World War II: Showing at the Hot Docs Cinema March 24 - April 2, 2023.
  • UNIFOR's media sector publishes new report on harassment of journalists
    February 21, 2023: Journalists and media workers have a fundamental right to do their work free from harassment. Unifor believes that media employers, unions, digital platforms, governments, politicians, the criminal justice system, Courts and Tribunals and members of the public all have a role to play in keeping them free from harm.
  • US Supreme Court decision will have global impact on free speech online
    February 21, 2023: Section 230 helped shape much of the global internet we know today: a space where people can organise, share and access information and hold power to account. Preserving its protections is about far more than the interests of Google, Twitter, and other platforms; it is about protecting freedom of expression for all of us.
  • Demonstrate Together on February 19
    Feburary 14, 2023: If the Feb. 19 rally to end the war in Ukraine fails it will not be a success for other antiwar organizations that disagree with the Libertarian Party. It will only show that internal divisions can unravel every hope.
  • Grassroots Movement Activist Archive needs space
    February 3, 2023: Help find a new home for this repository for the people’s history of Canada’s progressive organizing.
  • War, Peace and the Media: 4th edition now available
    January 4, 2023: The fourth edition of War, Peace and the Media: Propping Up the U.S. Empire and Risking the Planet is now available in print and online. The new edition takes into account the closely-related existential threat of global heating and explores the roots of the resurgence of major land war.
  • Iran: Islamic Republic must release all imprisoned journalists and restore free flow of information
    February 10, 2023: As the Islamic Republic of Iran celebrates the 44th anniversary of its proclamation on 11 February 2023, dozens of journalists are still being held behind bars.
  • IFJ publishes 32nd annual report on journalists and media staff killed in 2022
    February 7, 2023: IFJ report details 68 killings of media professionals, including targeted and bomb attacks and crossfire deadly incidents.
  • Palestine in Pictures: January 2023
    February 2, 2023: Photos compiled by Electronic Intifada.
  • Calls for justice and accountability after three leading lights extinguished on the African continent
    February 2, 2023: The silencing of three critical voices on the African continent has invigorated media freedom and human rights advocates to fight against the continued culture of impunity.
  • Myanmar: Regional union body stands with Myanmar journalists
    February 1, 2023: On the second anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar, the South East Asia Journalists Unions (SEAJU) strongly condemned the military junta’s continued gross violations of human rights, persecution of journalists and attacks on independent media.
  • CCLA demands release of death in custody videotapes
    31 January, 2023: The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) is demanding the release of all video footage related to the death of Nicous D'Andre Spring.
  • Parliamentary Petition to Cancel the Fighter Jets
    January 28, 2023: The federal government should invest in a just transition, housing and health care not a new fleet of warplanes.
  • #FreeIhsaneElKadi
    January 27, 2023: Support the campaign by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) for the urgent release of Algerian media director Ihsane El Kadi.
  • 605 Violations against media freedoms in Palestine in 2022, the most serious of which is the killing of two female journalists
    January 26, 2023: The Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms (MADA) has published the findings of its annual report on media freedoms in Palestine in 2022.
  • Canada needs a windfall profits tax – not more rate hikes
    January 25, 2023: The Bank of Canada’s latest rate hike will deliver another blow to those who have borne the brunt of inflation while letting those who have directly profited from it off the hook. A windfall profits tax is needed to help Canadians through the bleak economic forecast ahead.
  • Broad coalition of unions and progressive groups says pharmacare extremely urgent
    January 24, 2023: Implementing a comprehensive pharmacare program must be a top priority for the Liberal government.
  • EFF Warns Supreme Court That Users’ Speech is at Stake When Increasing Platforms’ Liability
    January 19, 2023: Increasing online platforms’ liability for hosting their users’ speech would lead to severe censorship that could undermine the very architecture of the free and open internet.
  • Your inflation dollars may not be going where you think
    January 18, 2023: Most price increases are going to corporate profits in mining, oil and gas extraction.
  • Canadian CEO pay soars to a new all-time high
    January 3, 2023: 100 highest-paid CEOs now make 243 times as much as the average workers.

  • 2022
  • Petition in Support of Dr. Erika L�pez Prater
    December 24, 2022: Petition in support of professor dismissed from Hamline University for having included in her class discussion a medieval Islamic painting of the Prophet Muhammad.
  • Fix Ontario Health Care: An Open Letter to the Premier, Minister of Health, and Minister of Long-Term Care
    October 21, 2022: Calling upon the government to invest in not-for-profit delivery of care and primary care so that everyone has a patient-centered home.
  • Clayton Ruby was a shining example of ‘how much one person can do’
    August 7, 2022: Ruby was one of Canada’s leading lawyers and an outspoken proponent of social justice, the environment, and press freedom.
  • Ukraine: Ukrainian fighting tactics endanger civilians
    August 4, 2022: Ukrainian forces have put civilians in harm's way by establishing bases and operating weapons systems in populated residential areas, including in schools and hospitals, as they repelled the Russian invasion that began in February, Amnesty International said today. Such tactics violate international humanitarian law and endanger civilians, as they turn civilian objects into military targets.
  • Celebrating Canadian Multiculturalism Day
    June 27, 2022: Multiculturalism is a cornerstone of our values and a very fundamental part of our Canadian identity. Let us together celebrate Canadian Multiculturalism Day and be proud of our rich diversity and at the same time embrace our identity and heritage.
  • John Warnock 1934 - 2022
    June 3, 2022: Writer and activist John Warnock died on May 27 at the age of 88.
  • The Israeli Execution of Shireen Abu Akleh
    May 17, 2022: The execution of Abu Akleh was not an accident. Israel, which shoots hundreds of Palestinians a year, routinely includes reporters and photographers on its target lists.
