How to promote your expertise with news releases, articles, and FAQs
February 17, 2010
In business or in the non-profit sector, promoting yourself is always a priority.
As a business, you want prospective customers to know about your services and products. As a non-profit, you are concerned with publicizing your views on important issues, and with attracting members and funders.
Publishing articles and news releases that spotlight your expertise is one of the very best ways to build your credibility and attract positive attention. As a SOURCES member, you have FREE access to an extremely effective tool for doing exactly that.
SOURCES enables members to publish unlimited articles and news releases on SOURCES.COM FREE.
What you publish need not be a 'hard news item. Any article or information sheet on a topic of current interest can be valuable, including fact sheets, FAQs, backgrounders, or viewpoints on topical issues.
You can increase the likelihood of your release being picked up if you use your headline or lead sentence to tie it in to a current hook. For example: Now that kids are back in school, its a good time to remember that ... or With a fall election looking likely, voters across the country will be discussing ...
The main point is to put yourself your organization/business out there as a credible and quotable source of expertise on your chosen topic. By publishing articles and releases, you provide information and perspective that other people will find helpful, and by doing so you demonstrate your knowledge and expertise as a go-to person in your field.
The articles or fact sheets that you publish on Sources.com need not be original articles. Its perfectly valid to publish material that also appears on your own website. The goal is to raise your profile. An article published on Sources.com reaches a potentially huge audience (Sources.com records more than 700,000 page views a month) including thousands of journalists, editors, and media professionals. And since your SOURCES profile, news releases, articles, and events all link back to your own website, you automatically increase your own sites visibility every time you publish something on Sources.com.
To post your releases and articles:
Go to: https://gateway.sources.com, enter your username and password, and follow the on-screen instructions.
Your submission will apear online as soon as it has been reviewed and approved by a staff member.
SOURCES also gives you many other ways to raise your profile and get your messages out, including:
The Sources Calendar publicize your events (same username and password).
The Sources Bookshelf promote your books and DVDs
The Sources Newsstand promote your periodicals
Video and Audio include video and audio links in your Sources profile
Speakers Page promote yourself as a speaker
SOURCES has been helping organizations, companies, institutions, and individuals get media attention by providing journalists with great sources and story ideas for TV, radio, print and online for more than 30 years.
If you would like more information on the benefits of your SOURCES membership, please contact Shawn Belzner at 416-964-5735.
For more information contact:
Shawn Belzner
Production Co-ordinator
Phone: 416-964-5735
Website: www.sources.com
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