  • Censoring Palestine: Swarms of Israeli Bots Are Crippling Pro-Palestinian Twitter Accounts
    May 17, 2022: According to 7amleh, The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media, the Israeli Ministry of Justice Cyber Unit sends content-removal requests aimed at Palestinian content to social media companies such as Facebook, Google, and YouTube. The Justice Ministry has boasted these corporations comply with 95% of their requests. And Israeli governmental organizations and NGOs also encourage their citizens to flag Palestinian content for removal.
  • David Milgaard dies at 69
    May 15, 2022: Manitobans who worked closely with David Milgaard over the years are mourning the longtime justice advocate’s untimely death at the age of 69.
  • Gerald Hannon, a key figure in the gay liberation movement, has died at age 77
    May 9, 2022: Recalling Gerald Hannon.
  • Donziger: A tale for our times
    May 4, 2022: This case, says Craig Murray, shows how we are all, in a sense, the prisoners of corporations which dictate the terms on which we live, work and share knowledge.
  • UK intensifies crackdown against Russian media
    May 2, 2022: London accused RT of spreading ‘dangerous nonsense’ amid Moscow’s military campaign in Ukraine.
  • PayPal Cancels Consortium News Account; May Seize Balance
    May 1, 2022: PayPal has canceled Consortium News’ account without any prior notice or due process and with virtually no explanation.
  • Donziger Free After 'Completely Unjust' Detention
    April 26, 2022: Human rights lawyer Steven Donziger walked free Monday after 993 days of detention stemming from his decades-long legal fight with Chevron, which deployed its vast resources in a campaign to destroy Donziger after he won a $9.5 billion settlement against the fossil fuel giant over its pollution of the Amazon rainforest. Chevron still intends to pursue a civil case against him.
  • UK: Home secretary must reject Assange extradition, say press freedom groups
    April 25, 2022: Nineteen organisations defending press freedom and journalists have urged on 22 April UK Home Secretary Priti Patel to reject the US government's request to extradite Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange.
  • An Intellectual No-Fly Zone: Online Censorship of Ukraine Dissent Is Becoming the New Norm
    April 25, 2022: Google has sent a warning shot across the world, ominously informing media outlets, bloggers, and content creators that it will no longer tolerate certain opinions when it comes to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
  • World Copyright Day: Journalists must be paid for tech giants’ use of their work
    April 22, 2022: This year’s World Book and Copyright Day comes at a crucial point in the conflict between authors and the internet giants as unions step up calls to ensure journalists are paid for the use of their work. The International and the European Federations of journalists (IFJ/EFJ) call on governments and civil society to ensure that internet giants do not control information and that journalists receive a fair share of the benefits collected when their works are being used by the tech corporations.
  • Big Tech’s ‘Cancel Culture’ Love Affair
    April 21, 2022: This month, several journalists and analysts – Scott Ritter, Pepe Excobar, ASB Military News, among others – were canceled from Twitter. The – unstated – reason: they were debunking the officially approved narrative of the Russia/NATO/Ukraine war.
  • Remembering Terry Fox and the Marathon of Hope
    April 12, 2022: Terry Fox started off on his Marathon of Hope at Cape Spear forty-two years ago, on April 12, 1980. Ulli Diemer reflects on what it means to us today.
  • Grassy Narrows calls on Minister Rickford to withdraw mining activity from Grassy Narrows lands
    March 31, 2022: Grassy Narrows First Nation is calling on Minister Rickford to withdraw Grassy Narrows lands from mining activity. Since the current government took power, the area of Grassy Narrows land covered by mining claims has grown by 746%.
  • Groundbreaking Ceremony for Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation
    March 31, 2022: It was a perfect spring day for Nawash’s Groundbreaking Ceremony in Neyaashiinigmiing. Key partners joined Nawash for this historic day and celebrated the launch of the Distribution System Upgrade Project and the continuation of the Water Treatment Plant Project
  • Indigenous leaders jointly call upon Ontario Government to take immediate action on Thunder Bay Police Service
    March 31, 2022: We demand that the Solicitor General of Ontario proceed with dismantling the Thunder Bay Police Service. As an immediate measure, the Thunder Bay Police Service should no longer be permitted to do major crime investigations.
  • Choosing the F35 means Canada rejecting peacekeeping, instead committing to wage wars of aggression
    March 29, 2022: The F35 has only one purpose and that is to kill or destroy infrastructure.
  • Toronto rally at Freeland’s office condemns “deadly hypocrisy” in Canada’s role in war in Yemen versus Ukraine
    March 27, 2022: On the seven-year anniversary of the brutal war in Yemen activists will rally at Deputy Prime Minister MP Chrystia Freeland’s office to demand #CanadaStopArmingSaudi and denounce Canada’s deadly hypocrisy in fueling the war with billions of dollars in arms sales to Saudi Arabia. We refuse to value the lives of some victims of war over others.
  • New Campaign Brings Canadians Together Against Apartheid in Israel
    March 21, 2022: Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) Canada launched a new national campaign this morning, Together Against Apartheid, aimed at educating and empowering people across the country to end Israel’s oppression against Palestinians. With last month’s report from Amnesty International, there is a growing international consensus that Israel’s treatment of Palestinians amounts to the crime of apartheid under international law.
  • United National Antiwar Coalition Statement on Ukraine
    March 19, 2022: The current conflict is not the first for Ukraine. More than 14,000 people living in the eastern Donbas region have died in an eight-year long war because they refused to accept the coup government imposed by the U.S.
  • Ukraine 2022: End All Warfare - No Sanctions
    March 17, 2022: The current regime of sanctions against Russia is not a substitute for war, but a form of warfare. Sanctions kill many thousands just as bombs do. Sanctions create hyperinflation, artificial famines, social upheavals, and health crises that punish civilian populations. Sanctions are collective punishment and illegal under international law.
  • International Day of Action for Rivers
    March 14, 2022: The International Day of Action for Rivers is a day dedicated to solidarity – when diverse communities around the world come together with one voice to say that rivers matter. That communities having access to clean and flowing water matters. That everyone should have a say in decisions that affect their water and their lives. That it’s our time to stand up for these rights, now more than ever. We’re celebrating the 25th Anniversary of this Day for Rivers by also highlighting the importance of Rivers to Biodiversity. Rivers are key to restoring and maintaining the world’s biodiversity. River systems are the zone of Earth’s highest biological diversity.
  • Global Day of Action: Stop the War in Ukraine. Russian Troops Out. No to NATO expansion.
    March 4, 2022: We call on everyone who opposes this war to take to the streets on March 6 in a massive display of global opposition to the war and the warmongers. The war in Ukraine is a disaster for the people of Ukraine and a terrible threat to us all, including increasing the danger of nuclear war. We oppose the Russian invasion and call for the immediate withdrawal of all Russian troops. We recognize that the expansion of NATO and the aggressive approach of Western states have helped cause the crisis and we demand an end to NATO expansion. We also oppose sanctions that will harm ordinary Russians and call on all countries to welcome refugees fleeing the war. We need now is a massive, unified response by peace-loving people around the world to say No to War in Ukraine; Yes to Negotiations and Peace.
  • Statements: Asian socialists condemn Russia's war on Ukraine, NATO expansionism
    March 1, 2022: Statements from Asian socialist organizations on the war.
  • Russia-Ukraine Resources History, context and analysis of the crisis
    February 28, 2022: A selection of resources which look beyond the propaganda to analyze the history and context of events.
  • The main enemy is at home
    February 25, 2022: The outbreak of war is always a human disaster with unforeseeable consequences. The ‘fog of war’, incessant propaganda, rapidly changing events, our own confused thoughts and emotions, all make it exceedingly difficult to know how to react.
  • Chronicle of a War Foretold
    Feburary 25, 2022: After the fall of the Soviet Union, there was a near universal understanding among political leaders that NATO expansion would be a foolish provocation against Russia.
  • Experts Warned For Years That NATO Expansion Would Lead To This
    February 25, 2022: if westerners were to get it into their heads that this whole terrible war could have been avoided by simply solidifying a policy of neutrality for Ukraine and issuing a guarantee that it would never be added to NATO, they would begin asking why this did not happen.
  • VOW Statement on Ukraine
    February 24, 2022: The Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (VOW) strongly condemns all acts of war and military aggression in Ukraine and denounces any threats to use nuclear weapons. VOW urgently calls for a comprehensive ceasefire in the region, for the Government of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to immediately demilitarize and de-escalate the conflict, and to resume multilateral diplomatic negotiations.
  • Death of Two Organic Intellectuals of Tamil Nadu
    February 23, 2022: The demise of two outstanding, organic intellectuals who served the cause of annihilation of caste and the destruction of capitalist system and highlighted a number of burning social problems in Tamil Nadu and the rest of the world passed largely unnoticed or ignored by the mainstream media, while activists in Dalit, Periyarist and Communist movements could pay rich tributes to them only through zoom meetings.
  • Western Media Fall in Lockstep for Neo-Nazi Publicity Stunt in Ukraine
    February 23, 2022: When the corporate media push for war, one of their main weapons is propaganda by omission. In the case of the recent crisis in Ukraine, Western journalists have omitted key context about the expansion of NATO since the end of the Cold War, as well as US support for the Maidan coup in 2014. A third and crucial case of propaganda by omission relates to the integration of neo-Nazis into the Ukrainian armed forces.
  • What Is the Difference Between Kosovo & Donbass?
    February 23, 2022: The U.S. has declared that Donbass is different from Kosovo, where the U.S. intervened militarily to take the Serbian province away from Servia. But how it is different?
  • Professor John Mearsheimer: The Situation in Russia and Ukraine Mearsheimer
    February 21, 2022: The background of the current crisis is Ukraine.
  • Freedom to Read Week 2022
    February 20, 2022: Freedom to Read Week is an annual event that encourages Canadians to think about and reaffirm their commitment to intellectual freedom, which is guaranteed them under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Freedom to Read Week is organized by the Book and Periodical Council.
  • Canadian Civil Liberties Association Statement on the Emergencies Act
    February 15, 2022: The federal government has not met the threshold necessary to invoke the Emergencies Act. This law creates a high and clear standard for good reason: the Act allows government to bypass ordinary democratic processes. This standard has not been met.
  • Frank Showler: 1919 - 2022
    February 15, 2022: Remembering Frank Showler and his lifetime of work for peace and justice.
  • PBI-Canada remembers peace activist Frank Showler
    February 16, 2022: Frank Showler passed away on February 10 at the age of 102.
  • Frank Showler: Rest in Power, Frank
    February 15, 2022: Despite the horrors and despair of the past century, there have always been those who have borne witness to and resisted them. Such a person was Frank Showler, who we lost last Thursday at the age of 102.
  • World Hippopotamus Day
    Feburyar 15, 2022: February 15 is World Hippopotamus Day. It is a day to honour the hippopotamus and support action to preserve hippos, which means preserving their habitat, protecting them from poaching, and minimizing conflicts between humans and hippos.
  • Birds Canada and partners launch major new fund to help conserve the Chimney Swift
    February 14, 2022: Birds Canada is delighted to announce the launch of the Chimney Swift Chimney Restoration Fund, a major new initiative to help conserve important habitat for the Chimney Swift, which is listed as Threatened under Canada’s Species at Risk Act.
  • World Bonobo Day
    February 14, 2022: February 14 is World Bonobo Day. Bonobos are close relatives of chimpanzees, and the choice of February 14, Valentine’s Day, to honour them is no coincidence. Bonobos are the world’s sexiest primates, who live according to the philosophy “make love, not war.”
  • The Crisis in Ukraine Is Not About Ukraine. It’s About Germany
    Feburary 11, 2022: The United States has been doing everything it can to stop the Nord Stream 2 pipeline from Russia to Germany. According to analyst Mike Whitney, Washington sees the pipeline as a threat to its primacy in Europe and has tried to sabotage the project at every turn.
  • IFJ Killed List Report 2021
    February 9, 2022: The International Federation of Journalists has today published the most comprehensive report on journalists and media staff killed in work-related incidents around the world during 2021.
  • India: The Kashmir Walla editor arrested under sedition law
    February 9, 2022: Fahad Shah, founder and editor of local news portal The Kashmir Walla, has been detained under India’s sedition and anti-terror laws for allegedly sharing ‘anti-national content’ on social media.
  • US Approach to Ukraine and Russia Has ‘Left the Domain of Rational Discourse’
    February 4, 2022: Naom Chomsky outlines the deadly dangers of U.S. intransigence over Ukrainian membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) even when key Western allies have already vetoed earlier U.S. efforts in that direction.
  • Canadian Jewish Group Welcomes New Amnesty Report on Israeli Apartheid, Urges Government to Act
    February 1, 2022: Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV) welcomes today’s launch of a major report by Amnesty International, which makes the case with meticulous detail that Israel is committing the internationally-recognized crime of apartheid. Amnesty International is the third major human rights organization since January 2021 to issue a report announcing it has come to this conclusion. It follows similar reports from US-based Human Rights Watch and the Israeli organization B’Tselem.
  • Israel's Apartheid Against Palestinians
    February 1, 2022: Amnesty is calling for Israel to end the international wrong, and crime, of apartheid, by dismantling measures of fragmentation, segregation, discrimination, and deprivation, currently in place against the Palestinian population.
  • On #HijabDay, we are #Free from Hijab
    February 1, 2022: Why should women’s bodies, rights and lives be restricted because religion, a husband or the regressive imam down the street demand it?
  • Joyce Nelson was my friend
    January 26, 2022: Laura Sky remembers her time spent with scholar, poet and author Joyce Nelson.
  • Julian Assange wins right to ask Supreme Court to consider his extradition case
    January 24, 2022: The International Federation of journalists and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in the UK and Ireland welcome the decision and demand Assange's release.
  • Hassan Diab’s Kafkaesque Saga Continues: France Sets April 2023 Trial Date
    January 24, 2022: In a decision that shocks the conscience, the French judiciary has set an April 2023 date for the trial of Ottawa professor Dr. Hassan Diab. This is a shocking and inexplicable reversal of the January 2018 decision clearing Dr. Diab of all accusations and freeing him unconditionally.
  • National call to Trudeau government to de-escalate conflict between Russia and NATO over Ukraine
    January 18, 2022: Canada must stop arming Ukraine, end Operation UNIFIER and Operation REASURRANCE, and withdraw all armed forces from Eastern Europe.
  • Joyce Nelson
    January 17, 2022: Joyce Nelson will be missed.
  • In memoriam: Joyce Nelson
    January 17, 2022: Joyce Nelson, the author of seven books and hundreds of articles, died last week.
  • Sudan: Authorities revoke Al Jazeera's licence
    January 17, 2022: The Sudanese authorities announced on 16 January the revocation of Al Jazeera’s licence on allegations of “unprofessional” TV coverage of anti-coup protests. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the decision and urges the Sudanese military to stop its crackdown against media freedom in the country.
  • EFF Asks Appeals Court to Rule DMCA Anti-Circumvention Provisions Violate First Amendment
    January 13, 2022: The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) asked a U.S. federal appeals court to block enforcement of onerous copyright rules that violate the First Amendment and criminalize certain speech about technology, preventing researchers, tech innovators, filmmakers, educators, and others from creating and sharing their work.
  • Kashmiri Journalist arrested for uploading protest video
    January 12, 2022: Sajad Gul, a trainee journalist affiliated with the Kashmir Walla, was arrested on January 5 and accused of disseminating false information via social media which promoted anti-government sentiment. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its India affiliate, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU), condemn the misuse of the law and urges for his immediate release.

  • 45 journalists and media staff killed in work-related incidents during 2021
    December 31, 2021: The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today published its annual list of journalists and media professionals which reports 45 killings during 2021 in 20 countries, a drop from 65 killings recorded last year in 2020. Since 1991, according to the IFJ figures, 2721 journalists have been killed around the world.
  • Leonard Peltier’s 2021 National Day of Mourning message
    November 21, 2021: Statement by world-renowned political prisoner Leonard Peltier to mark this year’s National Day of Mourning.
  • David Smiley
    November 17, 2021: avid Smiley passed away on November 8, 2021.
  • Following the Science?
    November 13, 2021: Connexions Other Voices newsletter asks what "following the science" actually means. Can science tell us what decisions and tradeoffs to make in a pandemic, or in relation to climate change?
  • Myanmar: Junta further constricts media with amendment to broadcasting law
    November 12, 2021: On November 1, Myanmar’s military junta introduced a series of amendments to broaden the remit of the nation's Broadcasting Law to potentially include social and digital media, increasing the severity of penalties for offenders. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses deep concern at the junta’s efforts to further stifle press freedom, both offline and online.
  • In Memory of Lee Maracle
    November 1, 2021: Remembering Lee Maracle, an indigenous warrior, a writer, a poet, an activist and a revolutionary.
  • Enjoy your Pumpkin as food!
    October 30, 2021: Pumpkins are food! You don't have to throw out your pumpkin after Hallowe’en. There are lots ot tasty pumpkin recipes; here are a few.
  • We demand real zero, not net zero!
    October 25, 2021: Net zero emissions and other false solutions allow polluters to continue polluting, says this statement adopted by the Oilwatch International Global Gathering in Nigeria in October.
  • Ecosocialism Not Extinction!
    October 24, 2021: Ecosocialist Alliance statement on the opening of UN climate talks in Glasgow.
    “As ecosocialists we say another world is possible, but a massive social and political transformation is needed, requiring the mobilization of the mass of working people across the globe. Only the end of capitalism’s relentless pursuit of private profit, endless waste, and rapacious drive for growth, can provide the solution not only to climate change, environmental degradation, and mass extinction, but to global poverty, hunger, and hyper exploitation. The big issues of climate change will be debated in Glasgow but whatever is agreed, capitalism can at best mitigate climate change, not stop it. Genuine climate solutions cannot be based on the very market system that created the problem.”
  • Reduction in service at Library Archives Canada
    October 20, 2021: As a public institution that has defined itself as central to the GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) sector, and promoted its capacity to add value to communities by “enriching the lives of millions of visitors of all ages, backgrounds and regions,” we are gravely concerned about the continuing limits to public access.
  • Light and Darkness
    October 13, 2021: Connexions Other Voices newsletter raises questions and tries to answer some of them, but always, it notes, there are more questions than answers.
  • 50th Anniversary of Canada’s Multiculturalism Policy
    October 8, 2021: Today marks the 50th Anniversary of Canada’s Multiculturalism Policy. On October 8, 1971, in a statement to the House of Commons, Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, accepting the recommendation of the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism, announced Multiculturalism as an official government policy.
  • World Day for Decent Work: Firing journalists kills the story
    October 7, 2021: The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) will mark World Day for Decent Work (WDDW) on 7 October by calling on governments and media to retain jobs and protect the right to quality information under the slogan "Firing journalists kills the story".
  • World’s press, book publishers and journalists condemn Pakistan plan for strict control over media
    October 6, 2021: The World Association of News Publishers (WAN-IFRA), the International Publishers Association (IPA), and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) call on Pakistani authorities to retract plans to establish the “Pakistan Media Development Authority” (PMDA) that risks placing strict state control over all media.
  • US lawyer who sued Chevron sentenced to 6 months in contempt case
    October 1, 2021: Disbarred American lawyer Steven Donziger, who spent more than two decades battling Chevron Corp over pollution in the Ecuadorian rainforest, has been sentenced to six months in prison on contempt charges.
  • Brussels Declaration: Public media and international organisations to call for journalist safety and media freedom
    October 1, 2021: Public service media companies and international organisations have signed the Brussels Declaration on September 30, 2021, a statement for journalist safety drafted on the initiative of CBC/Radio Canada, VRT and RTBF.
  • Gail Omvedt: US sociologist who ‘lived by her principles’ among India’s poor
    September 29, 2021: The respected academic, who has died aged 80, was a leading anti-caste campaigner and fought tirelessly for women’s rights.
  • Remembering Murray Dobbin: activist, intellectual, mentor, friend
    September 27, 2021: Neoliberal myth-buster. Far right exposer. Movement philosopher. Activist mentor. Murray Dobbin was all of these.
  • Through Pluripolarity to Socialism: A Manifesto
    September, 2021: Our Manifesto appears in this moment of danger from deep and wide discussions among activists of all continents representing many socialist traditions. Its historical and theoretical assessment of the present conjuncture seeks to advance class and national struggles for socialism.
  • Remembering Don Weitz
    September 3, 2021: Activist Don Weitz has died at the age of 90.
  • ACLU Advocate Reining in Government Use of Face Surveillance, Champion of Privacy Rights Research, and Data Security Trainer Protecting Black Communities Named Recipients of EFF’s Pioneer Award
    August 23, 2021: The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is honored to announce that Kade Crockford, Director of the Technology for Liberty Program at the ACLU of Massachusetts, Pam Dixon, executive director and founder of World Privacy Forum, and Matt Mitchell, founder of CryptoHarlem, are recipients of the 2021 Pioneer Award for their work uncovering and challenging government and corporate surveillance on communities.
  • Shekon Neechie statement on "Open letter to the Council of the Canadian Historical Association and the Canadian Public"
    August 13, 2021: The undersigned applaud the CHA for their “Canada Day Statement” and refute the arguments used by the signatories of the “Open Letter” in the 9 August 2021 issue of The Dorchester Review to denounce it.
  • Open Letter to the Council of the Canadian Historical Association and the Canadian public
    August 12, 2021: Historians express grave disappointment with the Canadian Historical Association’s “Canada Day Statement”.
  • Robert Moses: An Equal Rights Militant in a Land of Unfulfilled Promises
    August 4, 2021: Robert Parris Moses died last week. He was a champion of civil rights through voter registration in the American South in the 1960s and later through his Algebra Project.
  • Remembering Otelo Carvalho: from colonial war to revolution
    July 26, 2021: Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho, a key figure in the “Carnation Revolution” which transformed Portugal in the 1970s, died on Sunday.
  • IJV and Jewish Academics Denounce Gatekeeping at Federal Antisemitism Summit
    July 21, 2021: Independent Jewish Voices Canada along with a group of Jewish scholars from Canadian universities are expressing outrage at the exclusion of critical voices from the National Summit on Antisemitism being held by the federal Ministry of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth.
  • Auschwitz survivor and fighter against fascism Esther Bejarano has died
    July 13, 2021: Esther Bejarano tirelessly warned against radical right-wing forces gaining influence again. In recent years, she spoke out with a strong voice against the growing shift to the right and the development of war.
  • ‘The Products of Our Women’ Expo Launched in Gaza
    June 30, 2021: Under the banner “The Products of Our Women”, the Women Affairs Center launched its annual expo in Gaza City on Tuesday, with the aim of supporting women-led businesses throughout the Gaza Strip. The expo consisted of 65 different sections, each presenting a unique product created by Palestinian women.
  • Celebrating Canadian Multiculturalism Day
    June 27, 2021: Multiculturalism is a cornerstone of our values and a very fundamental part of our Canadian identity. Let us together celebrate Canadian Multiculturalism Day and be proud of our rich diversity and at the same time embrace our identity and heritage.
  • 10 reasons why climate activists should not support nuclear
    June 23, 2021: The world needs safe, non-exploitive technologies. Nuclear doesn’t qualify.
  • ‘Net zero’ emissions is a dangerous hoax
    June 10, 2021: Corporate ‘climate pledges’ mask inaction and support business as usual
  • Activists cover Israeli consulate steps with river of “blood”
    May 21, 2021: Today members of the Jewish community and allies delivered a clear message at the Israeli consulate in Toronto about bloodshed from Israel’s violence in Gaza and across historic Palestine.
  • CHA Statement on the proposed destruction of the National Archives of India
    May 20, 2021: In December 2020 the Government of India began what it called the Central Vista Redevelopment Project in New Delhi. This massive restructuring will see the demolition and relocation of the National Museum of India, the Indira Gandhi Centre for the Arts, and the National Archives Annexe.
  • IJV-Toronto Open Letter on False Antisemitism Allegations at Palestine Solidarity Rally
    May 19, 2021: While a video was used to claim that pro-Palestine protesters instigated violence against Jews, evidence has since emerged which demonstrates that the attack was initiated by the Jewish Defence League (JDL), a far-right pro-Israel group whose violence is well-documented and which is listed as a terrorist organization in the USA and outlawed in Israel.
  • The Canadian Jewish community does NOT support Israeli aggression
    May 18, 2021: Canada’s three political Jewish establishment groups would have us believe that Canadian Jews stand behind the recent Israeli aggression in Gaza and the West Bank. But the truth is quite different.
  • Israeli Jews Call: “Stop Israel’s Apartheid!”
    May 18, 2021: An Open Letter to the International Community – #IsraelisAgainstApartheid. We, Jewish Israelis, oppose the actions of the Israeli government and hereby declare our commitment to act against them. We refuse to accept the Jewish-supremacist regime and call upon the international community to immediately intervene in defense of the Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem, the Galilee, the Negev, al-Lydd, Yafa, Ramleh, Haifa and throughout historic Palestine.
  • Actions in support of the Palestinian people
    May 14, 2021: There will be actions in support of the Palestinian people this weekend in cities across Canada this weekend.
  • Actions in support of the Palestinian people
    May 14, 2021: There will be actions in support of the Palestinian people this weekend in cities across Canada this weekend.
  • 125 Years of Displacement: An ICAHD - IAI Statement on the Israeli Assault of Occupied Palestine
    May 11, 2021: ICAHD and IAI calls for the immediate end to all house demolitions, evictions and discriminatroy planning.
  • IJV Calls on Trudeau Government to Forcefully Condemn Anti-Palestinian Violence as Israel Marks “Jerusalem Day”
    May 10, 2021: Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV) is calling on the Trudeau government to forcefully denounce brutal Israeli violence against Palestinian protestors and Muslim worshippers as hundreds have been wounded today so far in and around the Old City of Jerusalem. The Al-Aqsa Mosque – the third holiest site in Islam – was again a site of attack today, both inside and outside the mosque, as Palestinians mark the final week of Ramadan.
  • VOW 2021 Mother’s Day Peace Awards
    May 4, 2021: Mother’s Day is a very special day but it was not always about lavish dinners and flowers; it was a call to action by Julia Ward Howe in 1870 to “Disarm! Disarm!” calling for a Mother’s Peace Day to eradicate war. It was later taken up by Anna Jarvis to have it recognized in the United States nationally in 1914. We at VOW wish to revitalize the idea of a Mother’s Peace Day and are awarding outstanding women in the areas of peace special recognition for their hard work.
  • If Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Case Is a ‘Non-Issue,’ Why Have Media Gone to Such Lengths to Silence Him?
    May 1, 2021: if Mumia Abu Jamal’s case is a non-issue that only celebrities care about, why the active silencing?
  • It’s Aggression When “They” Do It, but Defense When “We” Do Worse
    April 30, 2021: Aggression, in international politics, is commonly defined as the use of armed force against another sovereign state, not justified by self-defense or international authority. Any state being described as aggressive in foreign or international reporting, therefore, is almost by definition in the wrong. It’s a word that seems easy to apply to the United States, which launched 81 foreign interventions between 1946 and 2000 alone.
  • Independent Jewish Voices Commends Pivotal Human Right Watch Report on Israeli Crimes of Apartheid, Persecution
    April 27, 2021: Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV) commends a pivotal report published today by Human Rights Watch (HRW) entitled “A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution”. The 213-page report reveals detailed findings that Israeli authorities are committing the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution, and offers a powerful list of recommendations to the international community to stop such crimes.
  • Human Rights Watch: Abusive Israeli Policies Constitute Crimes of Apartheid, Persecution
    April 27, 2021: Crimes Against Humanity Should Trigger Action to End Repression of Palestinians.
  • Independent Jewish Voices Applauds NDP Convention Delegates for Passing the Palestine Resolution
    April 10, 2021: Independent Jewish Voices Canada applauds members of the New Democratic Party (NDP) who voted by an overwhelming majority at the party’s convention to support a resolution calling for an end to the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian land.
  • IJV Denounces Smears Against NDP MP Niki Ashton and Former UK Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn
    March 4, 2021: Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV) denounces the brazen attempt by the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) to smear NDP MP Niki Ashton in relation to an upcoming online event with former UK Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn. As an organization representing Canadian progressive Jews from coast to coast, we feel that it is important for Canadians to be able to hear directly from Corbyn and Ashton, who will be speaking on a range of important social justice issues that are close to the hearts of many in this country.
  • Statement of Solidarity with Farmers of India
    February 27, 2021: Statement from a large number of organizations supporting Indian farmers’ demands, including their call for repeal of pro-corporate farm laws.
  • India: Jammu & Kashmir journalists face criminal charges for reporting
    February 25, 2021: Jammu & Kashmir police opened criminal investigations against two journalists on January 30, while the Jammu & Kashmir administration filed another case against a third journalist on February 12. The International Federation of Journalists condemns the misuse of power and law against journalists in the region.
  • Unions unite in condemning Facebook bullying and call for bolder steps to tackle news deserts
    February 24, 2021: Journalists and media unions in Australia, the US, Canada and the UK have issued a joint call for governments to take “bolder steps” to protect jobs and save journalism.
  • Connexions Other Voices: Beyond the Walls
    The February 14, 2021 issue of Other Voices, the Connexions newsletter, looks to a world beyond lockdowns and beyond walls.
  • Internet Users Deserve More Choice Through Interoperability and Better Privacy. They Can Have Both, Electronic Frontier Foundation Says
    Februarty 12, 2021: Interoperability Is Not a Threat to User Privacy, Despite Big Tech Claims.
  • In Memory of Ernie Tate (1934-2021)
    February 12, 2021: The socialist movement lost an outstanding educator and organizer with the passing of Ernest (Ernie) Tate.
  • Activists block trucks at company transporting weapons to Saudi Arabia, demand Canada stop fuelling war in Yemen
    Members and allies of anti-war organizations World BEYOND War and Labour Against the Arms Trade are blocking trucks at Paddock Transport International, a Hamilton-area transportation company involved in shipping Canadian-made, light armoured vehicles to Saudi Arabia.
  • Women Leaving Islam and From Hijab To Freedom on World Hijab Day
    Women Leaving Islam, a new CEMB film, will premiere on 1 February, 2021 at 6pm UK time as a challenge to #WorldHijabDay and religious modesty rules.
  • Call for the Virtual World Assembly of Inhabitants
    International Alliance of Inhabitants virtual assembly January 30, 2021.
  • Jesse Vorst
    January 28, 2021: Remembering Jesse Vorst 1940 - 2020
  • US Media Require No Evidence for Claims of Electoral Fraud – in Venezuela
    January 27, 2021: Corporate outlets have summarily denounced Trump’s bogus claims of vote fraud, though for years they have faithfully echoed similarly spurious accusations made about elections held by official enemies. But media make no effort to account for years of hypocrisy and double standards.
  • The Pendulum of Internet Censorship Swings Leftward Again
    January 25, 2021: There has been a purge of left-wing accounts from social media, with socialist organizations being targeted on Facebook and multiple Antifa-associated accounts suspended from Twitter.
  • Rights groups react to Assange verdict
    January 12, 2021: Human rights and press freedom groups respond to British court ruling on Julian Assange
  • The remarkable life and progressive legacy of Ed Finn
    January 8, 2021: Ed Finn was a historian, an activist, an adviser, a colleague, a shop steward, a mentor, a pun-master, and a surrogate great-uncle to the children of his co-workers.
  • Ontario Regional Chief RoseAnne Archibald Calls on the Government of Ontario to Defer Award to Mike Harris
    January 5, 2021: Ontario Regional Chief RoseAnne Archibald Calls on the Government of Ontario to Defer Award to Mike Harris, Ontario’s Former Premier and Complete the Work Under the Ipperwash Inquiry.

  • Leo Panitch and the Socialist Project
    December 26, 2020: The death of Leo Panitch has made the world a darker place. His writings have carried us through some of the most difficult periods in the history of the socialist left, as wave after wave of the neoliberal onslaught broke workers’ organizations, serving up one defeat after the next. Leo’s work sustained so many of us during these years, pushing us on and pointing the way through the storm.
  • Radical Digressions: The people who are preparing for war, and the lies they tell
    December 22, 2020: The double standards, hypocrisy, and dishonesty of the media are absolutely breathtaking.
  • Leo Panitch (1945-2020) - “An irreparable loss”
    December 22, 2020: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, inviting, and generous to others. And he remained committed to the end to the cause of socialism and human emancipation.
  • Radical Digressions: Adding Up to Zero
    December 6, 2020: Canada’s biggest meat company is now proclaiming itself both “carbon neutral” and “carbon zero.”
  • Robert Fisk had True Independence of Mind, Which is Why He Angered Governments and Parts of the Media
    Robert Fisk, who died on 30 October, 2020, spent almost half a century reporting war and civil wars in the Middle East and elsewhere. He understood that people who are trying to kill each other will not hesitate to lie about each other, and about anybody, notably about journalists, whose information – particularly if it is true – they deem not to be in their interests.
  • Palestinians and Israelis call for a single democratic state
    November 15, 2020: The Palestinian-led One Democratic State Campaign (ODSC), comprised of Palestinians from every major community (’48, the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the refugee camps and the Diaspora/Exile), together with their critical Israeli Jewish partners, has issued a call for the establishment of a single democratic state including everyone living between the River and the Sea, including Palestinian refugees who choose to return to their homeland.
  • Radical Digressions: Remembrance Day: November 11
    Official remembrances are often about forgetting as much as they are about remembering, and this is no exception.
  • Robert Fisk – Death Of A “Controversial” Journalist
    Robert Fisk, the Independent’s Middle East correspondent, died on 30 October aged 74.
  • RIP Betty Dodson, Sex Revolutionary
    The great sex revolutionary and Godmother of Masturbation, Dr. Betty Dodson (1929-2020), one of my most beloved mentors, died on the Blue Moon of Halloween night.
  • The Great Barrington Declaration
    October 4, 2020: As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.
    Coming from both the left and right, and around the world, we have devoted our careers to protecting people. Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden. Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice.
    Keeping these measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed.
  • Radical Digressions: Heat Wave
    July 9, 2020: Heat waves are a story of the present, and increasingly the future, as our planet heats up. Like COVID-19 and much else, extreme heat disproportionately affects the poor and the elderly. They are the ones who often don’t have air conditioning, and often they live alone with no support networks.
  • Celebrating Canadian Multiculturalism Day
    On this Canadian Multiculturalism Day, we recognize and acknowledge Canada’s rich diversity and the significant contributions that ethnocultural communities have made and continue to make in shaping and enriching our great country, Canada.
  • EFF and Durie Tangri Join Forces to Defend Internet Archive’s Digital Library
    The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is joining forces with the law firm of Durie Tangri to defend the Internet Archive against a lawsuit that threatens their Controlled Digital Lending (CDL) program, which helps people all over the world check out digital copies of books owned by the Archive and its partner libraries.
  • French High Court Rules That Most of Hate Speech Bill Would Undermine Free Expression
    In a victory for the free speech rights of French citizens, France’ highest court today struck down core provisions of a bill meant to curb hate speech, holding they would unconstitutionally sweep up legal speech.
  • India: Journalist killed after exposing controversial sand-mining deals
    Reporter Shubham Mani Tripathi was fatally shot in the Uttar Pradesh’s Unnao district on June 19 in a suspected retaliatory attack for his journalism.
  • Radical Digressions: Longing for freedom, and grieving loss: Reflections on watching swifts on a summer evening
    June 25, 2020: Swifts are mysterious birds, enigmatic and paradoxical. In a sense, they are supremely urban birds, yet unlike other urban birds, swifts have nothing to do with us.
  • Miriam Garfinkle Social Justice Fund announces first round of grants
    June 20, 2020: The Miriam Garfinkle Social Justice Fund is pleased to announce its first three grants. The recipients are: Labour4Palestine, Growing Palestine, Ghassan Kanafani Scholarship.
  • India: Law enforcement targets journalists during the pandemic
    Since the Indian government imposed Covid-19 restrictions on March 25, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has recorded 17 legal cases brought against journalists in India.
  • Connexions Other Voices: Thinking Clearly in a Time of Crisis
    The May 14, 2020 issue of Other Voices, the Connexions newsletter, challenges us to think clearly and ask critical questions about the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and what it is teaching us.
  • As Laval Detention Centre Empties, CBSA Pushes Tracking Bracelets on Migrants
    After two months of resistance by detainees and their supporters, the Laval Immigration Holding Centre now stands almost empty. Only 2 men and 1 woman remain inside, watched over by dozens of guards. While the struggle continues to empty this prison entirely, and to ensure it never reopens, we now confront other ways the state controls migrants and is even pushing forward new forms of surveillance under cover of the pandemic.
  • New Agri-Food Immigration Pilot Program not a solution, gives control to bad employers, excludes most workers
    Migrant food and farm worker groups from Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, and Quebec are jointly raising the alarm about the Agri-Food Immigration Pilot Program to be launched by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
  • M is for Miriam
    Alphabet Publishing announces the publication of children’s alphabet book about Canadian physician and activist Miriam Garfinkle.
  • A project to preserve and share the histories of Toronto grassroots community groups
    The Connexions Archive is pleased to announce the completion of a year-long project to digitize and share the documentary history of Toronto grassroots community groups. The project was funded by Library and Archives Canada’s Documentary Heritage Communities Program.
  • Canada Emergency Response Benefit Must Support Migrant & Informal Workers
    Migrant and worker rights organizations call on the Cabinet to ensure that comprehensive income supports are immediately accessible to everyone regardless of immigration or previous work status.
  • Migrants on Hunger Strike at the Laval Immigration Detention Centre: Act Now in Solidarity
    Migrants detained at the Laval Immigration Detention Centre have launched an indefinite hunger strike to demand their release in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • To the cliff’s edge and back
    Fair Vote Canada is greatly relieved that the government appears to be backing down on its unseemly power grab in response to the COVID-19 crisis.
  • News conference: Impacts of COVID-19
    OCAP and SHJN are calling a news conference on measures necessary to mitigate deadly impacts of COVID-19 on homeless people, those on social assistance, and on those whose lives are being saved by the overdose prevention sites.
  • Connexions Other Voices: Morality in an Amoral World
    The March 19, 2020 issue of Other Voices, the Connexions newsletter, looks at morality in the context of the coronavirus crisis.
  • Toronto laneway to be called Miriam Garfinkle Lane
    The City of Toronto has approved the name “Miriam Garfinkle Lane” to identify a public lane south of Barton Avenue. The name recognizes Dr. Miriam Garfinkle (1954-2018), a physician and community activist.

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